Archived Lore Q&a

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Dec 4, 2014
Reaction score
So... I've been noticing that staff don''t want when other players comment or answering Lore Q&A questions...

Just wondering why it isn't locked so that others except for the poster & staff like other threads?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
So... I've been noticing that staff don''t want when other players comment or answering Lore Q&A questions...

Just wondering why it isn't locked so that others except for the poster & staff like other threads?
Perhaps to let the poster (or anyone else) edit/add on to their question. I think locking it would also exclude the original poster from posting and only allow staff to reply, not absolutely sure though.
I could see that being a problem but what about using somewhat of the same system as the social threads?
I don't see how this is a suggestion.
We have it not locked because sometimes we need to correct Statements or players need to re-expand on their questions.
Isnt it also for asking related questions or am I mistaken?
Isnt it also for asking related questions or am I mistaken?
partially, but we often refuse to answer such questions. We as staff receive work points for answering threads, but we don't receive points for answering new questions on the same thread, thus ask players to make new threads.
partially, but we often refuse to answer such questions. We as staff receive work points for answering threads, but we don't receive points for answering new questions on the same thread, thus ask players to make new threads.
I get it but... Would it be easier if there was a collected place for like... for example a thread with in the Lore Q&A Section that is for Yanar related questions and one for other races ect...ect... I know it would probably be extensive but to me it seems like an easier thing to deal with than having one big thread/forum for all Lore Q&A questions...