Archived Long Days On Massive?

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
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a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
I was browsing the bukkit forums when I can across this little gem. A day length modifier plugin. It allows you to edit the length of a day from, say, one second all the way up to 24 hours. Imagine if Massivecraft had one hour days, or even 24 hour days. This would enhance roleplay so that it is more realistic. I never know what to go by for greetings. Do I go by the time of day it is for me, or the time of the Minecraft day. This will sort things out a bit.

Just a suggestion...
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1 hour days and 1 hour nights would be absolutely awesome. Can you imagine the raw mob spawns that would happen during the night?
Yes please, I would love this, I have a butler character that actually has to serve breakfast lunch and dinner, and it would make it way easier to schedule
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when teh nights get longer.... -dreams away about his vampire char that wouldn't have so many problems teh and comes to one conclusion- dayum this is ptobably the best idea i saw in my time on the forums
I could see this in Regalia... Only Regalia...
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I would personally love this, because of realism and longer nights = longer to rp as my vampire char freely :D
Longer days also means longer time noobs are safe from massive mobs
This would be good and bad for vamps, forcing an hour long stay in the hole of shame,but allowing a longer time to rp in the night. I personally like the idea of one hour days being a thing for a more realistic effect.
I would personally love this, because of realism and longer nights = longer to rp as my vampire char freely :D
Longer days also means longer time noobs are safe from massive mobs
Agreed, it might throw realize minting massive for the day and night cycle plus, vampires get more time to build,fight, and suck blood ect.
Sounds great to me, many applications in rp, to many to even list!
24 hours would be nicer... ;\ maybe only keep the 24 hour in Regalia? Then we could change it between the seasons and etc and make it more realistic (I still find it uncomfortable that one conversation can last for DAYS..)
I personally LOVE this idea. Either 24 hour days or 2 hour days would be quite interesting.
if we would do this 24H then some might have the problem/luck (depends on there chars) to be the whole time in night/day
I agree, when im allowed on massive, I can usually only get on for maybe an hour or 2. It would be REALLY obnoxious if it was on the 24 hour thing and it was always day / night when I got on.
I vote for 1 hour. 24 hour would SUCK, especially if you drew the short stick an whenever you log on it is night, and since you log on the same time as always, it is always night.

I do believe it should only be in Regalia, though.
Ehh, I both like and dislike the idea. I like it for the very reasons everyone has listed. I dislike it for 3 main reasons.
1: People new to the server would probably dislike the longer days/nights, which could have the potential to cause the lessening of the amount of people the server gets.
2: For those who have limited time to play, this would be a big bummer. They would be stuck playing the majority of their time in either day or night, which would actually have the opposite of the desired effect on RP.
3: I am biased as a vampire and would not like having to wait real life hours to be able to hunt others and RP. I would almost never be able to RP. Of course, this would apply to most vampires.

However, what I have said is my opinion and is mainly based on personal preference. If this will help the server, then go for it.
24 Hour Days are not possible because we have a lot of players on here with different Timezones, that means some could only play during night.

Also 1 hour night with massivemobs attacking you while you want to build is also too long, you would get nothing done. So it is nothing for Survival worlds either.

But for Regalia it would be awsome :)
I don't like that people say only regalia, poeple roleplay in other continents to! I don't think it would be as fun if you left out every single rp faction ever!
I don't like that people say only regalia, poeple roleplay in other continents to! I don't think it would be as fun if you left out every single rp faction ever!
๖ۣۜWell, mobs that ruin RP don't spawn in Regalia, is what I am thinking most people are trying to get at.
I think this would only work for Regalia due to impracticalities for other worlds such as mob spawns and vampire playing times...

I think anywhere from 1 to 6 hour days would work inside of Regalia...
I believe something similar to this exists, but it is at random (if its still being used) sometimes days and nights will be 20 minutes long each.
Perhaps this should be considered only in Regalia? If it happened everywhere, the original purpose would mean nothing at all, really. I don't know is this is possible or not because I am nooo tech genius (plugins -shivers-). But, yeah. Regalia only.
I vote one - two hour days/nights with the caveat that if it's night in say Ellador, it's simultaneously day in Fendarfell - that way the vamp factions can maintain castles in both and portal between them (which actually makes more RP sense if you think about it).

