Preserved Sheet Lliev Of Alemaïn

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Professional Hand Holder
Aug 30, 2016
Reaction score



| Theme |
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Flör régâladã lliev vácía
    • Used Name: Lliev
  • Age: 138
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Kathar: Wolond Disciple
    • Clan: Alemaïn
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Religion: Void worship & Katharisim
  • Weapon of choice: Fists, Javelin, Large Axe
Skill Information

Total Points: 60
  • Point Pool
    • Unarmed Combat Skill | +20 Points | +20 Body stat |
    • Extra Heavy Combat Skill | +10 Points | +10 Body Stat |
    • Throwing Combat Skill | +10 Points | +10 Body Stat |
    • Natura Care Sciences| +2 Points |
    • Void Ritualism Skill | +6 Points |
    • Sorcery Skill | +8 Points
    • Magical Knowledge | +4 Points |
      • Dimenthism Info
    • Literary Arts | +3 Culture Points
    • Dance Arts | +2 Culture Points | +1 Bodystat
    • Culinary Arts | +5 Culture Points
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 41
  • Body Shape: Muscular
  • Body Fat: Moderate Body Fat
  • Kathar Elven Dialect Fluent, Literate.
  • Common Fluent, Literate
  • She'llaq Ritualistic Script
  • Sanguine Bloodline | Von Kërle | Inactive
    • Hardlord Varghul
    • Harlord Spikewall
    • Harlord Chasing
    • Harlord Elementing
  • Racial & Sorcery Spells
    • Raging Fire | Racial Spell
    • Raging Ascendant | Racial Spell
    • Raging Marking | Racial Spell
    • Who Needs Skill | Chaos Sorcery
    • Stay Put/Can't Hold Me Down | Chaos Sorcery
    • Fired for Battle | Spirit Sorcery | Mage Blood |
    • Overwhelming Force | Spirit Sorcery \ Mage Blood |
    • Construct of Tranquillity | Spirit Sorcery | Mage Blood |
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Gold |
  • Hair Color: N/A
  • Hair Style: Bald
  • Skin Color: Qadir brown
  • Clothing: Free-flowing garbs
  • Height: 6'5


Personality and Abilities

Option Two: The Core List
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Lawful Evil
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Commander - ENTJ-A
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Void Worship 8/10
      • Lliev holds a high devotion to the corruption of the Void, viewing such as a 'purer' form. Despite leaning towards Nirualla & Abbagellon as favoured deity's, Lliev would go on to gift the remaining deity's with a similar degree of worship.
    • Katharisim 3/10
      • Lliev subjects himself to the Void Prefect of War & Power, though due to recent events with the rise & fall of the Manathar & the defection of the Pride Arken the Kathar has begun to doubt his devotion to the Arkan as divine beings.

First Paragraph: Lliev is often perceived as overly blunt and often overzealous, often revealing no fear when preaching the word of the void & the gift of the Sanguine blessing. To a stranger, Lliev may appear narrow & simple-minded, often disregarding the elder's words, often rendering an aggressive response from the Kathar. Though, for those who fail to disregard the Kathar's beliefs, he is often forgiving & tolerable, capable of holding discussion even in the presence of a non-believer, not without a few subtle attempts of conversion of course.

Second Paragraph: Lliev feels as if he has a calling, a calling to share all the gifts of the void with all he can. The Kathar has come to peace with the fact that such a dangerous job comes with great risk. Content with his spawns capabilities to carry out his legacy, he accepts the fact that death may await him upon every turn. Lliev doesn't resent those around him, rather he sees them as sheep who have strayed from their flock, bar the exception of the Yanar. Comprehended as Estels minions and no more than husks that require breath, Lliev holds a heavy flame of distaste for the peaceful plant folk, often dreaming of the race withering and faltering to the ground, only to awake disheartened.

