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Lord Chancellor Delmotte: Third Edict


Hiding In The Lockers
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
The Marty Party

By Official Decree of Lord Chancellor Delmotte
14 - 01 - 308
Article I - Civil Status Changes
Article II - The State & Violet Order


Article I - Civil Status Changes,
After thoroughly reviewing State law, and guided with the advice of a trusted counsel, the Lord Chancellor has arrived at the decision to make amendments to the Regalian Civil Status.
1. Varran have been lowered from First Civil Status to Protected Civil Status.
2. Avanthar have been lowered from First Civil Status to Protected Civil Status.
3. Sihndar have been lowered from First Civil Status to Protected Civil Status.

Regalian Civil Status now reads as the following:
First Civil Status: Ailor, Sihai, Dwarves, Qadir, Url, Allar, Orcs, Altalar, Cielothar, Songaskians.
Protected Civil Status: Varran, Avanthar, Sihndar, Isldar, Manathar, Yanar.
None Civil Status: Slizzar, Maraya.
Outsider Civil Status: Kathar.

Other Notes:
1. Half Races with two First Civil Status parents become First Civil Status, Half Races with one First Civil Status parent become Protected Civil Status. Half Races with no First Civil Status Parents become None Civil Status.
2. Isldar in the Violet Order are granted First Civil Status for as long as they are in service.
3. For her exemplary service to the State, Gwenyth Zylmoira is raised to First Civil Status regardless of whether or not she is in service to the Violet Order.

Article II - The State & Violet Order,
Under the tenure of Lord Chancellor Delmotte, it has been decided that the unity of government apparatuses shall be strengthened. It is because of this that the Lord Chancellor Delmotte has chosen to permit the sitting Lord Commander William Howlester the authority to elect a representative from the Violet Order to sit in and speak at secretary meetings. This act will ensure that both the Violet Order and the state law which they enforce is equipped to the best ability to serve the citizens of Regalia.

Signed by,
His Eminence
18th Lord Chancellor of the Regalian Empire
Duke of Basta-Irvelle
Louis Delmotte
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Joasaie read the new edict next to Kara in Greygate, holding it to her with a confused expression as she spoke.

"Did you forget us? I think he forgot us. That was nice of him."

Reading the edict, the elven man couldn't help but let out a laugh seeing all the poor races be demoted to protected status "Ahh, this is starting to sound like the Regalia I've learned to hate.."
Abelhard allowed a grunt to escape his lips as he sipped his morning coffee and read the morning paper. He'd wad the parchment up and toss it into the bin as he grumbled to himself, self consciously rubbing at his snipped ears "Fuck me sideways, pah. Couldn't have picked a more deserving race to demote? Never liked them damn Altalar, anyway." And with that, he started his day on a particularly sour note.
The Archbishop would agree with Aleck if he was near him, but alas he was preparing for the next movements of the Orthodoxy.

Tiray scowled slightly, particularly displeased with the detail on her race. She snatched one of the edicts pinned around the city, and stormed away from the board cursing beneath her breath. She later brought it home; to which she joined her fellow Isldar and partner, curling up beside him on the couch.
"This still isn't fixed," She grumbled, shaking her head aggressively.
"It's been months, and the shit Siora left behind still hasn't been fixed. Jared and Gwenyth— privileged bastards, probably don't even care, 'cause in the end, they get to be first civil status for existing.. Maybe- maybe you were right about them.. I almost can't wait for Her to return, that'll wipe the smug smiles off their damn faces."
"Whot the fock did we do this toime?!" Grumbled a certain Sihndar, "And they keep the focking /Altalar/ above us? This is bullshit.."
that'll wipe the smug smiles off their damn faces."

He handed Gwenyth the announcement from atop the Glass Spire, wearing a slightly sad smile. "I'm not lying, that's what it really says." After a few moments of stunned silence, the Kade said. "It took a while you know, but I don't feel we're so alone anymore. I think this is the beginning of something better for the Isldar, all of them. Especially the Frisit worshippers. A chance to bury old axes and rise up together."

