Preserved Sheet Lolayem Layalorem

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Mar 31, 2023
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Character Information
  • Full Name: Lolayem Layalorem
  • Race: Maraya (Vaulter)
  • Age: Early to mid-twenties
  • Gender: Non-Binary (They/She)
  • Sexuality: Unknown
  • Status: Occult - Lolayem is a Void mage who learned their craft through study.
Core Concept
  • The Fae: Lolayem is a being of unrestrained whimsy, often flitting about like a butterfly from one interest to the next. They are mischievous and playful, delighting in teasing and toying with others. This flighty, carefree demeanor has cultivated a fae-like aura around Lolayem—one which always follows them around.
  • The Learner: Incorrigibly curious about magic, the dimensions, and the occult, Lolayem has devoted themselves to the study of what they deem 'life's greatest mysteries.' Already, they have braved Void Miasma and studied at the feet of Arkens in service of this quest--and they're just getting started.
  • The Mystery: Lolayem is like a shadow; always so close, yet just out of reach. When asked about their past they answer with stories; extravagant tales crafted from one part truth and three parts obfuscation–and it's up to the audience to separate the former from the latter. Even their voice has a certain elusive quality to it–like smoke that the wind could at any moment whisk away. Despite this, there's a strange allure to the Maraya—one that draws others to them like moths to a flame. But when the moths get too close for their comfort, they fade away, leaving naught but unanswered questions behind.
  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
  • Wisdom: 4
    • Blood Incantation Pack
    • Dimenthist Pack
    • Deeplore Pack
    • Hôterie Wisdom Pack
  • Dexterity: 1
    • Escapist Pack
  • Magic: 5 (VOID)
    • Magical Talent
    • Alteration Pack
    • Materialism Pack
    • Illusionism Pack
    • Displacing Pack
  • Charisma: 4
    • Diplomat Pack
    • Ancient Speech Pack (Free)
    • Distant Speech Pack (Allowed by Maraya Specials)
    • West Language Pack
    • Agitator Pack
  • Arcane Knockback (Displacing)
  • Area Power (Alteration)
  • Material Armor (Materialism)
  • Area Power (Alteration)
  • Forced Truce (Diplomat)
  • Forced Aggro (Agitator)
  • Weapon Summon (Maraya)
  • Armor Summon (Maraya)
  • Escape Artist (Escapist Pack)


Fluency: Common, Shalota (Native Tongue), d'Ithanie, Altalar

Understands: Ancient Speech, Distant Speech, Western Languages

Appearance Information

  • Appearance (At a Glance): Lolayem is 5'5, with ruby-colored skin and a graceful build. Their torso is slender and gently curved, while delicate features and long lashes loan the Maraya a femme appearance. Their hair is a mess of riotous curls, kept shoulder-length and decorated with two ribbons that tie their hair into bows at the back of their head, and they are often seen wearing garments of beautiful Ithanian silks, many of which lean towards the revealing side of the design spectrum.
  • Meyalore [Disguise]: Meyalore is the persona Lolayem adopts when they're sneaking through locales where they'd rather not be recognized. They are a blue-skinned, simply dressed Maraya of similar build to Lolayem, usually speckled with dirt and grime that make them seem well at home in messier parts of Regalia, like the Sewers.
Life Story
  • Childhood: Lolayem was born in one of the many massive tower cities of the Meraic era, to a family of brilliant scholars who believed that the only way to bring Meraic civilization into the interplanetary colonization age is through the use of magic–a belief they obviously kept secret from their peers. Lola spent the first half of their life living through the waning years of Meraic civilization, only to be rushed into a vault and cryo-sleep when The End came.
  • Adolescence: When Lolayem awoke from cryo-sleep, they did so in a foreign world and a foreign body. A vault malfunction had allowed void essence to seep into their vault and corrupt them and their peers during cryo-sleep, turning their skin crimson and leaving them afflicted with illness. Their vault was discovered by a powerful Teledden mage from Ithania, and Lolayem–a child frozen in time–was one of but a handful of survivors who hadn't been killed by void corruption during cryo-sleep…though it had left its mark. The Teledden mage adopted them and took them back to their tower in Ithania, where Lolayem spent the rest of their days continuing their study of magic, politics, and history–a subject they very much needed to catch up on.
  • Early adulthood: When they were old enough to do so, Lolayem began training under the Hôteries: and it is this training that endowed them with their silver tongue, dramatic flair, and (little-known) aptitude for spycraft.
  • To Regalia: Though Lolayem enjoyed their life in Ithania, they also felt suffocated by it. They yearned to study the world in person, not from a tower window or from some other scholars secondhand accounts. So one day, they ran away from their adoptive home in Ithania and set out for Regalia; the place where anything and everything happens.
Roleplay Hooks:
  • Proud Scion of the Meraic: Lolayem is a Maraya and they are proud of that fact--and unafraid to let others know of that pride. They're always eager to interact with other Maraya, either for the sake of simple conversation or to reminisce on the lost glories of the Meraic Era. Whether your character is a Vaulter, a Roamer, a Tohn Sona fanatic, or some combination of the three, one thing is certain: if they're a Maraya, Lola will greet them with open arms and a friendly smile.
  • Open-Minded Scholar: Lola is an outgoing, friendly sort who prefers to keep an open-minded approach to all subjects (that aren't carbonated beverages, which are objectively gross). They love to interview people and collect viewpoints from all walks of life, including the lives of Afflicted, Cultists, and other sorts that Regalian society considers unsavory. If your character wants a safe way to put their thoughts on the record, reaching out to Lola might be a good way of doing that--as long as you don't try to kill them at first sight, that is.
  • Secret Keeper: Lolayem has a way of hearing things. Sometimes those things are common knowledge, given freely and intentionally by their owners. Other times, they're not-so-common knowledge: knowledge coerced from the lips of their owners through conversational manipulation--or just something Lolayem overheard when they were snooping around town one late night. Maybe they've heard something your character wants to know--or failing that, maybe they can find out?
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