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Played Character LOIC

This character is actively played.


holy person
Jul 15, 2021
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Loic
  • Heritage / Culture: Bound Automata
  • Age: 46
  • Gender / Pronouns: Masculine (he/him)
  • Religion: Draconism, with frequent pledges to Triton as his patron.
  • Occult: A shade bound into a dark-metal husk.
  • Character Occupation: Adventurer
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Red
  • Skin Color: Black like basalt
  • Hair: A flowing wreath of white
  • Height: 7'2
  • Body Type: Herculean muscle strapped to an uncannily proportioned frame.
  • Additional Features: Time-worn nails of ebon metal drive into the joints, assembling the so-called flesh of the automaton to his dark metal skeleton beneath. Beneath the surface, hellish energy pulses a voidal red.
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents: Athletic Hobby
  • Mechanics:
    • Bound Mechanic I: If imprisoned, locked up, or chained down, can simply slip out of these restraints and walk through locked doors.
    • Bound Mechanic II: Bound Automata gain +1 Attack Stat and +1 Defense Stat while inside the Sewers (breaking cap up to 11). If they are Ordial Aligned, they gain another +1 Defense Stat inside the Ordial Temple.
    • Bound Mechanic III: Bound Automata can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
    • Bound Mechanic IV: Bound Automata can choose 1 Adapt Point Buy Pack (must be Magical Variant) for free, except Shapeshift Pack. Additionally, they can choose 1 Pack from Tech Point Buy to gain also.
      • Mind Control
      • Tech Exhaust
    • Bound Mechanic V: Bound Automata, if killed or destroyed, can temporarily become an Unbound Spirit, gaining those Mechanics, except ones that grant Free Packs, until they are bound to a unimatrix again and turned back.
  • Languages: Common, Altalar
  • "Born" into the world again as a Mëseillaad, Loic was raised only to infiltrate and exterminate, primarily targetting the rival powers of his necromantic creators. On one such mission, Loic encountered and engaged a crew of adventurers who were after the very same object he was sent to retrieve. A battle ensued, and after Loic's defeat, rather than putting the accursed machine out of its misery, they instead restored his will - enough to consider another way.
  • Following encounter, Loic set off on a cold and lonely path, crippled and agonized by recurring mirages of his past life. Seeking a way to ease the suffering, he sought out his erstwhile saviours, who gladly accepted him into their party. With these new companions, Loic was given a purpose as a key member of their entourage, a frighteningly skilled warrior and assassins with loyalty only to his comrades. Together they scoured Aloria, travelling by horse and ship on myriad adventures.
  • Eventually, the diverse demands of the party's members began to fray their cohesion, ultimately resulting in the group disbanding - albeit on warm terms. Though he was offered a place with each of his friends, Loic had relied upon the compass guide of his comrades long enough, and swore to carve his own path. Still haunted by fragments of a life before this, and the bloodshed wrought in the name of the Rexit, Loic turns to Regalia to forge himself anew.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Strength
Defense Stat: Constitution​

Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 7
    • Technique Parry
    • Building Scale
    • Bruiser Stance (Free)
    • Bruiser Slam
    • Bruiser Flurry
    • Bruiser Parry
    • Bruiser Rampage
  • Constitution: 6
    • Rebound
    • Status Endure
    • Rage Counter
    • Breather
    • Thick Hide
    • Iron Will
  • Intelligence: 1
    • Mindcontrol (Magical variant, free)
    • Tech Exhaust
  • Dexterity: 1
    • Disguise Pack
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