Longsaean Companion Company ( L C C )


The Walking Spreadsheet
Jan 11, 2018
Reaction score
North Carolina
Roleplay Guilds
The LCC, The Fourth Company
The Longsaean Companion Company
View attachment 157285


The Longsaean Companion Company, known by most as the LCC, is a primarily financial company of the Regalian Empire, mostly centered in the Holy City of Regalia, and the Barony of Valdepoort, with some extension to Ithania. Owned by the noble House Longsae, the company deals in all things resorting to money, as a company. The business primarily focuses on the lending and taking of regals, on word of contract from one side giving back in exchange for the other providing them said coin.
The Company hands out loans to those who require it to further themselves in life, in exchange for payment given back over a period of time with interest. The Company is payed by loyal citizens of Regalia in exchange to 'insure' them if something bad does happen, such as if they pay for 'fire insurance' and their House catches on fire, the Company will pay for damages. The Company also deals in what the typical House Longsae trade is, being trading between the archipelago and Ithania, and company work, sellswords for hire. All that House Longsae does can be discussed at the LCC, and anyone may come. The Company is primarily guarded by the Fourth Company (see Fourth Company Page) but Violets and other guard charters can be seen here.


We are a company that has a wide range of things to offer, but primarily focuses on insurance, banking, and trade, especially the first two. We can be found on imperialisle46-47, right next to the home of the Violets, and the Willow Tavern. We ask that players who take loans, or get insurance actually roleplay out ways to get the money in return/ spend their coin to provide roleplay for our group and for your own.


Minister of Finances

Currently held by Aeoread Longsae, the Minister of Finances is the top dog, and makes the final call of transaction of coin. The Minister runs the business as any manager would to a tavern or anything of the like.
Current Minister: @CorrosGaming

Steward of Finances
The Stewards of Finances are the accountants, bankers, and workers of the Company that aid the minister in managing the coin of the House, and of the Company.
Current Stewards: N/A

Soldiers of the Companies of Longsae, these men and women guard the treasures and wealth of both the House and it's clients.
Current Companions: N/A

Current Guards: @monkeydog15 @Kitters517

How to Join
RP Name:
RP Char Sheet (optional):
Job Wanted (Guard or Steward):
Letter/Activity with Longsae: