Preserved Sheet Llafle Laho

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Jul 2, 2016
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Basic Information.
  • Full Name: Llafle'chavue'la'jjec'tia Laho'jjacon'tia'llno'hun'caess'enteia
  • Nick Name: Llafle Laho
  • Age: 62.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Avanthar [Varran imprinted].
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual.
  • Faith: Faith of Estel.
Skill Information.
  • Total Points: 60. 50 Available due to school. All used.
    • +20 Horse Riding(+10 from race, +10 from School of Avant).
    • +20 Avanthar Axe(+10 from Avanthar race, +10 from School of Avant).
    • +10 Elven Recurve Bow(+10 from School of Avant).
    • +20 Tracking(+20 from Proficiency Points).
    • +10 Sneaking(+10 from Proficiency Points).
    • +10 Acrobatics(+10 from Proficiency Points).
    • +10 Trapping(+10 from Proficiency Points).
  • Total Points: 60. All used.
    • +20 Husbandry(+20 from Cultural Points).
    • +20 Horticulture(+20 from Cultural Points).
    • +10 Carving(+10 from Cultural Points).
    • +5 Cuisine Cooking(+5 from Cultural Points).
    • +5 Smithing(+5 from Cultural Points).
  • Languages Known:
    • Modern Elven | Fluent
    • Daendroquin | Fluent, roughly literate
    • Ceardian | Roughly fluent

Visual Information.
  • Eye Color: Light blue.
  • Hair Color: Dark auburn.
  • Hair Style: Faux hawk running back into ponytail, shaved sides.
  • Skin Color: Olive tan.
  • Clothing: Garb of greens and browns.
  • Height: 6 foot.
  • Body Build: Ripped.
Personality and Abilities.
  • First Paragraph: On first impression Llafle is certainly not viewed well. From the way he dresses to his attitude and speech patterns, very few would properly enjoy his company and wish to be around him. The Avanthar is seen as animalistic and savage, having little to no remorse for those he meets. While some may wish when confronted to talk things out and negotiate, Llafle is quick to threaten, then attack, even if it is clear he won't win, he will try. The man is rude, ill tempered, and aggressive. Certainly not one you would invite over for tea.
  • Second Paragraph: Internally, Llafle is rather a mess. Being considered below average on body mass for an Avanthar, he tears himself apart, pushing his limits physically whenever he can. Often leading to his own exhaustion. Despite being smaller than most, he feels the need to prove he is just as ferocious and that he can't be taken down easily. Aside from his thoughts on his physical self, he is quite annoyed at himself for his lack of proper education. Llafle can not write in common, and has trouble in casual conversation, often resulting in misunderstanding. Then with the languages he was raised with, he still has issues. Resulting in him not looking for conversation and such. Making him feel alone and isolated.
  • Third Paragraph: Llafle has no real family left, due to having left his tribe. Further, he isn't one to easily make or keep friends, due to his rather solitary lifestyle. Though at times Llafle does meet someone who he allows in, and that he trusts. He becomes overly protective of them. Treating them more like a child he is tasked with the care of rather than someone who can think and protect themselves. Though, he also becomes weaker around those people, letting his guard down and becoming more tame as he fears he may hurt them.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Llafle holds no regard for the law feeling that it is simply a book of words written to control people and limit their freedoms. Llafle lives by his own set of laws, which simply, is that you don't hurt children or the weak, otherwise doing whatever you want. Any law may be broken, any figure of authority can be slandered. It isn't a matter to this Avanthar. As long a no children or weak are injured and no one stands in his way, let chaos reign.
Life Story.
LLafle'chavue'la'jjec'tia Laho'jjacon'tia'llno'hun'caess'enteia was born on the twenty-eight day of the seventh month, 244 AC. From birth he was never treated too gentle, especially seeing how he was born smaller than the average Avanthar. Hopes that treating him rough would toughen him up.
Growing up
Growing up Llafle was pushed hard, and had much expectation on him. Because of this, as soon as he could walk, he was doing work. Fetching water, carrying supplies, etcetera.
Around the age of five, Llafle was given his first horse. A Casecabillas Filly. While tasked with raising this horse and keeping it safe, he trained on another horse. Still having to help with this horses upkeep, though, it was mostly just used for training. Initially learning how to saddle, ride, and stay on the horse.
At the age of ten, Llafle would now get to ride his own horse. Having trained for years on the much larger Stallion, he handled the mare well. Starting his training with horseback archery. Both stationary, and while moving. Along with the archery, he was taught how to throw axes from horseback. Which, he did far more, preferring the axe over his bow.

