Lore Items For Sale!!!!

Xolvemir Dyrnos

May 29, 2014
Reaction score
I've got plenty of rare lore items from all over for sale. They are before and after the infamous reset of 2018. Please find me on discord @Megamon#9786, start a private conversation on the forums or /mail me ingame (usesrname Megamon). Items are the only one in stock unless listed otherwise. To see these items in their physical form, I have them all in a chest in shopsquare9 in /tp market, and follow the orange carpet. Here they are:

Holey Hoe (green Essalonia spawn vendor post reset)

Secondhand Hoe (green, Essalonia spawn vendor post reset)

War Trophy (dark blue, Chrysant War Annniversary)

Deathling Dust (dark blue, Freya Lo coronation prereset)

Cheap Stuffed Teddy Bear (green, Sweetheart Festival 2019) SOLD

Tackle Box Pro (green, fishing event post reset)

Soothing Aloe (green, pre reset)

Quality Plague Mask (light blue, Ithania plague doctor quest pre reset) SOLD

Nightshadow Berry (green, participation prize for the 1st Massive Hunger Games event postreset)

Cult's Coals (green, prize from Cultist Pve event 2019)

Holiday Ornament (yellow, participation prize from Secret Santa event 2018) 2 in stock

FireFan96's Battleaxe (green, voting item from pre reset, signed, staff name)

Spectre Helmet (green, prize that could be obtained after a round of KOTH using the KOTH token key, pre reset)

Snow Shoveler (green, prize from 2019 Flurry Pve event)

Feather of Levitation (green, prize from Keep Moving event post and prereset)

Banana (golden hoe, green, pre reset) SOLD

Straggler's Filament (lead, green, prize from post reset Cultist Pve event 2019)

Creepy Cadaver Head (participation prize from Haunted House Zombie Pve event 2018, first pve event of postreset massive)

Blossoming Romance (rosebush, green, prize from 2019 Heartbreaker Pve event)

Tongue Charm (Uncooked Mutton, Dark blue, Chrysant War Anniversary pre reset)

Revolutionaries Cap (Red Dyed Leather Cap, yellow, Essalonia Revolution pve event 2019 prize)

Mysterious Valentine (dark blue, Sweetheart Festival 2019) 2 in stock
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