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Looking For Instructor

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Dec 4, 2014
Reaction score
~The following notice around be posted around the city.~

In search of an individual to teach self-defense, basic short sword skills as well as hand to hand combat to a middle aged Songaskian female. Will pay per lesson. If interested please pen a letter to myself, Fathiyaa Nasir with a brief introduction and a short explanation of your skill set. I will return a letter on my decision as to hire you or not. Please have a blessed day and Spirit Bless.

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A letter would arrive, and in nice handwriting it would read

Dear Madam
My name is Alexander Donsly, I am currently enlisted in the Safeguard Rangers aswell as House Guard for the Wodenstaff, if you wish I would be more than happy to assist you in learning some self defense
-Alexander Donsly
~The following notice around be posted around the city.~

In search of an individual to teach self-defense, basic short sword skills as well as hand to hand combat to a middle aged Songaskian female. Will pay per lesson. If interested please pen a letter to myself, Fathiyaa Nasir with a brief introduction and a short explanation of your skill set. I will return a letter on my decision as to hire you or not. Please have a blessed day and Spirit Bless.


For a small fee, I can train you in stealthmark combat, with, of course, a hefty discount for an old friend. I'm a champion in my field with nigh on three decades of training. I specialise in shortsword, longsword and throwing knife based combat, and can teach you how to deal with random attacks, as is common with typical stealthmark training.

With regards,

Fathiyaa Nasir,

If you would be willing, I can teach you some tips, tricks, and boxing skills you may need for self-defense. I have served various noble houses, and several times as a personal guard. I have some basic training in sword skills, but I can offer tips on how to best various opponents in a fight.

With regards,
~Hannah the Sentinel

Imperial Knight
~This notice would be removed from where ever it had been posted through out the city~

(( this can be removed by staff))
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