Preserved Sheet Lodewijk Boerefijn

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Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
Reaction score

Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Lodewijk Boerefijn, though from a combination of ignorance and simplicity he is referred to as Bounty Hunter, both as a derogatory term and a sign of respect and professionalism.
  • Age: 40
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Anglian Ailor
  • Main Ambition: To continue improving his skills to afford a fair amount of wealth to retire on a hillside cottage in Anglia
Skill Information (Required)

  • 25 Anglian Longbow (+10 School of Wapnbog, +5 Anglian, +10 Proficiency)
  • 10 Mace (+10 School of Wapnbog)
  • 10 Unarmed Wrestling (+10 School of Wapnbog)
  • 20 Trapping (+20 Proficiency)
  • 20 Husbandry (+20 Proficiency)
  • 10 Horticulture (+10 Proficiency)
  • 10 Carving (+10 Proficiency)
  • 10 Anglian
  • 10 Common
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Hazel
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Close shaved with a small patch of hair remaining on the top
  • Skin Color: Pink
  • Clothing: Simple hemp woven trousers and shirt, with leather additions for strength in high wear areas, IE arms and legs
  • Height: 5'9
  • Body Build: Muscular, with higher amounts of muscle in the arms
  • Weapon of Choice: Anglian Longbow, Mace, Bolas and Varying Traps
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • First Paragraph: Lodewijk is a relatively closed off person. Strangers view him as an isolationist, one who separates themselves from forming any true bonds or attachments. While some may witness him in close embrace to others, more often than not, Lodewijk emits a quiet and cold exterior. This leaves him to be viewed as pretentious or stuck-up, yet intriguing and mysterious.
  • Second Paragraph: Internally Lodewijk is focused and calculated. His position as a bounty hunter leaves him to be fearful of developing bonds or lasting relationships as these may be exploited or cause conflict within himself at inappropriate moments. He isolates himself to allow his skill to manifest to its fullest and to prevent any possibility of external weakness. This leaves him feeling a sense of longing, as though he wishes to have a life that is free from his work, yet he believes to do so now will only result in pain.
  • Third Paragraph: Lodewijk has very small bonds with his friends and family. His familial relationships are virtually nonexistent as he has separated himself from them over the course of many years. For his friends, it is a different story. Lodewijk deep down cares for his friends, even developing romantic relationships with some, yet he buries these emotions inside himself. Whenever he fears himself to become to attached, he leaves. For him, it is far easier to leave the ones you love than to stay with them out of fear of failure and pain.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Lodewijk has a grey morality at best. He is a contract killer, a spy, and a rogue wrapped into a nice Anglian package. His isolation over the many years of his work as such has impacted him psychologically and emotionally. He has no issue with ending lives and no issue with ruining others. His actions are for self improvement, yet he does not engage in the actions he does with joy or fulfillment. Instead, Lodewijk acknowledges his ability in various skills and it has shaped him to who he is, resulting in a morality that is reliant on what objective he is to fulfill.
Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)
  • Isolation: By separating himself from others and damaging his own personal relationships out of his fears and anxieties, it has caused a wave of depression to fall across Lodewijk. It has created a void inside of himself, where he is afraid of attachment and commitment. This has caused him to attempt filling it with various acts, ranging from substance to derogatory actions. Often times, Lodewijk finds himself with feelings of weakness that pass over him. It causes a great deal of emotional and mental pain for him, yet he lives with this burden as it comes into conflict with his idealized existence and plan for his life.
Life Story (Required)

Lodewijk was born in a hamlet on the west side of south Anglia in 266. His father was a farmer and grew wheat and barley in his fields. From an early age, Lodewijk aided his family in their business ventures. Working in the fields and tending to the goats, milking them to produce dairy goods, primarily cheeses.

When he came to age, Lodewijk was enrolled in the School of Wapnbog, set to become a levy member for one of the Anglian lords of the realm. Upon entry, Lodewijk was exposed to the usage of the bow, having the perform tension tests and strength training for his upper body, to shape him in order to utilize the weapon effectively. After graduation, Lodewijk entered the Regalian Army, right at the start of the Chrysant War.

Lodewijk was placed within a long range archery unit, aiming to maintain distance to attack Essa Empire supply lines and scout movements. After two years, Lodewijk transferred to a different commander, who aimed to pursue escaping enemy troops into the woods. During this period, Lodewijk was first exposed to setting traps, later on discovering its usefulness to protect his rear.

Lodewijk eventually left the war, having gained skills to become an effective long distance archer. When he returned, he found employment as a city guard for a time, before leaving that to pursue a more successful occupation as a bounty hunter.
This led him to the capital of the Regalian Empire where he would be more profitable. For the next fifteen years, Lodewijk was able to complete a wide range of contracts involving look out work and assassinations, acting as the shadow of death. It impacted his perceptions of the world and his attitude, but it has afforded him great success and many luxuries. Presently he seeks employment within the capital city of the Regalian Empire, aiming to capitalize on the influx of bounties given the unusual situation that occur within the city walls.
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Here's my review.
  • Bold potential personality traits in the first paragraph. Isolationist is one possible example.
  • What year was he born in?
  • Which Anglian lord was he to become a levy to?
  • Why did he go to Regalia instead of returning to Anglia after the war?
Make the edits in red and tag me when you're done.
Added everything but specifications on which lord because I don't want to attach them to a specific player and generic NPC man is all that remains. This was done on mobile so I colored as much as I could on this bloody machine.