Preserved Sheet Llaavic Akëshor

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[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] Money Man [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Sep 26, 2012
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Basic Information
  • Full Name: (Elven) Llaavicaess'asolloaunaLuejtacëentjella' (Common) Llaavic Akëshor.
  • Age: 165 Years.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Kathar Saivale (of the Clans of Akëshor).
Skill Information
  • +30 Points.
    • +10 Espionage (+10 From Points)
    • +10 Forgery (+10 From Points)
    • +10 Sneaking (+10 From Points)
    • +10 Daggers (+10 From Racial Boost)
    • +10 Void/Exist Knowledge (+10 From Racial Boost)
  • +30 Cultural Points.
    • +10 Bodycare (+10 From Points)
    • +20 Stage Performance (+20 From Points)
  • Languages.
    • Common (Fluent)
    • Modern Elvish (Native)
    • Imperial Elvish (Fluent)
    • Ritualistic She'llaq (Fluent)
  • Spellbook.
  • Mind Magic.
    • Visage Mirage.
    • Mind Meld.
  • Demon Magic.
    • Doppledemon.
  • Death Magic.
    • Curse of Ages.
    • Curse of Unlife.
Visual Information
  • Eye Colour: Blue.
  • Hair Colour: Bleach White.
  • Hairstyle: Mid-back length hair, straight, combed backwards.
  • Skin: Pale grey with a pinkish hue, blemished with age in its natural state; yet appearing youthful and new due to a curse of ages.
  • Clothing: Dull dark crimson Kathar robes.
  • Height: 6'9.
  • Body Build: Lanky.
Personality and Abilities

Llaavic is a figure of intrigue and deception, often appearing as a friendly yet ominous presence. While true intentions are rarely divulged with this Kathar, it is easy to pry that he is out of place in the Crown Isles. Many years of inhabitance within Regalia have left the Kathar with a haught yet proper Common dialect familiar to High-Common spoken by Imperial Ailor. The mannerisms of Llaavic are long and hyperbolic, often gesturing long waving motions as he speaks. Having been bred from the upper crust of Kathar society, Llaavic is snobish and far from boorish. In fact, if one were to look past the grey skin of the Kathar, and his pointed ears, it would be easy to mistake his manner as one of noble bearing akin to Regalian Nobility.

The Kathar feels a deep and burnign resentment for all that lays around him in Regalia: the architecture, the statesmen for whom he believes are race-traitors to their own kind, the peoples for who he thinks are weak and liberal, and the Nobility for who he scorns as common and base. Llaavic's primary modus operandi is control and anger, the latter often brought about by a lack of the former. It was anger he felt when his mother died, anger for a lack of control to stop the situation. It is in these moments of powerlessness that Llaavic truly becomes base and passionate; beyond this, the nelfin seems calm and collected, and for the most part is. Llaavic is confident in his ability to blend into a social setting, and often looks to the Trickster Arkin as a model off which to aspire himself. Yet, it is in confrontation and combat that Llaavic feels weak, and unprepared.

Llaavic has no family in Regalia, and fewer friends, yet in his homeland he bore ten sons and maintained a network of social connections. His family was often viewed as an extention of his own standing and influence, so the nelfin often levied the same critique and harsh hand to them as he would himself. His sons may not have grown to love him, yet they may one day have grown to respect his harsh yet fair approach to their raising. Really Llaavic became motivated by the same drives his mother once had, a need to produce something worthy out of his children, to carry on after him. Friends held a different more superficial place in Llaavic's life, being people he often boasted to in a prideful manner. Llaavic exclusively held those he deemed weaker and vulnerable as friends within his circles, those who would not think of acting against him, or outshining his presence.

Llaavic is a lawful evil individual in his nature. Seeking to bend and twist the laws of a land to his own advantage, and taking pleasure in using pre-existing systems to cause missery and suffering to those within them. There is a methodology to the evils he inflicts, often being driven by religion and its doctrines, or statecraft. Twisting those in power to cause further pain to their peoples is a favoured method through which the Kathar seeks pleasure.

