Archived Lore Signatures And Name Holdings

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Former Leader of Tyberia
Dec 3, 2015
Reaction score
Tyberian Empire
So I mentioned this briefly on another post, but what if premiums, like doing /lore could do something like /signature and sign the item they're holding with either their IGN or their /nick name? This would allow for people to make official items. For instance, if Sevak did this on Hate (or whatever weapon he is currently using now) it would be branded as his, so it would be clearly differentiated from any other weapon named Hate. No one would be able to change the signature, remove it, or add a signature with someone else's IGN. This would allow for a lot of cool things, like being able to use things like Staff Kissing tickets but for players without having a staff-method of making them official.

Now, onto my next idea which mostly exists to solve a problem with the last one. What if you could have multiple IC character names reserved? This would allow people to switch between characters without giving people the ability to impersonate them in signatures and what not. For fairness reasons, maybe you could have all but the nick you are currently using wiped after a month after going inactive (or more for prems). If it was not against EULA (Frankly I'm not good at law so I have no clue although I'm pretty sure, unfortunately, it is) maybe premiums could have more than nonprems, or you could explicitly purchase more slots permanently?

Feel free to discuss, elaborate, or tear apart this idea in the comments below! I will be happy to hear your input!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I do like the name thing with the item signature stuff. Would that be for non prems or just prems, I assume prem. But I have to say I dislike the idea of having names/nicks that you could keep and buy slots for names. Sounds kind of like a pointless feature.
I do like the name thing with the item signature stuff. Would that be for non prems or just prems, I assume prem. But I have to say I dislike the idea of having names/nicks that you could keep and buy slots for names. Sounds kind of like a pointless feature.
The signature would be for premiums only. And it's not pointless if you want to have multiple characters, which many roleplayers do. Since you can't use a nick someone else has, if someone else takes your character's name that would really suck, also it would prevent fraud in signatures, if that is implemented (it was intended to play in to the other suggestion mainly)
That's why I always come up with reaaal unique names.
Marking this as Pending Review.

Please do elaborate more on the idea and clarify on why this addition could be useful to the server.
It would be useful to the server as it would make items that are not staff lore meaningful to players.
This is something that can apply to Roleplayers, PVPers and everyone in between.
That item, marked with their name, is /their/ item. No one can change it.
That gives a sense of depth toward earning things, and making things.
Encouraging a sense of meaning into doing things is valuable to the server, I believe.

As for elaboration, I'm not quite sure what you mean. The idea is already a complete one I think, although I could reword it if there is a part that is misunderstood @Omnomivore
I love the lore signatures thing. But the name holdings? Kinda obsolete. In all my two years on Massive, I've only seen maybe three cases of a name being stolen. And only one of those times was intentional, the others were just really basic, cliche names that anyone could think of.
The /signature, could be interesting. I suppose one should nto be allowed to edit player name or lore on /signatured things.
Multiple nicknames for donators are allowed according to Mojang. So that can be discussed as a possible premium feature.
Do we really need that? >_>
We don't need it, but why not. It's nice to have and will make roleplayers feel secure in changing their names.

Chat Nickname Reservation: Reserve up to 10 nicknames. You can claim nicknames even without using them.
Item Autographs: Write your autograph on an item using /autograph.

In premium upcoming features <3
Wait... So, does this mean we can only have a certain number of characters? Forgive me for not understanding, but this means there will be a cap on the amount of nicknames offered to a player?
Why don't we just have nicknames available for all? Like I mean why does the system not allow players to have the same nick?
No I think it just means you get to choose ten to reserve. And so that you can have your character belong to you Serpent
Also if autograph is introduced with the nickname ability, it'll prevent counterfeits.
I'd imagine the reserve function would work like /nick add [name] or add the one you are currently using
The plan is to allow nickname reservation. I might have 3 characters A, B, and C. Then while I am using A, nobody can use the names B and C because they are mine and I reserved them. I hadn't looked properly at our todo list. It seems both of these will be implemented.
I do believe the number should be lower than 10 or have an expiration date though to prevent all names from being taken. Maybe a few months into inactivity?
I have added this to the suggestion pile:

We currently have /lore where you can input lore of your chosing. How about we make a /signature feature that will sign your name at the bottom just like lore with a fancy color.
So I mentioned this briefly on another post, but what if premiums, like doing /lore could do something like /signature and sign the item they're holding with either their IGN or their /nick name? This would allow for people to make official items. For instance, if Sevak did this on Hate (or whatever weapon he is currently using now) it would be branded as his, so it would be clearly differentiated from any other weapon named Hate. No one would be able to change the signature, remove it, or add a signature with someone else's IGN. This would allow for a lot of cool things, like being able to use things like Staff Kissing tickets but for players without having a staff-method of making them official.
But.... I made a thread about this first.... >_>
Premium Lore Command Change - Thread
Literally made this a year ago.. and got like +0 support from staff O.O
Y U NO LIKE ME @Staff (Lolz)
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Im sorry poky i didnt go back to see threads from a year ago and clearly we was not good enough about reading the feature and idea suggestions at that point