Preserved Sheet Lohgorian Morderheim

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Dec 15, 2013
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A small rickety wooden cart, on it's way to Helgen
Lohgorian Morderheim
'To achieve great things, two things are needed:
A plan, and not quite enough time.'

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Lohgorian Morderheim
  • Age: 143 years old
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Teledden Altalar
  • Sexuality: Asexual until further notice
  • Preferred Weapon: Diplomacy
Skill Information
  • Proficiency Points: 70
    • Linguistic Knowledge | +20 Points
    • Magical Knowledge | +30 Points
      • Artifactism
      • Dimenthism
      • Eventism
      • Grand Knowledge
      • Racialism
      • Sanguinology
      • Shatterology
    • Diplomatic Case Skill | +8 Points.
    • Sorcery | + 12 Points
  • Body Shape
    • Body Stat: 0
    • Body Build: Average
    • Body Fat: Low Body Fat
  • Languages
    • Common | Learnt over time
    • Modern Altalar | Mother Tongue
    • D'Ithanie | Learnt through interaction
    • Kathar Elven Dialect | Mixture of tutor and study
    • Twi Dialects | +15 Linguistic Points, lead towards Elven Language Pack. Learnt through extensive study
    • Ancient Altalar | +15 Linguistic Points, lead towards Elven Language Pack. Learnt through extensive study
    • Seraph Dialect| +20 Linguistic Points. Learnt through many library expeditions, information gathering and other studies
  • Special Traits
    • Sanguine Curse: Zikiel (Inactive)
      • Vampire: Haunting Dragon
      • Vampire: Haunting Deflecting
      • Vampire: Haunting Chains
      • Vampire: Haunting Spectre
    • Altalar: Will of the Arcane:
      • Arcanomancy
      • Memorymancy
      • Powermancy
    • Lightness Sorcery:
      • Healing Grace
      • Orb in Darkness
      • Burning Brightness (Mage Empower)
    • Chaos Sorcery:
      • Yoink
    • Grand Knowledge:
      • Can destroy Mage Wards over the course of 5 minutes, or brute force a single Mage Ward immediatly. This prevents the breaking of wards for 48 hours.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Icy Blue.
  • Hair Color: Blonde.
  • Hair Style: Long, flowing wildly.
  • Skin Color: Pale.
  • Clothing: Tightly fit clothing, often dark in colors. Close in resemblance to what lower nobility wears.
  • Height: 6'10"
Personality and Abilities
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Calm on the outside, but panicked and stressed from the inside. When fearful, Lohgorian feels like he has lost control of the situation, and this shows in the way he acts. He will quickly try to regain control over his emotions, and if that fails, run as fast as his legs can carry him.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Lohgorian tends to become bitter and worrisome once stress starts to affect him. He tries his best to stay clear of any stressful situations to avoid it getting to his head. Once the Altalar does become burdened by it however, he tends to stay away from people and retreats to his residence as to regain his composure.
  • How would your character express feeling Happy?
    • Lohgorian tends to become overly talkative once he feels the glee of happiness. He constantly reminds both himself and others what has caused his happiness, usually in a more boastful and braggy way, as to make them jealous of his emotions.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • The Altalar views laws and authorities as unnecessary systems that are put in place only by those who strive for power and are not knowledgeable enough to gain it in a fair manner. He considers most authorities to hold no power over him, and tends to seek out the absolute limits of any laws placed over him. Only those who have proven intellectual capability are fit enough to be leaders, and as such he will only follow these people and the laws they write.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Races that aren't like him are usually viewed in a negative manner, unless they have proven themselves as a worthy asset, or someone he can gain information from. Lohgorian is careful around other races and oftentimes refers to them as 'disgusting things', but will still converse with them if they choose to interact with him.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Lohgorian is a devout follower of Estel, praying for her knowledge as much as his time allows him to. Religion is something he can find peace in, knowing that in the grand scheme of things, things will just work out because the gods want them to.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • An obsession of his, meant to be studied deeply in order to understand its nature. Lohgorian's interest in the Arcane and Magical is an insatiable thirst, as he continues to devote his life to gather knowledge about it's mysteries. He feels as if it is his duty to master it.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Indifferent. They haven't wronged him in any way, but that is not a good enough reason to prefer them over others. His contact with them is never a large priority to him, as they have mostly let him free in his pursuits, although prior to his infection, he did secretly hope they would visit him more often. His elder sister is the one exception to this, and he still thanks her for what she has done for him.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Before Lohgorian became infected, he was always afraid about how other people viewed him. As a person who secluded himself for most of his life, he assumed others would talk behind his back, which caused him to become slightly paranoid. After he became infected, this insecurity did not affect him as much, but it still lingers in the back of his head, albeit more so about how much people respect him.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Lohgorian praises himself for his extensive knowledge on all sorts of matters. His brains are his brawn, and the Altalar makes sure to show off his intelligence towards others as much as possible. His entire life has revolved around him becoming an intellectual, especially in magical and linguistic matters, and as such he feels that he deserves recognition for it.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • His biggest motivation is that which he has occupied himself with for the past century; Knowledge. Lohgorian strives to learn and know everything, and even the Altalar knows that there are many undiscovered mysteries for him to find. Aside from that, Lohgorian still feels like he has to experience many things in his life, for he has mostly secluded himself so far.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Loss of control. Without having the upper hand and being able to do exactly what he feels is right, he fails to act accordingly. Without control, Lohgorian becomes panicked and desperately tries to reinstate his dominance. Alongside Lohgorian's fear of losing control, a more deep found fear of his is Mind Rot. He finds it horrific to think about a disease that would, in one fell swoop, take away everything he has worked towards. He does his best to completely avoid people who have contracted the disease, even if they are considered friends of his.
'If you wish to achieve greatness, you must make the necessary sacrifices.'