Life Story

  • Childhood. 141AC. - 151AC.
    • Llaavic was born 141AC. within the city of Paärthalaär.
    • The fourth son to the third husband of a Saivale mage, Elë', who among wielding a considerable power in the school of Death Magic, was learned in the art of Mind Magic too after considerable time in Ailor land.
    • While Llaavic's fellow brothers were taught martial skills by their many fathers, the young Kathar encouraged a sense of enduring intrigue within his mother, of which her other sons had not.
    • Llaavic was indoctrinated at a young age, worshiping The Weeping Beast, and on a lesser scale the Prophet of Control for which the clan
      Akëshor attribute their veneration.
    • The sent of goat blood often filled the aboad in which Llaavic and his mother dwelled in, and became a familiar smell of his childhood. Now, when such an oder passes his nostrils, he is often filled with nostalgic thoughts of growing up, much alike an Ailor smelling the reminiscent woft of Grandma's fresh baked cookies.
    • Nearing his tenth year Llaavic was afflicted by dreams of a magic nature. Dark, purple, sprawling realms of nothingness captured the boy as he slept, flowing clouds of magical essence whirling around him.
  • Teenage Years. 152AC. - 163AC.
    • Among tutoring on matters of The Void, his faith, and other practical matters, Llaavic in his teenage years was tutored his first two spells via his mother. As follows:
    • Visage Mirage: Age 14.
    • Doppledemon: Age 16.
    • These years of his life allowed little more than study of the arcane, his mother becoming overwhelmed by a need to pass on her own knowledge, and create and heir to her own magical legacy. Llaavic was not opposed to such treatment and in fact felt a deep-seated pride in having been chosen from among his brothers, something which never quite left him as he grew older.
  • Early Adulthood. 164AC. - 195AC.
    • Llaavic became an arcane scholar at one of the many Fortresses of Knowledge within the heart of Paärthalaär in his adult years, vouched for via his mother's word.
    • Llaavic would go on to hold two wives:
    • Al'ära: married when both were 23.
    • L'a-slas: Married at 20 to a 25-year-old Llaavic.
    • Unlike a traditional marriage between Kathar, which results in an equal opportunity for multiple marriages between all parties involved, Llaavic somewhat accidentally created a patriarchy (though with no lingering prejudice towards the opposite sex). Llaavic having been raised within a Cult of Akëshor grew controlling and demanding throughout his teenage years - though the vast majority of Kathar would bear a shrug if their spouse were to marry outside of their bond, Llaavic found this notion conflicting with his own greed. Indeed, Llaavic married two Saivale whom he knew through manipulation he could manipulate and persuade. This resulting match concluded in the two women finding no husband but himself, to many raised Kathar eyebrows.
    • Within his early adulthood, Llaavic would continue to study magic from the wellpool of knowledge which his mother could offer. The following was picked up during these years:
    • Mind Meld: Age 28
    • Curse of Ages: Age 36
  • Late Adulthood. 196AC. - 241AC.
    • With the ailing of his mother (now at age 197) Llaavic searched for something that would spare the woman from death.
    • Within the scholarly courts of Mëdorr land, Llaavic would find a resolution to the problem he and his mother were soon to face. Learning the steps for a Curse of Unlife. It would, however, take another 15 years for the nelfin to fully learn the Curse, leaving him 64 years old. By which time his mother had long passed.
    • Left fully of resentment, Llaavic vanished from all around him, performing rituals within his home not to return to normal life for well over a decade of religious isolation.
  • Beyond a Century. 242AC. - 306AC.
    • Throughout such a long life, Llaavic had acquired connections within circles of Saivale high-crime circles.
    • With such an array of mind-altering magic, Llaavic took up a request to travel to the Regalian Archipelago, where he would attempt to conduct a nameless task.
    • To this day, Llaavic resides within Regalia-proper.
    • Having felt the wear of aging the kathar cast a curse of ages upon himself, rendering him scarred yet youthful in appearance.
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  • Your proficiency points are off. A mage having known five spells can have a MAX of 30 points not counting racial bonuses. As you recieve a +30 bonus from your school you are at the max of 30/30 and cannot spend 20 to gain sneaking. This is reflected here.
Otherwise it looks gucci. Make the edits in the color of your choice and tag me when you are done.
Let's do this!
  • Your proficiency points are off. A mage having known five spells can have a MAX of 30 points not counting racial bonuses. As you recieve a +30 bonus from your school you are at the max of 30/30 and cannot spend 20 to gain sneaking. This is reflected here.
Otherwise it looks gucci. Make the edits in the color of your choice and tag me when you are done.

All fixed up - Thank you