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Lord Chancellor Delmotte: Fifth Edict


Hiding In The Lockers
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
The Marty Party

By Official Decree of Lord Chancellor Delmotte
11 - 02 - 308
Article I - Unpaid War Taxation
Article II - State of the Realm
Article III - Violet Charters Rights

Article I - Unpaid War Taxation,
Around a month or so ago, the Secretary of War released the announcement of an obligatory war tax and conscription, which all suzerain states were expected to adhere to. Upon reviewing an audit on the taxpaying entities to the Regalian State, namely the aforementioned suzerain states, the Lord Chancellor has discovered that multiple city-borne houses were found lacking when it came to paying the obligated taxation. As a result, his Eminence has decided to release the following information.

  1. House Peirgarten owes the Regalian State 13,724 Regals.
  2. House Harhold owes the Regalian State 6,960 Regals.
  3. House du Brierust owes the Regalian State 10,080 regals
  4. House Avalorn owes the Regalian State 12,360 Regals, which will be deducted from the State's debt to House Avalorn.
  5. All other noble families not listed either paid the obligated war taxation or assisted the State in such a manner that granted them an exemption.
The Lord Chancellor urges all houses in debt to the Regalian State, especially those with an abundance of regals collecting dust in their coffers, to immediately pay their dues.

Article II - State of the Realm,
For the sake of transparency between the civil government and the Regalian people, the Lord Chancellor has decided to release the State's immediate intentions, but as well as evidence of progress that the sitting emergency government has achieved.

The Lord Chancellor's current and immediate ambitions:

1. Mend the schism between the Southern City-States and the Regalian State by finding a mutually agreeable consensus.
2. Reopen diplomatic talks with the Altalar Principalities with the intention of having them join the Empire.

The recently disbanded emergency provisional government and existing Lord Chancellor have so far:

1. Ended the Hellatian City-States & South Dukelands Rebellion against the State in tandem through an immediate display of government competence.
2. Ended the Drixagh Rebellion against the Regalian Empire through unprecedented diplomacy with Greater Drixagh.
3. Ended the Anahera Rebellion against the State through concessions to his Eminence, the Iron Prince of Vultaro.
4. Suspended the State's crisis of economic hemorrhaging through the restoration of loyalty in wavering suzerain states.

For a more detailed insight on the fractures of the Regalian Archipelago, the Lord Chancellor has created a simple 'before and after' to illustrate the progress achieved by the provisional government.

23 - 12 - 307

02 - 02 - 308

1. Red represents provinces in open rebellion against the State and/or Empire.
2. Orange represents provinces neglecting to pay their obligated taxation to the State, or have closed their borders to foreign trade.
3. Green represents provinces in compliance with the State.

Article III - Violet Charter Rights,
Following the dissolution of the Violet Order as a unified entity, the Lord Chancellor has seen it fit to issue unique rights and responsibilities to a few of the individual charters. This is to ensure that a semblance of uniformity remains present in the now divided charters, but also so that previously ministry mandated responsibilities do not go unchecked. His Eminence thus does decree:

1. The Commander of the Vigilant Shield has been granted the unique right to review applications and dispense permits for armament rights for the common populace of Regalia.
2. The Medic Commander of the Vigilant Shield has been granted the rights and responsibilities once held by the now-defunct 'Apothecary General' position which was implemented during the tenure of Lord Chancellor Constanze du Brierust.
3. The Commander of the Gilded Templars has been granted the unique right to review applications and dispense permits for white mage status, palace entry for noble aberrants, the possession and use of magical artifacts, classification of and usuage of otherwise restricted racial abilities, and noble house mage status.
All permits for armaments granted throughout William Howlester's tenure as Lord Commander are from this point onwards revoked and subject to re-review by Commander William Arnyn of the Vigilant Shield.

All mage and aberrant related permits granted throughout the existence of the Magi Secretary, with the exception of those given to Valerie Howlester, are from this point onwards revoked and subject to re-review by Commander Valarosta Ino-Femunn of the Gilded Templars.

Furthermore, the recently abolished position of Mercenary Inspector which was held by his lordship Hengest Harhold is being re-implemented as an official position beneath the Lord Chancellor and will be the forefront of authority for granting approval to and inspecting the performance and legality of mercenary charters. The position is currently vacant, and all mercenary charters approved before the re-implementation hereby have their legality revoked.

Signed By,
His Eminence
18th Lord Chancellor of the Regalian Empire
Grand-Duke of Basta-Irvelle
Louis Delmotte

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Few people will ever know the pain it takes to color that map. Well done!
A fat dwarf upon reading this decree wonder for a moment "Hopefully this William will be more likely to hear my words. Mainly with me losing my ears"
Vala paused as she read over the declaration, mug lifted halfway to her mouth. Immediately, she swung in her seat, nearly spilling her morning kaffee all over herself as she tripped over her stool in her hurry to bustle into the estate.
"Ser Typhonus!"
1. Ended the Hellatian City-States & South Dukelands Rebellion against the State in tandem through an immediate display of government competence.
"Rebellion? They just started murdering each other, meaning any government intervention would have been successful, really. I suppose he deserves full credit for calming the Northerners, though. Any other Chancellor would have used this moment to raze the North again. With the Anahera, he's fortunate to have an army practically comprised entirely of shock troopers sitting on their doorstep."
Mused Larss Vanderboek, wondering how his uncle Gallus was doing.