Lola Aimee D'eluise

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by AestheticEgg, Apr 12, 2017.

  1. AestheticEgg

    AestheticEgg Shilla Blonk

    Apr 29, 2016
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    Name: Lola Aimee d’Eluise.
    Age: 27, Born on 20th November, 278AC.
    Gender: Female.
    Race: Ithanian Ailor.
    Main Ambition: Upholding her family's status, and to not slip into irrelevancy by getting herself known amongst the peerage.
    Special Permission: N/A.





    Eye Color: A pale, icy blue.
    Hair Color: A very dark brown, almost black.
    Hair Style: Lola tends to wear her hair in a loose bun, with various wavy strands falling free. It is kept in place by a large gold hairpiece.
    Skin Color: A milky white.
    Clothing: Her clothing consists of wide gowns presenting the family colours, some of which lined with gold or silver.
    Height: 5”7.
    Body Build: Average.
    Weapon of Choice: Her rather simplistic fan that she carries with her during the warmer months. This is used to cool herself off in those heavy gowns, or to whack those who annoy her in any way.



      • Lola has an oval shaped face; her dark eyebrows being one of the most prominent features. They are straight across, with a harsh arch and rest low on her brow bone, almost hooding her eyes. Her eyes a pale, almost icy blue, with thick, long lashes. Her skin, being milky white, has various pink tints to it around the cheeks, which enhance in warm weather. Her hair is kept in a loose bun, with many wavy strands flying free. Her hair is let down on a rare occassion.​
      • Lola, being 5”7, has a slender figure, with little-to-no curves. Though she is slender, she is very much healthy. Her body has the right amount of fat in the right places. She is merely naturally skinny.​
      • She dresses in gowns which present her house colours, and which sometimes reveal her shoulders. Her most favourite gowns are a cream colour, and have a gold lining.​
      • Lola speaks slowly and clearly, with, at some points, a strong Ithanian accent.​




    Lola is perceived by others as a rather quiet young woman, with a sense of sternness about her. It is usually her own choice to not speak with others, as she'd much rather be left to ponder. However, Lola now realises that she must drive herself to mingle, as being unsociable and miserable will get her nowhere. While this is true, she often drifts into quietness if the conversation begins to bore her, letting her concentration stray elsewhere. For the most part, Lola is often courteous towards others; displaying proper etiquette when briefly interacted with.

    Lola's internal feelings are barely expressed. She feels as though she is disconnected from those around her, not daring to make a close friend out of anyone due to a lack of deep trust. As previously mentioned, though she does not prefer to speak to others, she is still confident in conversation. And keeps her boredom of the usual noble pleasantries to herself, with a constant yearning for adventure and exploration of new things and places.

    Lola's close relations merely include her family members and some distant acquaintances in Ithania. She gives her whole self to her family, offering them all the care and support that a family member should. Her family are her closest friends and allies; the people she can rely on, be herself around and put her complete trust into.

    Lola's morality is basic. She will always look out for her family, herself, and those who are closest to her and who know her best. Aside from this, maintaining the family's reputation and status of utmost importance, as well as remaining loyal to those who care most.



    Articulate: Lola has the talent of speaking fluently and clearly. She is able to express her thoughts and ideas through speech very easily. Having this strong skill in speech makes her conversations flow smoothly, and makes it easier for others to understand her. Lola's confidence plays a large part in her articulacy.

    Horse Riding: Horse riding is something Lola enjoys and is highly skilled at. After several years of adventuring out on horseback at home in Ithania, she has become very swift on a horse. It took many years of practice to be fully controlled on horseback, but, with plenty of practice, she managed to further her abilities. It is also something that helps clear her mind.


    Emotional Detachment/Isolation: The d'Eluise finds that she prefers not to form close bonds with others that are not her relatives; in fear of being hurt or taken advantage of, thus detaching herself from those around her. This stems from previous negative relationships that she has been involved in, where all trust has been shattered. As well as this, Lola often isolates herself, denying permission for anyone to tap in to her feelings or emotions. And if someone attempts to, she gets fairly agitated.


      • Horse Riding: Something she’s adored doing since she was young.​
      • Wine: She loves this type of alcohol, and even gets withdrawal symptoms if she doesn’t at least have one glass a day.​
      • Warm weather: She finds it much more pleasant than the dreary cold.​
      • Nature: Lola finds nature fascinating. She believes there’s so much to discover in the natural world.​
    • [​IMG]
      • Orcs: She finds them loud and irritating, resolving to aggressiveness in most situations.​


      • Madeleine d’Eluise: “Ma soeur, baha. She barely shows her face.” On the rare occassion that Lola does see her sister, she is most often in a fiery mood. However, she still does care for her sister, and has plenty of fond memories of her.​
      • Vivienne d’Eluise: “A feisty young woman, just like her mother.” Lola finds her niece very intelligent for someone of such a tender age. However, she believes that Vivienne should work on her attitude as it could land her in a difficult situation soon enough.​
      • Roselyne d’Eluise: “Ah, darling Rosie. A strong girl who has blossomed and thrived. And landed herself a wonderful husband on the side.” Lola thinks very highly of Roselyne, and is incredibly proud of her.​
      • Nicolette d’Eluise: “I don’t see too much of that girl. I care for her, nonetheless.” As mentioned, Lola doesn’t see Nicolette much as of late, but still treats her as a niece.​


    Lola Aimee d’Eluise was born on the 20th of November in 284AC to Geoffroy and Mariliene d’Eluise. She was raised with her siblings, who were older than her at the time. Nevertheless, she enjoyed their company, and looked up to them as children do. Unfortunately, Lola’s father died when she was a small child, so she lacks vivid memories of him, whereas Madeleine and Nicolas do. Lola still wishes she could see her father one last time.

    Growing up, Lola was taught the standard noble lady etiquette that every young noble girl needed to learn. She was told that she should find a suitable husband, and was taught how to care for him and her future children. Though this didn’t interest Lola, it was a necessity for a high-born girl of her age.

    Aside from her studies and etiquette lessons, Lola used to venture out in the gardens of the family estate. She found adventuring much more exciting than than her usual studies. Lola was curious about the natural world, and very much eager to explore. This carried on throughout her teenage years, where she even took up horse riding. She found it thrilling, and a way of feeling true freedom. On warm and sunny days, she’d ride about on horseback with a handful of relatives, near their country estate.

    As the years passed, her family decided to relocate and move away. Lola, very much enjoying her life, didn’t want to pack up her things and leave alongside them. So, for a long while, she remained in Vixhall. However, upon an unfortunate turn of events, Lola had to travel to the Holy City. She found out that her sister’s husband at the time had died. It was now Lola’s responsibility to watch over Madeleine’s younger children and their studies.

    After some time in Regalia, a shocking event occurred. Freya Lo had risen and a group of nobles gathered at Fort Kronau. Lola spent most of this cold winter alone; huddled near a fire, thinking solely pessimistic thoughts.

    The horrors of the Lo Occupation soon came to an end, and soon enough they was rushed back into the busy scene of Regalia. Lola is once more finding her place within the Holy City, but still greatly misses her adventurous days at her home in Ithania. She doesn’t quite know what to do with herself, but is managing to get through each month as they pass.



    Attached Files:

    • Winner Winner x 3
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
    #1 AestheticEgg, Apr 12, 2017
    Last edited: May 12, 2017
  2. Scribbe

    Scribbe Scribma Male Staff Member Lore1

    Sep 4, 2013
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    'To focuis'?

    'Confidenc'? Also, does the comma imply that there is more? It seems so.

    That's all I could find.
  3. AestheticEgg

    AestheticEgg Shilla Blonk

    Apr 29, 2016
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  4. Ryria

    Ryria i amne jusst a litle creechr

    Oct 22, 2015
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    this is so pretty I'm proud
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Magivore

    Magivore No Rest For The Wicked

    Apr 22, 2013
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    I hereby claim this application.
    You will get a staff review once my classes end today! As a starting note; I love the amount of effort into making it very pretty for me, but you should generally wait until after a review to make it fabulous.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Magivore

    Magivore No Rest For The Wicked

    Apr 22, 2013
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    Alright, let's get on underway! What you have here is Lola, and I will be giving her a staff review today. Remember; all of these criticisms and questions are to help you improve, not to discourage you! As per usual, when you are complete, shoot me a tag and make your edits in PURPLE so I can clearly see them when they're made.

    This entire quote is produced of your images alone. Although it might not appear big on mobile or because the images might not load, these are absolutely massive in their full size and are taking up the amount of space that most bare-bone applications take up with their writing alone. Please remove these or put them in a spoiler, but I recommend mostly the former, save for your picture reference, which should instead be in a spoiler or shrunk down.
    Her wish to prolong conversation, and yet her hatred of it seems to be contradictory. I recommend picking either she avoids it, or she sticks to it because she likes talking. If she does like talking, however, then she is not reserved.
    Please put these in a spoiler and make the spacing be far smaller than it currently is.
    Although I'm normally on people's cases on having a character be too powerful, you're actually missing one of your talents! Go back and add one.

    As a secondary reminder, don't doll up your apps before a staff puts in a review. All these aesthetic changes might be really cool, but it will have you spend 10 minutes making it pretty instead of 10 minutes making it up to standard!
  7. AestheticEgg

    AestheticEgg Shilla Blonk

    Apr 29, 2016
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    I believe I have made the requested changes. Thank you for your advice! @Magivore
  8. Magivore

    Magivore No Rest For The Wicked

    Apr 22, 2013
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    All is good except for her 'courteous' talent. That's more of a personality trait than a skill. Maybe she is more wise than most, so she knows when to say what?
  9. AestheticEgg

    AestheticEgg Shilla Blonk

    Apr 29, 2016
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    If I change that to 'etiquette', would that be considered a skill?
  10. Magivore

    Magivore No Rest For The Wicked

    Apr 22, 2013
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    That's moreso a behavioral trait than anything. If you want, I'd tell you to integrate that into her personality rather than as a skill as 'posh'. You can work with only two talents if you wish, just remember that it'd put you at a slight disadvantage in comparison. It's your character, so it's your choice!
  11. AestheticEgg

    AestheticEgg Shilla Blonk

    Apr 29, 2016
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    I've done what you have recommended, leaving it at two talents. Though, I plan on adding more in the future. @Magivore
  12. Magivore

    Magivore No Rest For The Wicked

    Apr 22, 2013
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    That's okay! Just shoot me a message when you do. I personally find it cool that you plan to have her talents develop rather than already be there.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  13. AestheticEgg

    AestheticEgg Shilla Blonk

    Apr 29, 2016
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    Edit: Just added some little aesthetic things to make the application prettier, and updated Lola's age to fit with family lore.
    #13 AestheticEgg, May 5, 2017
    Last edited: May 5, 2017
  14. AestheticEgg

    AestheticEgg Shilla Blonk

    Apr 29, 2016
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    Edit: Added a weakness and tweaked some bits and bobs. @Magivore
  15. Magivore

    Magivore No Rest For The Wicked

    Apr 22, 2013
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    Although the application is still approved, I advise you be careful with this. Many roleplayers end up falling into a trap where they can't progress due to a weakness like this preventing them from forming friendly relationships and, in turn, positive / sometimes negative advancements.
    • Agree Agree x 2

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