Life Story
Lohgorian was born many years ago in a decently sized Altalar city, in a family of five, with him becoming the sixth member. Born to a father who cared not for his children and a mother who was too busy with her job to properly care for them, Lohgorian was mostly raised by Taenya, his elder sister and a scholar, who he treated much like a mother. Taenya, who already had a source of income, paid Lohgorian's fees for schooling and education, as the Altalar strived to make his sister proud. Because he spent most of his time in the books, the elf was never strong in the social aspect, with other children oftentimes avoiding him or calling him names. He cared not, however, for he knew (or thought) he was more knowledgeable than them. Their behavior never deterred from his goals.

The first quarter of his life was spent in near solitude, as he continued to learn more about the world he lived in, and the magical essence that was present in it. There were only few reasons Lohgorian would leave his housing, one of them including the sabbatical travel to the shrines of the Inner and Outer Pantheon, eventually travelling to the Shrine of Talae, where Lohgorian would receive the Ring of Ulley. He and Taenya eventually moved out of their parent's residence to move closer to both Lohgorian's schooling and Taenya's work space. Eventually, Lohgorian finished his education, but that did not stop him from learning.

He eventually said his goodbyes to Taenya as he departed towards a smaller town near his birthplace. Lohgorian bought a small homestead and many forms of literature, as he had become fascinated with gathering knowledge. Locally, he was known as a hermit, only coming out of his house to collect food and more books from the library, however after he ran out of money to buy both, he had to resort to other methods to gain sustenance. As if called for, a man called Theodore, an Ithanian traveller who had wanted to settle nearby, showed up. For a little bit of money, Lohgorian allowed him to stay in his home. At first, they seemed like a perfect match, but Theodore's motives were less than good.

It was through this roommate Lohgorian obtained both the Sanguine Curse and an even large thirst for knowledge, mostly focussed on the Arcane. With his mutations developing, he found himself changing. Where he was once slightly timid, he was now bolder and pompous, and his newfound knowledge served him well. During the day, he continued his studies and research, as well as learning a once foreign language to him; D'Ithanie. During the night, they would sneak through the mostly abandoned streets, feeding on unsuspecting passersby. This process also caused Lohgorian to completely dismiss the teachings of Estel, therefor removing his ability to use his ring. He cared not, however, for this new blessing gave him far greater power. This cycle of day and night lasted for a long while, until Lohgorian and Theodore were caught by the local guards. Whilst the Altalar managed to flee and escape, Theodore's fate is still unknown to Lohgorian.

Lohgorian barely managed to make his way into Regalia during the dusk, and that is where he stays today. As he continues to commit his life to countless studies, he will always wonder what has happened to the person that introduced him to one of his greatest blessings.

Recently, however, something in his mindset changed. He was unsure about what it was. Perhaps it was his encounter with a Kathar who, with very convincing words, brought him to the side of the Kathar. After the ritual passed, he now not only has the curse of Vampirism, but also the Dread Corruption affecting him. This corruption did not last for long, however; only weeks after his turning, he was exorcised from the Dread. However, in search of more knowledge, Lohgorian delved into the books of knowledge once more, to discover more about a creature of fascinating features; the Dragons.
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@TheVigilantWolf Noticed a few mistakes in my application. Following changes made:
- Removed 10 proficiency points, since I was 10 points over. Points were retracted from Bodycare and Literary Arts.
- Found out Saivaile Kathar have a body build limit of Slim. Fixed that accordingly.

Whilst there were no major changes, they were made in This color!
@TheVigilantWolf Updates made in response to the Vampire Update. Following changes have been made:
- Switched around a few proficiency points. Underworld Knowledge, Rogue Training, a bit of Perception Training, as well as the 10 points that became available now that Mutations no longer have a proficiency cost, have been put into Magical Knowledge to compensate for the loss of Book of Cold Ones. I also shuffled an additional 5 Points to Magical Knowledge, granting knowledge of Sanguinology.
- Mutations have been changed.
- Changed eye color.
- Added Ring of Talae; current state is Inactive, however.

Changes made in This color!
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Everything looks good, just keep in mind your Ring of Talae will only become active if Lohgorian is both cured of Vampirism and the Dread Corruption.


Hi there @BrammekeH , due to a small backlog I shall be re-reviewing this app.
  • Please keep in mind that if your character is infected, they'll be unable to use their sorcery points. I'm sure this will not be a problem, however.
  • Approved!