Sure there will be some pros and some cons but that is true of any server feature. What many people see as a fun benefit will always be seen as a restriction to a vocal minority. Those few dissenters can either adapt (e.g. portal or /f home to a world where it's night) or find a server they like better (good luck there).
Perhaps this should be considered only in Regalia? If it happened everywhere, the original purpose would mean nothing at all, really. I don't know is this is possible or not because I am nooo tech genius (plugins -shivers-). But, yeah. Regalia only.
Yeah, I can totally relate xD I have no idea how you can modify things and whatnot, but if you were to be able to narrow this plugin to only work in Regalia, that would be so perfectly epic. 1 hour day/nights sound like they would fit the best (just my opinion-- my characters are almost always bedridden for some time, so it'd be nice if I didn't have to wait 3 weeks irl to be able to rp as Glenn again)
As for rp factions, I'm sure it wouldn't be too much to ask that your members just imagine the time change to be similar to that of Regalia (if you were to change the time to 1 hour day/nights, I'm have a feeling builders/new players/pvp'ers wouldn't be too happy with the update) because you all know one another and wouldn't be the type to just say "Erm, dummy, it's morning," when someone greets you with a "Good evening."
This would be very helpful if it is at all possible :3 I'm sure the staff has plenty to worry about, though :/ I'd hate to put more burden on their capable shoulders D:
This would be an amazing idea. I recommend it.
24 Hour Days are not possible because we have a lot of players on here with different Timezones, that means some could only play during night.

Also 1 hour night with massivemobs attacking you while you want to build is also too long, you would get nothing done. So it is nothing for Survival worlds either.

But for Regalia it would be awsome :)
Exactly :D Sometimes, i have a conversation for weeks on end! The same one! xD
Yeah I don't think the 24 hour thing would work, but I would like to see how would this work :)
I agree with this, as stated however; only in Regalia for 1-2 hour days, and nights. In any other world; it'd be too long, and newbs would be obliterated at night. Other people may just get pissy, and annoyed; because days and nights both are quite long. Also; as stated it would avoid conversations that last several days to several weeks. I once had a battle that lasted around 3 hours; with things now that would have been weeks. It would greatly add to the realism in Regalia, but as I stated before it wouldn't be good in the other worlds. This especially wouldn't be good in daendroc or fendarfell; as you'd be bombarded by armies of mobs, for an hour straight. If I was a newb I would hate being in daendroc or fendarfell for nights; any world would be pretty bad, honestly. Regalia: Brilliant(For 1-2 hours only) Other worlds: Not the best idea.
...Considering it takes basically an entire night and then some, with the added few seconds because of armor, and maybe dragging into shade, to find, stalk, wait sufficient time to have the right place, population, and opportunity to perform anything even remotely vampiric in RP...I would kind of like to have a longer night. I can't care for a longer day. More time to explore hiding areas and such. Hm. Yes. Hour long nights/Days in Regalia. Would be a kind boon/curse to any little buggering cursed.
but if you were to be able to narrow this plugin to only work in Regalia

For the moment - sure Regalia only - but I have an inkling that when the server population reaches sizes which challenge the 800 limit we will have the opportunity to add depth and variety to the server by having more difficult outer lying worlds. If they were properly advised (with signage & broadcasts) you would find noobs would keep clear unless game for a challenge. They could also be harder to reach (ie not via boat at /uspawn).

Perhaps then we can have this too:
Hmm long tavern Nights people drinking bards could make some serious coin..
plus could control guard shift easier on you are a guard for a day and a night (ie 2hours) then shift is up.
Like kellock suggested the 24hr would be a bit harsh in the players that'd always be playing at night and same for the people who would have only day.

But if it could be implemented for Regalia souly and for the 1hr periods it would be awesome.
Just some information.
I do not play on this server anymore.
When I first started on massivecraft. Which is almost 2 years ago, when the player cap was 80 persons, and the only world was ceardia. the day/night cycle was 60 minutes. Meaning you had 25 minute nights. As a vampire I absolutely loved it. Because you shouldn't use a third of the night. Going in and out.
For some reason the staff decided to remove that plugin (or it got outdated)
I think this might be useful to know. That massivecraft have tried something like this before.

Best regards Madus
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