Third Paragraph: Lliev doesn't often make friends very often, often simple acquaintances or those he can tolerate. The Kathar though if found with someone with a like mind, he tends to open to be a more careful, almost hesitant with his words ensuring to keep a topic civil. As for family, he holds the same belief. Should kin find themselves following in his footsteps and accepting their birthright to sate the voids desires, he'd accept them in open arms. As for those who grow hesitant the Kathar grows more irritable, displeased & disgusted, shunning them or even growing physical towards them.

Fourth Paragraph:
In the clouded eyes of the Kathar, he'd describe himself as in the 'right' and 'pure' when it comes to his sense of morality, though in reality, the Kathar holds a twisted view of the world. Beauty only exists in those who have been touched, twisted and 'purified' by the void, going as far as forcing his beliefs upon those who are often simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Life Story

Early Life: Lliev was born within The Clan of Alemaïn, catered within the Wolond Walds. The Kathar was born to a Proud father & domestic mother in the year 136 AC. The Wolond had a rather casual upbringing, being used as a simple fetch boy, confined within the walls of his tribe lands until maturity. Until then, the small Kathar spent his time doing all the minuscule jobs his parents gave him, gardened & played with the other Kathar. Once matured, Lliev was taught the ropes of surviving in the hostile environment he was born within, warned to not stray too deep into the Wald.

Middle life: By his late sixties, the Kathar found his life twisting around. One night, after a night with his companions, Lliev found himself intoxicated & lost. Disinterested in leaving his eyes open any longer then he must, he climbed aboard one of the few bone made trade boats. By morning, Lliev found himself out at sea with a nasty bite in his shoulder. After confronting the crew and a stream of arguments & some discussion, Lliev had a clear epiphany. To him, it was obvious that the void had willed for him to depart from his homelands & accept a calling much greater than a simple life. So the Kathar set off to Daendroc with the crew, holding the intention to assist in purifying the realm of Aloria and that he did.

Infectious beginning: With the coming days, Lliev would seem to suffer a sort of sickness, later confirmed to be the Sanguine curse. With no way of curing, Lliev found himself reborn after a matter of days with the unquenchable thirst for blood. Upon making a full transformation, Lliev was accepted into a family of four.

Later life:
The group would settle in the forests of Daendroc neighbouring an array of Avanthar, Orc, Cielothar & of course Kathar populations. The group would take refuge among the Wolond tribes as they went around doing business, spending whatever gaps they had between travel to take part in the Wolond raids against the near by settlements. This formed yet another repetitive trend in the Wolond's life, burning precious years away as a mock trader & raider. Eventually this cycle was broken as the Wolond heeded word of a jungle made of stone from a local Ailor settlement & what immense powers develop within. With that, Lliev departed from his companions who opted to stay within the county.

Regalia: Lliev claimed a home in the middle of the Regalian country side for his own, developing a corrupted garden of his own to enjoy once his reign of terror upon the Regalian slums came to an abrupt stop after a curing. After spending over a year in solitude, Lliev would depart from his den & once again enter the chaotic city of Regalia, chasing after a ghost.

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Hello! Here is my review;

  • Basic Information
    • Under sexuality, "Find out IC" is not appropriate. If you'd like for people to find out ICly, you may remove the sexuality section entirely, as it's optional! If you wish to include it, please include sexuality.
  • Skill Information
    • I would reference a point in his life story where he might of learned the school of huntverk from a book or how he picked it up.
Be sure to tag me when you're done and highlight edits in blue. @NoRezForYou
@Caelamus Have adjusted to the new format.
F Rest in peace, Muscular Wolond masters.
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@Caelamus Edited To fit new Sanguine lore (Bloodline & added the new +20 points to spend)
@Caelamus As discussed, changes to mutations & switched 5 points from unarmed to quick blades!
@Caelamus I promise I'll leave him alone now
I've adjusted the backstory slightly near the end in the color of red to fit the new Varlord mutation is all.
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@Caelamus This app requires a Re-review now, sorry I wasn't sure if I was ready to say so or not & didn't wanna look sus mass editing an approved app.