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Longsword Master Fendette Offering Services As Private Tutor


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Blacksmith
Nov 17, 2013
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Roleplay Guilds
Scuola di Battaglia
The following notice was hung up on the Regalian Noticeboard:

Futuro Scolari,

The esteemed combat Master Fendette Messinano dei Bacezza de'i Corolla offers his services to those who wish to refine their skills or those of their blood both in battle and in duel.
Sessions are private and on location.
Those interested in his services can get into contact with him through letter.
Prices debatable.


This service consists out of OOC help with Combat Roleplay for those who think it necessary, but mostly of an IC means for progression and training. Sessions will not only consist of sparring, but also of actively discussing the ethics and mentalities of combat, based on knowledge from medieval treatises.​
To the esteemed Combat Master Fendette Messinano dei Bacezza de'i Corolla,

My name is Deo dei Termini and have been searching for a near constant sparring partner of similar culture as myself. I have heard well worth of your work and wish to schedule a meeting with you at soonest occurence so as to further discuss this conversation in a more, personal manner.

Ser Deo dei Termini
Commander dei Rainbow Company.
To the Ser Deo dei Termini,


Cordiali saluti,

Fendette dei Bacezza

[Since our timezones differ greatly, it would be a good idea to speak of this over Discord. Would be grand if you added me.]
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To the esteemed Combat Master Fendette Messinano dei Bacezza de'i Corolla,

My name is Leopold II, of House Winslough. Upon moving to Regalia, my family has left behind several crucial members of our court, including our Master at Arms. It would be my utmost pleasure to offer you the position of Master at Arms for House Winslough, responsible for the training of the children of my House, including my son. You would also take up a position in the Falcon Guard, and take some responsibility for the safety of my House. Naturally, you will be more than adequately compensated for your skills.

I would be most interested in meeting you in person to discuss my offer further, and to test your abilities and worthiness for myself.

Spirit Guide you,

Leopold II Winslough,
Paladin of the Viridian Order.
Patriarch of House Winslough.

To the respected Falcon Knight,

While I would be honoured to be the one to arrange training for your kin, my services do not extend to guard work or administration. My time is best spent teaching my art, and I would urge you to find another man for your protection. If you wish to hire my services, feel free to find me within Regalia or to contact me through another letter.


Fendette dei Bacezza
To the respected Falcon Knight,

While I would be honoured to be the one to arrange training for your kin, my services do not extend to guard work or administration. My time is best spent teaching my art, and I would urge you to find another man for your protection. If you wish to hire my services, feel free to find me within Regalia or to contact me through another letter.


Fendette dei Bacezza

To the esteemed Combat Master Fendette Messinano dei Bacezza de'i Corolla,

While it is to my deep regret that you do not wish to join the ranks of my guard, the position of Master at Arms - a purely training-focused position - remains open to you should you wish to join the ranks of my Household.

I would still be interested in meeting you in person to discuss the offer further, and to test your abilities and worthiness for myself. Feel free to set a date and place and I shall endeavor to meet it.

Spirit Guide you,
Leopold II Winslough,
Paladin of the Viridian Order.
Patriarch of House Winslough.
Swordmaster dei Bacezza,

My family has recently come into possession of a sizable estate and will be recruiting house guards over the coming weeks. As such, I will need a gifted trainer to ensure the men are well disciplined and prepared should combat ensue. Consider the attached coin a down payment for your services, and I look forward to seeing you at Castle Kronau in the following days.

Ser Wulfram Ernst Kehlen
Lord of the Crown Strait
Knight of the Viridian Order
To the venerated Badger Knight, Lord Kehlen,

I would consider myself priviliged at your offer, and wholeheartedly accept your proposition.
I shall make my way to your seat to further discuss the details.

Con i miei migliori auguri,

Fendette Messinano dei Bacezza de'i Corolla
"Swordmaster Fendette,

I've never really held a sword before, and I don't know where else to go. There aren't many trainers around and being an outsider-ranked wards them off. I hope you can consider me as a student."

~ Valerie Decimar​
To the damsel Valerie,

My current work collaboration with the House Kehlen shall allow me to in the close future find a suitable spot for you and others to be trained, as I presume you are not yourself in the posession of such an area. Until such a location is realized, I would ask you to find me within the City of Regalia to further discuss your needs.

Auguri dello spirito,

Fendette dei Bacezza