Preserved Sheet Llewyn

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Screaming with rhythm
Apr 19, 2016
Reaction score
Potato's Bed

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{Two Time} {Rats} {UwU}

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Birth Name: Mie'fu Miskai
➭ Chosen Name: Llewyn
➭ Nicknames: Mie, Mimi, Llew, Pathetic Cat Boy
Age: Nineteen
➭Birthday: March 24th
➭Star sign: Aries
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Varran

➭Specifics: ½ Varran & ½ Sihai
Sexuality: (:
Preferred Weapon: A short dagger, otherwise if not on hand his fists with sharpened nails.

➭ A pouch of various mismatched earrings.
➭ Probably like, 20 regals.
➭ An old, and rather dull dagger.
➭ A little jar of polished rocks.

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Proficiency Points: 19 + 5 | 24
8 Dextrous Rogue Skill
6 Stealth Rogue Skill
6 Fast Blades Combat Skill
4 Maritime Knowledge

Hobby Points: 10
8 Threads Arts
2 Ceramic Arts

Physical Stat: 6
Body Shape: Toned
Body Fat: Average


Common | 8/10 [Free, learned in childhood]
Zcorr | 9/10 [taught by parents]
Wa'an | 8/10 [taught by parents]


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Eye Color: Amber

Hair Color: Burnt Wood Brown
Hair Style: Unkempt
Skin Color: Pale Tan
Clothing: Commoner Clothes, usually brightly colored, and of Sihai fashion.
Height: 5'4

➭ Llewyn has a rather rounded heart-shaped face, monolid eyes, and the standard half-varran flattened nose. Dark stripes mark his face, most notably on his cheek bones, forehead, and near his chin. These stripes travel down his neck and back as well. He has a small scar across his left eyebrow, but its not noticeable unless you're really looking. His ears are cat-like. Llewyn's right ear is missing the tip, jaggedly cut off after a certain incident.

➭ Llewyn is rather small. Lithe, if you wanna say that. His bones are average, his body fat is average. Average half-varran body hair. Y'know all that stuff. From his tailbone sprouts a long, striped and furry tail, matching the color of his hair.

➭ Fashionwise, Llewyn mainly dresses for comfort. Baggy pants, large patterned or embroidered coats and haori. Flowy would be a good word to describe his fashion sense. Big sleeves? Blue or orange? That's sexy, babey. Jewelry is something Llewyn wears a lot of, though he seems to always wear a single, dangling purple sea glass earring in his left ear. He enjoys the jingle jangle.

➭ Llewyn's voice isn't low, but it definitely isn't high. It's a bit raspy. Set somewhere in the middle, Llewyn has a bad habit of talking fast, and very loudly. It's fairly rare that he stutters or stumbles over words.


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Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Personality Type: The Virtuoso/ISTP-T
Religious Views: 2/10 Loong Dragon Worship


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Birth & Childhood

➭Born on March 24th, 288 A.C. alongside his sister Hanfei, the little half-varran's life began on the deck of his father, Te-Fu's, trade ship.
➭ Most of his life is spent on this ship, the small family never spending more than a week in one place. Mie'fu realizes at an early age that this isn't the life for him.
➭ Mie'fu spends most of his time causing trouble with Hanfei wherever they can. The two were hardly disciplined by their parents for misbehaving, and got away with most things.
➭ The twins picked up a knack for stealing. Though Llewyn was better at distracting than he was nabbing goods.
➭ Ku-nai is born on December 5th, 294 A.C.
➭ Parents teach them basic self-defence, just in case.
➭ Once the twins reached age 10, their parents began to teach them how to navigate using the moon and stars. Mie'fu didn't have much of an interest in these skills, and never really paid attention, much to his father's dismay. He claimed he wasn't going to need sailing skills, as he wasn't going to keep doing this when he grew up.
➭ His mother supported his decision, but his father couldn't help but be a bit disappointed, as he wanted the boy to follow in his footsteps. The two argued over this a lot.

Teen years

➭Docked in Regalia for two days, Mie'fu ran away after a rather heated argument with his father. He didn't tell anyone where he's going except for Hanfei, who vowed to keep it a secret.
➭He drops his given name, and begins to introduce himself as Llewyn.
➭Llewyn decides to settle down for a bit, renting out a small house in Regalia. It's a nice break after a lifetime of traveling.
➭ Llewyn makes friends with Sibyllad Lykke, and then proceeds to be a bastard for a years time. The two grow close. Close enough that Llewyn considers her an older sibling.
➭ Llewyn gets a knock on his door! He was greeted Hanfei, who delivers the news that Te-fu is most likely going to pass very soon.
➭After hearing the devastating news, Llewyn leaves without a word to spend lost time with his family.
➭Te-fu succumbs to his illness. The little family grieves.


➭Llewyn returns to Regalia! He reunites with his friends, and forces his way into Sibÿllad's makeshift family.

Immediate Family

➭ Te-fu Miskai | Father | "He was strict, but fun. I wish I had gotten to say more to him."
➭ Thiti Arafa | Mother | "My Mother Dearest. Taught me how to sew, and taught me how to lie."
➭ Hanfei Miskai | Twin Sister | "She likes fire a bit too much for comfort."
➭ Ku-nai Miskai | Younger Brother | "Little bastard. I was never close with him. Tragic, I know."

Everyone else

➭ Sibÿllad Lykke | Best Orc | "She's disgusting, but she's important to me, I guess."
➭ Synne Lykke | Fake Niece 1 | "Ties me to that dreaded rope and tugs me about like a dirty dog."
➭ Paedon Lykke | Fake Niece 2 | "I heard she lives in the walls, which I don't doubt."
➭ Mathea Lykke | Fake Niece 3 | "Who?"
➭ Tiray | Sorta friend. Kinda his boss | "Don't know much about her, but I pay her 50 regals every week for friendship."
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I love Llewyn Miskai.
Peer Review!
Physical Stat: 8 + 5 | 13
Body Shape: Athletic
This should be changed! The math would be Athletic Training x 0.5, so his Physical stat should be 4 +5 | 9

Religious Views: 2/10 Loong Dragon Worship
Incorrect. Llewyn IS God himself, therefore he isn't ALLOWED to have a religion. He IS religion.

Everything else looks good!! ily.