Look Boy! Skins! {shop} | Closed |

Are platypuses good stand ins for astronauts?

  • Yeah!!

    Votes: 20 83.3%
  • No????

    Votes: 4 16.7%

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Jun 29, 2014
Reaction score
So, Basically. I've made a couple of skins and I'm pretty happy with them so I decided I'd make a shop and maybe get a bit more practice out of it. And make some regals too so yeah. Here I am. Hi.

What I offer

I can make heads, outfits, and full skins. From left to right, the prices are 5r, 10r and 15r.

I don't know how well I can do Non-Humanoid races though. Like Maiar, Varran, Allar, Non-Shifted Slizzar and Url. But I'm not going to refuse requests for them. I'll try my best. Don't expect amazing results, however.

Also, I have an ever-living hatred for beards. But I can probably do bearded skins too. I guess.



Order Format

IGN: Your ingame username!
Request: Head, outfit or full skin
Race: The skins' race
Eye type: 3x1 2x2 2x1 etc
Arms: Steve or Alex?
Hair Description/Reference: If ordering a full skin or head... On a character that isn't bald!
General reference/Description: For things like skin color, eye color, etc.
Outfit reference/Description: Self-Explanatory, Need not be included if only ordering a head.
Freckles?(Y/N): I can give them freckles like a few examples have. But that would be an HD skin so you better know how to use it.
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His general look rather matches that, so on to the questions
IGN: DominicMorgen
Request: Full Skin
Race: Velheim Ailor
Eye Type: 2x1
Refs: Above (Forget the weird armor thingy and the beard. Also, his eyes are brown.)
Clothing: A tan/gold fur coat, and black pants.
Freckles: Nah
Type: Steve
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Ok, Damn. I also forgot to like, add in the arms type people want in the order format.
So, please edit that addition in and rate this something after you've done that.
I'm honestly assuming its steve but still.
Big fat vouch for this guy. Was extremely helpful and understanding - If you need a skin, he -should- be your go-to.
IGN: Mayino
Request: Full skin
Race: Half elf (Qadir/Altalar)
Eye type: 3x1 or 2x2 depending on what looks better with the 'round' glasses. (Check the reference for more info.
Arms: Alex
Hair Description/Reference: Shaven sides (Shortened) With a longer top. And a pony tail like thing. (See reference)
General reference/Description: Boop
(The white tattoo's on his arms, are pretty important for the skin.) (Also the one thing that should be different from the reference are the ears which should be either long like elves, or half-long like most half elves.)(The rings etc are less important, but the bracelet and necklace are also important. )

Outfit reference/Description: Exactly as in the reference. Above. Also the same color scheme.
Freckles?(Y/N): I'd like them but have no clue how HD skins work Cri.
Bribe (in case you take bribes.): 35 Regals.
@HodlinG I love your shade style by the way.
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Oh boy, it's been so loooong since I've taken a commision!
Accepted though!
Give me a few days to complete it, and I'll send you little progress reports via conversation along the way if that's acceptable.
As for the HD skins, I'll couch you on it.
Oh boy, it's been so loooong since I've taken a commision!
Accepted though!
Give me a few days to complete it, and I'll send you little progress reports via conversation along the way if that's acceptable.
As for the HD skins, I'll couch you on it.
Take your time fam. I'll send you my discord name through conversation for a easier way to contact me.
IGN: Legoclub22
Request: New outfit, touch up on head. Will pay 15r.
Race: Ailor
Eye type: 2x1
Arms: Steve
Hair Description/Reference: Short coppery-brown hair. Maybe an inch long. Uniformly trimmed.
General reference/Description: Mild tan. Blue eyes. See profile pic for facial features.
Outfit reference/Description: Commoner clothing, nothing fancy. More on the simple side, but not rags. Bloodcast cape.
Reference for the clothes, minus satchel and pouches. Cape should be red.
Freckles?(Y/N): No. Nothing HD.

Sorry, I've been really swamped lately. I'm willing to work on your skin, But, I've just recently finished the last one that was commisioned, and I'm burnt out so it'll probably be a little bit.
Sorry, I've been really swamped lately. I'm willing to work on your skin, But, I've just recently finished the last one that was commisioned, and I'm burnt out so it'll probably be a little bit.
Sure, take your time. Just making sure it's still happening.
IGN: mayino
Request: full skin
Race: Velheimer cultured Ailor
Eye type: 2x1
Arms: Alex
Hair Description/Reference: See General reference below.
General reference/Description:
The hair is shoulder length long
Outfit reference/Description:
The clothing only has to be the dress, with the leather around her waist no need for the earrings, necklace no need for the leather around her forearms. And no need for the quiver nor the long leather strap that is hanging down from the waist area to be skinned it. *Also no real need to do try and do the patterns in the clothing just replace the row of blue patterns on the lower end of the dress with a blue line etc. Just simplify is a bit.
Freckles?(Y/N): No, but i was wondering if you'd be willing to try to put some 'black' around the eyes using the same HD method that is used for placing the freckles on. Just try to make it as similar as possible to the given reference.
Extra info: The eyes are blue/gray-ish in case you're wondering, And just let me know if you want to charge extra for the trouble of skinning the eye-shadowy parts in HD.
@HodlinG You got my discord if you have any further questions.
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