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Lord Chancellor Delmotte: First Edict


Hiding In The Lockers
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
The Marty Party

22 - 12 - 307

Article I - The Anahera Cabal
To say that the Regalian State is perturbed by the deplorable behavior of House Anahera would be the understatement of the century. Twice in the span of a few months have the Anahera reared their ugly tendency to rebel against the government, expressing malicious sentiments towards the empire for the selfish hope of personal gain at the expense of Regalia. I am a believer of the notion that those who stand to benefit the Empire will in return be praised and rewarded for their graciousness. I am however also a believer of the notion that those who work to sow dissent and damage the integrity of the empire will in return be reprimanded for their malevolent deeds. It is as such that I have, with the power given to me as Lord Chancellor, arrived at the following decision:

The Anahera Cabal will pay a punitive fine of 700,000 regals to the Regalian State, return to paying 20% taxation, and submit its patriarch to a diet to determine the terms of their inevitable defeat, or House Anahera's monopoly on opioids shall be revoked and the Lampero invasion of Anahera territories shall continue. Furthermore, if Anahera refuses, all opioid properties in possession of House Anahera will be sequestrated by the government, to be held onto for whoever next possesses the monopoly on opioids. If the Anahera Cabal complies, Iron-Duke Ryker Lampero is also invited to attend the diet, for his support of the government is invaluable and I personally believe that he stands to be rewarded for his efforts.

Article II - Bureau of Internal Revenue Enumeration
On the 24-09-307 my predecessor released a proclamation which gave birth to the Bureau of Internal Revenue Enumeration, entrusted to the Secretary of Finance at the time, Catherine Tyrannian, who subsequently appointed her kinsman Dante Tyrannian to lord over this organization. It has lain dormant and existed without purpose since the dissolution of the Secretary of Finance. After a short time of deliberation, I have decided it in the best interest of the state and everyone else involved to properly dissolve this government body. Furthermore, I summon Dante Tyrannian to explain in person to me, House Tyrannian's 'private sources' which the BIRE had relied upon throughout its existence.

Article III - Drixagh
Relations between Drixagh and the rest of the Empire have always been strenuous at best. Death and hatred have plagued and have run rampant through the region and it has molded the unfavorable precedence of hostilities and alienation towards the northern cultures. This is a trend that I wish to put to an end. This is a trend that I am convicted of putting to an end. I offer an armistice to the Drixagh rebellion and invite Zastorzy to send forth a representative to communicate with me on their behalf, or to attend themselves. I do not imagine that this one incident of diplomacy will immediately solve all the issues that plight both sides of this conflict, but I am convinced that if there is a chance for dialogue to be had, then it is in the best interest of both parties to try for this peaceful solution. Additionally, I invite the conservative lobby to also nominate a representative to speak to me on their behalf so that they too can voice their grievances to me, if they have any at all.

Article IV - Changes to Law

  1. 'Self-Defense' is defined as the physical force which is less or equal to the threat faced by the defending party.
  2. Regalian Political Law 9 "To commit to engaging in duplicity, deceit, or political subterfuge against the governors of State administration serving under and for the Emperor is illegal," is abolished.
  3. Pre-emptively, Frisit worship is now defined as vulgar as Void worship and is now illegal with the same penalties that follow Void worship. Councilman Jared Kade may alter this at any time at his own discretion.

Article V - Commons Ministry Bank
The Lord Chancellor has decided that it is in the best interest to temporarily suspend the Commons Ministry Bank, and will be annexing all existing funds to go towards bandaging the economic hemorrhaging that the state is currently facing. This is not permanent, and the Commons Ministry Bank shall return when the government is in a stable enough position for it to exist.

Article VI - Bagshaw Murders
In the past week or two, there has been a string of murders, notably against members of the previously aristocratic House Bagshaw. These heinous acts and the disgusting apathy towards Ailor life must be addressed, and so here is the following: The Lord Chancellor hereby announces a bounty of 10,000 regals from his personal coffers to be paid to whoever captures and delivers the culprit to the Violet Order with adequate proof of their guilt, dead or alive.

Article VII - Frisit Worship
Following the attempted assassination of Councilman Jared Kade by Frisit Worshippers, the Lord Chancellor has chosen to provide the Secretary of Faith, Jared Kade, absolute authority over Frisit's faithful, so that he is permitted to, but not limited to, both declare the legality of their faith but also whatever punitive measures he believes acceptable for following aforementioned faith, which he is permitted to choose to change on a whim.

Signed by,
His Eminence,
18th Lord Chancellor of the Regalian Empire
Duke of Basta-Irvelle
Louis Delmotte
Alexis Morgan looked over the paper giving a thin lipped smile before sitting back. "This one can actually do something. Perhaps things are not as hopeless as they may seem," she said giving light applause to no one in particular as she got up from her desk moving to find something to eat in her kitchen.
The High Exarch received the Lord Chancellor's edict from a Curate that night. He was sat comfortably in his office, a fire crackling behind him as he took the paper in his wrinkled hand. Aelfric nodded to the Curate, before his eyes scanned the piece of parchment, reading through the various sections of which it contained.

The elderly Harhold nodded along with each piece of the document before he reached the end. He gave a laugh, "Hah. It seems the Duke is already up to the challenge of office. Let us hope he is successful in his tenure and let us pray he and his new cabinet deals with this crisis swiftly." The Curate nodded, "Oratario Ode." he said before he left, Aelfric Harhold now alone to complete his work.