Ten and on
Llafle, at the age of fifteen, would begin to be taken on real hunting trips. Tracking down whatever large prey there was to hunt. Further, he was taken on Orc raids. Doing hit and runs, simply for sport. During these trips and raids Llafle would find more comfort in nature and isolation than he had before with his tribe life. Though, he stayed with them. Simply due to the fact that with his smaller build and height, he felt he wouldn't make it alone in the wild.
Twenty and on
At the age of twenty, the tribe Llafle lived in was hit hard. Being a rather small tribe, much smaller than the average. Because of this, when they were raided by multiple Orc tribes teaming up, the camp was torn through. Many of the tribe being murdered before they had the chance to react, many mounting for battle. Llafle had a moment of panic. Yes, he geared up for battle and mounted his Casecabillas. Though, he rode away. As fast as he could, he rode for the forests. Only slowing when the horse needed, but, not stopping until there was four or five miles between himself and the camp which was burning to an ash.
Llafle was alone from here on, living off of the wild. Necessity having him learn of edible plants and berries, and about which ones would kill him. Learning to track and trap also became needed, the Avanthar working hard to keep himself alive. At first, it was rough. Though, he made it work. Llafle's life was not complete isolation, making occasional runs to Ceilothar camps for supplies.

Thirty and on
Llafle's life stayed much the same, finding more and more joy in isolation. With said isolation, his mental state began to change. The man becoming more wild and animalistic. Slowly becoming savage, losing any form of decency through the years. His communication also dropping, simple sentences becoming harder as the years went on. The only constant talking coming to him, is when he talks to his horse. Who had decided to stay with the Avanthar through this. Also becoming quite beastly.
Forty and on
Around the age of forty, his isolation would start to become corrupted. Rangers and such traveling through. Llafle, being an Avanthar of the forest, knew just about every inch there was to know. Assisting the Rangers and other explorers as they needed it. After a few years of assisting, a certain Cielothar Ranger visited him often, trying her best to bring him an element of humanity. This Cielothar becoming the first outsider of his tribe who he had imprinted with. As a gesture of good faith and friendship, she had even presented him with a pin baring the School of Rangers symbol. Which, he now wears daily. Becoming an honorary 'Ranger'. Though even with her visits, his mental health slipped further and further. On a particularly rainy and cold night, the Avanthar was hungry and couldn't start a fire. Instead, he ate a rabbid that he had caught raw. Finding a strange satisfaction from the raw meat. Cooked food becoming but an occurrence to him. Preferring the bloodied and raw meat.
Fifty and on
Llafle continued on with his life, living off of the wild, enjoying all it had to offer. To much devastation, Llafle's first Casecabillas passed away from old age. Despite the urge to bury the beast out of respect, he needed to material presented to him. His own horse becoming his clothes, food, jewelry, and weapons. No part gone to waste. With the passing of his horse, he spoke to the ranger, who, got him a new Casecabillas. Another shorter mare. Being just above six feet. Her name, Sás'ojá'Llio'coa'que'ella'ssolei. Though, Sás'o for short.
Sixty and on
At the age of sixty the Cielothar would have convinced Llafle to leave isolation, and rejoin civilization. This terrifying Llafle. Though, he agreed. Moving to Regalia with this Ranger and a few of her friends. Once in Regalia, Llafle did many things, trying to find his place. He worked as a mercenary for hire, vigilante, criminal, back to vigilante, and now, he lacks a purpose. The majority of his acquired friends having left. Llafle lacking any means of leaving the city, he remains. Trying his best to isolate himself, especially with the new plague running through the city.

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