Archived Log Textures

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Sep 11, 2012
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I've seen that allot of the costom trees on the server also have a costom texture for some of the logs. Like a log whith bark on all side. The problem is; as far as I know, the only way to get them is to cut down existing custom trees. My idea is to make it possible to get the different textures through custom recipes.
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Not possible currently all bark logs can only be made with world edit.
Not possible currently all bark logs can only be made with world edit.

I know litle and less about plugins and programming, but is it imposible to make make it so that for example when you place two log next to each other the game "hands you" two log whith new bark texture and by this make a sircle like allot off other bloks have?
I know litle and less about plugins and programming, but is it imposible to make make it so that for example when you place two log next to each other the game "hands you" two log whith new bark texture and by this make a sircle like allot off other bloks have?
The problem is that the "All side bark" log 17:112,17:13,17:14,17:15 can't be spawned in as a block like double half slabs.
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