Amontaar Lore Overview

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Bottomless Pit Supervisor
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May 9, 2018
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This is an improved version of the Amontaar Overview Document that more continuously discusses the lore that plays an important role in Amontaar. It is divided into sub-headers that discuss each topic separately for ease of reading.

What is Amontaar?
Amontaar is a city-state on the continent of Daen, which is divided between Regalian control and that of the Allorn Empire, a recently returned hostile Elven nation. Amontaar's neutrality and status as a major shipping port has allowed it to become lucratively wealthy over the past three hundred years, since the Allorn Empire of old fell. Additionally, having been ruled by a single dynasty for thousands upon thousands of years, it has strong Elven legitimacy that rivals the Allorn throne itself. It is the residency of the Estelley Goddess Sapphora, the Elven Love God, who lives in a massive tower overseeing the docks and is flocked to by pilgrims hoping that some of her charisma and social sense will rub off on them.

Why are we there?
Amontaar's status as a neutral zone between the Allorn and Regalian Empires that has served it so well as a place of trade has also made it vulnerable to attack. Since neither Empire claims it, neither Empire can intervene in it without giving the other an excuse to declare war from an advantageous position. As a result, a famous company of Daendroque mercenaries under a Furyborn Captain named Augustin Roca, nicknamed the King of Hel, has invaded with intention to force a regime change and put the money and land in Roca's pockets instead. While Augustin was able to breach through the wall and make a base on the inside, he needs more friends and influence amongst the locals if he is to conquer the city in full, living as an outlaw until the time comes for his advance to continue.

Why can't the ruler just kick out Augustin?
The Sol (Elven ruler) of Amontaar has been fighting an uphill battle to preserve his influence in his City for some years now. Since the reunification of the Allorn Empire under its reborn Empress, most smaller Elven states have clamored to voluntarily rejoin for a piece of the glory, hoping their devotion will lead to rewards. The Sol himself is rather pro-Regalian, and dead-set on trying to modernize his country and drag it out of the Allorn Era, but his intentions have pit his own nobility - who are pro-Allorn - against him. With an unstable succession and an unready young granddaughter next in line for the throne of Amontaar, the Sol is playing a careful game trying to undo his own vassals before they undo him. Even if this were not the case, rooting out a guerilla insurgency in an urban area is quite difficult, and would take him a lot of time and money.

Is it just the Sol and Augustin involved? Who are the groups?
The Sol and Augustin both lead groups of varying composition, and varying loyalty. They have had to strike deals and make hires to counterbalance one another's power.

Roca enjoys the support of:
  • The actual, proper members of his own Roca Company, who are diehard loyal to his cause. Many of these men grew up on the same streets of impoverished Daenshore as he did.
  • The Tiger's Paw, an internationally famous company of Suvial Demonbinders who are implicitly loyal to the Suvial Princedoms, and only take missions supporting their interests.
  • Mesu Akhet, an Asha piracy organization that can only be described as 'Land Corsairs.' Illegal and hunted across almost all Elven states, they have thrown in with Augustin for obvious reasons.
The Sol enjoys the support of:
  • Allorn Exiles, among whom is Sinelor, captain of his Guard. Many Elves were exiled when the Allorn Empire reformed due to disagreeance with its policies, and form a cadre of advisors around the Sol.
  • Asha Revolutionaries, often supported by Elves, as well, with whose help they were able to escape Allorn dominion and wind up with the Sol. Discrimination is still alive in Amontaar, but it is implicit that if he could get rid of his powerful Nobles and their influence, he would get rid of it.
  • Ularen Horselords, Maquixtl from the Ularen Steppe historically supported by the Sol's family, the House of Samhaal. When the reborn Empress ascended the throne she imprisoned many of them, but he bought them out at no small expense to himself, and shelters them within his walls.
How can the players change things?
By choosing to support the Sol, Augustin, a combination of them depending on the situation, some of their subordinates over other subordinates, everyone or no one at all, players can influence who ultimately wins and comes to rule Amontaar, and what condition they leave it in. Early events will do their best to introduce all sides and ways to back them, and from there the races will be on.

We aren't in Regalia. What does the money here look like?
  • The Regalian Regal is still desired tender by any Regalian merchants, or pro-Regalian merchants who think that everything else could be destabilized by some kind of imperial collapse. Non-Regalians who buy them sometimes melt them down into bullion and re-use it for bartering purposes.
  • The Allorn Taler is desired tender by any Allorn nationals or pro-Allorn Amontaari who do not believe that they will be able to turn the Regal into real goods. Since the Taler is a silver coin, it is less desirable to melt down than the Regal. Most trade between the Nobility for wholesale occurs in Allorn Talers.
  • Vaïel Promises are an Allorn currency exchange method, where to purchase a good, service, or hard currency, a promissory note is written offering them a number of hours of labor in exchange. Either the labor of the one signing the note, or a member of their household, is considered acceptable.
  • Other currencies like the Suvial rupaya, Isldar diraam, or Dread voidstones are almost never accepted except by niche merchants or criminals who want to make an under the table deal in hard to track foreign coins.
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