A few more moments of silence, before the Kade admitted. "Unless they intend to keep making asses of themselves for ego's sake, but I believe in them...well..."

More silence followed atop the Glass Spire.
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With the wind soaring around them, figures still atop the Glass Spire's dock, Gwenyth looked over the copy of the Edict again. And again. It hadn't been a fib Jared told her. Words and thoughts flowed into her mind all at once, things she wanted to say instantaneously. But she couldn't. She kept a solid hold on the parchment and tiptoed through the silence.

"I want to believe in them, Ser Kade," she said in a quiet moment between them. Silence, again. Longer this time. "I didn't ever think this to be possible, but... it looks like you were right. The Lord Chancellor deserves my gratitude."

Gwenyth looked over him momentarily. "We're not so alone anymore, are we?" she said, her voice nearly lost in the winds.


For the first time in a long while, William Howlester poured himself a glass of his best, casket bourbon. Today had been productive for him, eyeing out his window in the Violet Order's Castle. He glanced over his shoulder to the now empty space atop his desk, then toward the Chancellory. "Sacrifices for the good of the Conservative movement" he muttered to himself before downing a gulp of his drink.

"You keep your word Chancellor. You'll make a good one."

He then returned to his table, pulling out some papers before grabbing a quill and writing upon them. Headed at the top, in bold ink, were the words.

'The Regalian Patriot's Movement'.​
Taendross looked upon the room, her gaze settled amongst many figures whilst she slid out three items upon one side of the table. A blue dress, lined with golden intent and tucked up high as the thigh. A cane, lined with the initials of 'S.Ł', and a set of capes with navy & sky blue hue. Upon the other side, she pressed the uniform of the old Diplomats, a group so quiet yet shown in tenfold.
"Perhaps we've gone about this wrong,-. But now, we stand as an allied court. Three groups, all working under the same power and name with one left for disposal. A vessel at our use, a gavel at our hand with an army. So let us all gamble, yes?" She'd begin, a quiet look of malice and intent growing upon her stricken and destroyed appearance.

"This time? We all, get to win." She responded, pressing her clawed fingertips against the table. "Lathai, you have the lead."

@Ascelus @Zubile @SnashuuPomaymay @BiBiBirdie @notjayp
She had been annoyed, standing just behind the duo. Listening and growing more annoyed with each word that escaped them. And then as her eyes shifted towards the view atop of the structure she stood upon, a realization struck her. She was lucky, blessed to some extent and that this had happened before.

As she made her way down the stone stairs, her back to the structure and rain falling down around her, Seraphina merely smiled and shook her head. Life changes, for better or for worse, but she knew her own worth and people knew it too. That's what mattered, at least to her. Nothing was meant to last, after all. Something better was coming, she was sure of it now.
Keres listened to the conversation nearby of her fellow Isldarrin friends, humming in content. As much as it bothered the rest of them to not be considered full citizens, it meant very little to her.

"I don't understand the fuss," she commented, likely ignored in all her background, "It's not like the word of an Ailor really means anything, does it?"
Maxwell examined the new edict handed to him by his staff. "Hear that?" he said to no one in particular, "It's the sound of the conservatives trying to be relevant again. Well... best of luck to them."
"Yeah. I have an idea, Taen. Toss those uniforms and actually improve our standard of living instead of ruining it." Läthai announced toward the present Isldar, turning over and walking out of the room as a First Civil statused Isldar- few in kind.
The Sol Avalorn drank in the words upon the notice in front of her, a hand reaching up to rub at her jaw. The woman's eyes slowly slid from Avanthar to Sihndar to Isldar at the announcement board, and then swung to the text again, parsing it for details and intent. Her foot tapped in irritation, and then slowed its rhythm, breath relaxing.

".. I remember being distinctly told politics wasn't important. Perhaps I shall call a second moot. Goddess willing, it shall actually be a productive one."
As the Wulf sees this, he says "Well, I get Avanthar, but Sindhar and Varran are fine. I have seen more halforc criminals than varran and half varran one". The fat dwarf shrugs as he leaves.
As Wulf walks around the edict again, he says "Avants should be none or outsiders"