Archived /lock Visualize

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My suggestion is pretty simple and self explanatory.. It's just recommending that /lock visualize default to OFF for new players.
It's really useful for new players if they decide to loot. If they have it off for default, they may never know about it. I personally didn't know that the chests had particle effects up untill 2-3 months after the pluggin was released (Mostly because I turn off all particle effects). If this was implemented staff should make /lock visualize on, one of the automated server messages that informs about the pluggin
I have to be honest, already being familiar with the old lock system before i returned here, id have a hard time understanding how to differentiate chests from normal ones if particles were already off.
I feel like having an automated message when going to /tp market would be good. Otherwise, it's extremely laggy with the effects on.
Upon review, this idea will be rejected. Locks are intentionally set to visualize ON for new players to help them see/understand locks.
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