Archived Lore Compliancy Issue, A Suggestion And Discussion.

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Mar 11, 2013
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By Aloria! What is this madness? clearly something must be wrong, right?

Correct! I'm here to discuss, suggest, and ask your opinions on the role-play threatening issue that is "Ender pearls".
As we all know, Ender pearls are the very miscellaneous item that can make a realistically indestructible wall that Robin Hood himself couldn't break into, into a perfectly raid-able area, ripe for a bandit's pickings. I think we can all agree that Ender pearls are the prime use of all PVP'ers, and there is not one person (in their right mind) that would go into a raid without at least 1. Am I right? I know I've used them.

Though, think on it... Where in the Lore does it state where Ender pearls officially came from. We know where they come from in "Minecraft" but where is their place in "Aloria"? Do they even belong there? Is it's a mage's ability to craft such sorcery, or are we to simply to accept that it falls from a "mob" and that the most essential piece in PVP is as easy to obtain as finding a darkroom and pulling your handy weapon out?
I, for one, think on this a lot...
This is a Role-play server, am I right? Then shouldn't items like this make a little more sense, or at least shouldn't there be some form of page where we can read about these items? (where they were discovered, how they came to be, etc) - I guess this can be the same issue with portals and other things.

But I'm not here to banter, or blame the lack of information of highly prioritized items, but instead, offer a quick suggestion that I think would make it more "role-play friendly". However, I would like to note that this idea, hasn't been analysed much at all, and it was a quick thought, so I'm open to other people analyzing it.
Now, please, for the climax?! -Drum roll?-

Grappling hooks! - Oh blimey, I'm sorry. Not as exciting as DrFong's Abusement park, I know... but still a interesting idea, I would think!

So the idea would be that the texture, and animation of Ender pearls would be changed to become more realistic, as well as their overall ability, being nerfed.
So yes, we would rid Aloria of this completely un-lore friendly item (or at least it's ability to semi-teleport, as to keep it for Ender chests and such), and bring forth a new item of "grappling hooks". Obviously this item would have string (or maybe rope/leads) and iron combined into a combo.
The item would have a new "grappling" hook texture, and a animation which allows (with accuracy) hook onto a wall or the top of a block, and pull you up onto it.
I'm unaware whether we would have it able to reach the height of a ender-pearl, or make it more realistic, but either way it's a nice little addition. It would also prevent people from skipping over to catch someone running away, with the click with of a button (which is quite stupid, in my opinion). It still makes it so you have a prioritized essential item for raiding, but something a little more friendly to role-play.

From this we can see that my intent is to have Ender pearls banned from use for their main purpose, and have a new item implemented that allows for "lore-friendly" raids, with still the same thrill as ever.

Suggest, comment, discuss, and rate! Let me know what you think - Over and out.

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Enderperals are void shards last I checked. They come from the left over footsoilders of the void, those being endermen. So it's lore friendly for the most part. Though I do think graphling hooks would be cool.
Enderperals are void shards last I checked. They come from the left over footsoilders of the void, those being endermen. So it's lore friendly for the most part. Though I do think graphling hooks would be cool.

Okay cool, thanks for the clarity - is that information accessible to read? or is that mainly "learned by word of mouth"?
Enderperals are void shards last I checked. They come from the left over footsoilders of the void, those being endermen. So it's lore friendly for the most part. Though I do think graphling hooks would be cool.

No, nether stars are used to represent void shards. Enderpearls... I don't even know. I just know they're seen as demonic magic and outlawed.
Enderperals are void shards last I checked. They come from the left over footsoilders of the void, those being endermen. So it's lore friendly for the most part. Though I do think graphling hooks would be cool.

No those are Nether Stars.

Enderpearls are contraband in Regalia, and are explained as what gives Endermen the ability to teleport. Killing the demon may have the item it's using be drooped from it's corpse.
Okay cool, thanks for the clarity - is that information accessible to read? or is that mainly "learned by word of mouth"?

I learned it from word of mouth. I know Ryciera is fleshing out demon lore along with some others so maybe it'll be written down then? I sure hope so. A lot of the lore is far to vague for my liking :/
No, nether stars are used to represent void shards. Enderpearls... I don't even know. I just know they're seen as demonic magic and outlawed.

Ah, I heard they were void shards. Well maybe something along the lines of a small void remnant that has enough magic for one use? Like a heart of a endermen? Maybe a weapon? Who knows, I do hope they add it into lore though ^^
Actually, Ryci's got the vampire lore. I've got the demon lore :P

Ah, Ryci was working on Void demon worship when I last talked to her so I just assumed. Sorry for the misled information~ Good think you guys were here to correct me quickly xD *hates looking like an idiot and spouting false information*
Enderpearls are a byproduct of demon magics and are evil and corrupting by nature, leading to demon possession... probably.
Enderpearls are a byproduct of demon magics and are evil and corrupting by nature, leading to demon possession... probably.

No wonder every raider is insane. (JK JK)

"Evil and corrupting? Somehow I don't think I will have to worry about that...".
I like this idea Mattium_
Indeed, pearls are not the most realistic object in Massive. In the comments above the 'rp-reason' can't really convince me, why they should exist at all.
The distance for a pearl, 50, is too much in my opinion. Also that's the reason people create the most ugly creatures, like hanging platforms or walls from over 50 high. Stuff like that.
If you had Mattiums 'Grappling Hook' it would be more realistic. Do it like max 30 high and it's for everyone more fun.
I likt it, but now everybody can make a grapling hook. Enderpearls where kinda valuable. If you now can make the grapling hooks with three ingots, one stick and string, it is a tool for everybody to make, and raiding will be over the top.

I do like this idea, but I think the design should change. Like where the string is an ender pearl, and on both sides of that string. I dont know if that would be possible, but seems logic to me. Last but not least I think they need to have a durability that lasts for 2/3 jumps. Otherwise people will use them all the time.
I likt it, but now everybody can make a grapling hook. Enderpearls where kinda valuable. If you now can make the grapling hooks with three ingots, one stick and string, it is a tool for everybody to make, and raiding will be over the top.

I do like this idea, but I think the design should change. Like where the string is an ender pearl, and on both sides of that string. I dont know if that would be possible, but seems logic to me. Last but not least I think they need to have a durability that lasts for 2/3 jumps. Otherwise people will use them all the time.

That's not very logical at all. The whole system would be nerfed so the grappling ability would be limited to around 30 blocks high, rather then 50 as Ender pearls can get to.
That Combo was only a example, and I would prefer it so that you need to use a rope, and maybe this is a option only for premiums to make.
Maybe just retexture enderpearls as grappling hooks like in voting items like Produce Crates. Then they'd be rare and useable in-RP as well as keeping enderpearls for PvP AND giving you an RP way to use them.
Just saying.
That's not very logical at all. The whole system would be nerfed so the grappling ability would be limited to around 30 blocks high, rather then 50 as Ender pearls can get to.
That Combo was only a example, and I would prefer it so that you need to use a rope, and maybe this is a option only for premiums to make.

Ender pearls can only reach up to 30? Right? Please correct me if I am wrong.
I looked it up. 30 M if you throw it right up in the air and 50 M if you throw in front of you. Mattium_
Maybe just retexture enderpearls as grappling hooks like in voting items like Produce Crates. Then they'd be rare and useable in-RP as well as keeping enderpearls for PvP AND giving you an RP way to use them.
Just saying.

That's completely pointless, Silver? What's the point of bringing in Grappling hooks (when the intent for to replace ender pearls) and keep ender pearls.
I'm not looking for a compromise, I'm looking for a realistic method to raid a castle, without clicking a button and having a little round thing fly over a wall.
That's completely pointless, Silver? What's the point of bringing in Grappling hooks (when the intent for to replace ender pearls) and keep ender pearls.
I'm not looking for a compromise, I'm looking for a realistic method to raid a castle, without clicking a button and having a little round thing fly over a wall.

Not pointless...
  • Makes a lore-compliant way to use enderpearls.
  • Makes them rare so everyone isn't climbing over everything to try to break into everywhere.
  • Makes it more realistic as it's an actual grappling hook.
  • Easiest way without adding mods, making the server inaccessible unless everyone installs the mod.
  • Doesn't waste time with people having to actually climb the wall. I mean, sure, realism is good, but does that mean we have to sacrifice practicality...?
Not sure where I stand on this, but I know that a while ago I simply renamed enderpearls to grappling hooks and just explained it to people. -Shrugs- There's probably a better way of doing it, true, but the implementation of such an easy thing to create will just oversaturate the market and make enderpearls a little redundant unless you want to go a certain height. Plus as you said "a grappling hook doesn't rely on magic, but technique". The only problem I see with this, is due to minecraft mechanics, there's no way for it to fail. So characters who feasibly wouldn't be able to use them could just, well, use them.

I think the problem here is not that enderpearls aren't lore compliant - they are, just as magical objects - but that 'good' characters wouldn't really be able to use them. But what circumstances would you need them? If you need them in PvP, generally belief can be suspended for a little while [hence my elven mage lady running into battle with full diamond and an axe]. If you need them for roleplay, I think the simplest method would just to say to the person you're roleplaying with that it is a grappling hook. I for one had to use a puppet with said strings mage, and just described it as being there, and that seemed fine enough.

So basically what I'm saying is:

The Grappling hook won't go further, and we can nerfed it down if need be. Making it need a Ender pearl in the combo is very unrealistic, because a grappling hook doesn't rely on magic, but technique.

Using an enderpearl in the recipe isn't pointless. It is just that people dont make stacks and stacks of the grappling hooks.
I likt it, but now everybody can make a grapling hook. Enderpearls where kinda valuable. If you now can make the grapling hooks with three ingots, one stick and string, it is a tool for everybody to make, and raiding will be over the top.

I do like this idea, but I think the design should change. Like where the string is an ender pearl, and on both sides of that string. I dont know if that would be possible, but seems logic to me. Last but not least I think they need to have a durability that lasts for 2/3 jumps. Otherwise people will use them all the time.

No one has mentioned so far any possibility of grappling hooks not having a damage-upon-use aspect to them. I think that is a key thing.

just quick thought about this:
what about that you would need to craft ropes to? the more ropes in your inventory the higher you would be able to go, whit that i amgine that the grapling hook would leave a rope behind that act as a ladder so you would still need to climb it manually.
just quick thought about this:
what about that you would need to craft ropes to? the more ropes in your inventory the higher you would be able to go, whit that i amgine that the grapling hook would leave a rope behind that act as a ladder so you would still need to climb it manually.
Minus the small Necro, this is a lovely idea. But I think it should rely JUST on that stack that you've used, so people don't endlessly throw it around. Even 64 is too many, so maybe you can only stack these ropes to 10?