Preserved Sheet Llaracul

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Jul 7, 2022
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Character Information
  • Full Name: Llaracul (yah-rah-cul)
  • Race: Bralona (Bralla)
  • Age: (Minimum 17) 1473? might change depending on new Bralona Lore
  • Gender: M
  • Eye Color: Green
Username: KDShadow
Discord: KDShadow#6552
  • Llaracul is a Bralla of unique tastes, in that while most his species desire the experiences of artistry, He yearns for the touch of steel and crafts, seeking the beauty within craftsmanship and the natural beauty of the material. A lighthearted fellow, Llaracul makes friends of those whom he finds aggregable in thought and moral, and searches to see the individualistic traits of others, seeing their aspects as art in its own. Llaracul is a believer of fighting in groups, and as such trains to assist in combat, not to excel at it, and he does this through the (attempted) mastery of ranged weapons and firearms.

  • Strength: 2
    Short Blade Pack
    Unarmed Pack
  • Constitution:2
    Light Shielding Pack
    Wood Craft Pack
  • Wisdom: 1
    Common Alchemy Pack
  • Dexterity: 2
    Marking Pack
    Longneck Pack
  • Magic: 0
  • Charisma: 0
    7/14 Points
If your Character gets any non-Racial Abilities, write down where they get them from. You don't need to list the Abilities themselves.


Common (Free)
(pure?) Dragon Speech (Race Given)

Generally taking the form of a bluish-green man wearing formal suits of varying color, he stands shorter than most at 5"9'. Inlaid by choice upon his skin are faint glowing patterns of swirling galaxies and sparks of golden light. llaracul seems an amiable being, often seen with an extravagant hat of sorts though often changing daily. His hair is of the similar greenish tint of his skin, generally well kept and short.

Like all Bralona, Llaracul's existence was a feat of power Rose Pink Dragons, and considered his childhood a happy one, surrounded by a kindly community which supported his passions.

It was during Llaracul's childhood in which he found a love of the natural, the physical, and embarking upon this newfound passion he took up woodcarving, spending many days and months carving while sitting among the branches.

At this point in Llaracul's life he begins refining his carving skills and takes up a secondary hobby, shooting. Introduced to guns when he came to Regalia, he was instantly obsessed with the many variations and complications of guns available to him, and spent his time now evenly woodworking and practicing. It is now in his life which he searches for companions, as nobody can truly be alive without friends, right?

(In this time im hoping Llaracul will hopefully continue his research into the world of trees and organics, writing many books upon the subject)

Summer Event! Llaracul heard of the opportunity to experience new forms of art and was ecstatic in hearing that there were many new trees to be cut and observed. He also wished to find companions to guide him through this strange new world.

Will probably save the paragraph description for later character posts for the forums!

(Please do let me know how I can improve my character! This was a bit rushed due to my excitement to be playing on the server, and I'm not expecting it to be accepted first time! I do hope only to add a new and interesting character to the server!)


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Approved, sorry for the delay as we're busy organizing the occupation summer event. Hope you have fun and enjoy your time on massive!