Preserved Sheet Liudolf Strathholm

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Terry Seattle
Aug 29, 2017
Reaction score



Basic Information

>> Full Name: Liudolf 'Lewwy' Strathholm
>> Age: 45
>>Gender: Male
>>Race: Anglian Ailor
>>Sexuality: Heterosexual
>>Faith: Unionism
>>Occupation: The Violet Order, The Vigilant Shield


Skill Information
>>Total Points: 45 Base
❈15 - Blunt Combat Skill(Skill)
❈25 -Shielding Combat Skill (Skill)
❈ 5 Unarmed Combat(Skill)

>>Body Shape:
Body Stat: 10 Blunt Blades + 25 Shielding Combat + 10 Unarmed Combat (x2)= 45
❈Body Type:
Strongman Body Shape
❈Body Fat: Moderate body Fat

Common | Fluent & Literate
Anglian Dialect | Taught by father, and is fluent but


Physical Information

>>Eye Color: Brown
>>Hair Color: Hazel Brown
>>Hair Style: Short but well kept, messy beard.
>>Skin Color: Pale White
>>Clothing: Long leather trench coats, bandoleers | Standard Violet Order Armour.
>>Height: 6'6"
Liudolf is usually seen with his signature Tower Shield, and Black flail with long chain, wrapped around his wrist.


Personality & Abilities

>>Public Perception:
Liudolf Strathholm is a kind and bright individual, strangers that would see him on the road would keep their distance due the fact he usually has bruises due to fight and cuts due to arguments he may have in the past, Liudolf looks like the guy you wouldn't want to mess around with. He is usually in his Violet Order Armour issued by the Vigilant Shield.
They would also respect him due to the fact that he is in the guard, he loves his city.

>>Self Perception:
Liudolf feels no remorse for the evil and wicked, he also has a deep depression that he tries not to dwell upon but still haunts him everyday, if he really thought about it, the cause for it would be the lackluster of love that he has in his life.
From such a young age Liudolf was sent to the School of Bloodcast, to be taught punishment and pride, since then he thinks of himself to be much greater than other individuals and has an high expectation for himself.

>>Familial Perception:
Liudolf loves his father but does not have the same relationship with him like other fathers and sons.
From a young age Liudolf's father sent him off the the School of Bloodcast, making him to this day, an unstoppable train with his tower shield.
For friends, Liudolf has made quite a few within the Violet Order

>>Attitude To Morality:

Liudolf takes his pride in doing his job as an Violet Guard, he loves his job and would die for his brothers and sisters inside the Order. Liudolf's moral believes are ran by his own desire to become powerful and attain great love and support from the people that are around him.


Life Story

Liudolf Strathholm was born on July 27th, 264 AC , in a small farm within Regalia. His mother a Ailor woman, died giving childbirth to him due to unknown reasoning, and his wealthy politician father in rage decides to take up drinking to fill his depressing life.
His father would send young Liudolf to train with the School of Bloodcast, later graduating and becoming a Knight Of Bloodcast.

>>Teen-Young Adult and Current Times:

At the age of fourteen he would be accepted in the School, not knowing much about anything he would be pushed and trained hard, even getting beat to the point of broken bones. Liudolf was a much bigger, and husky lad compared to the other children at the time, he would be trained to use his body against others.
As the years past by Liudolf was known for his very aggressive fights and unnecessary beef with other students, he was seen as an outsider and didn't get along with others. Every spar that Liudolf took part in, he would win, taking the name "Little Bull".
As Liudolf turned the age of 24, he would graduate from the School. Him and the other students would be given the title of "Knights of Bloodcast".
The year is 288 AC and Liudolf now age 36, pockets dry,and rage fueling up, he would decide to spend the next few years enrolled in the military of Regalia. Known for his huge stature other men would look up to Liudolf because he mostly dominated the other men in spars. As the year 302 AC creeps up, the newly-ascended Crown Prince of Regalia Alexander I the Untested declared war on the Nelfin race, and Daendroc.
In this war, Liudolf would be sent out to the continent of Daendroc, and would be grinning ear to ear for his first battle, this had Liudolf exhilarated.
Within the short month of the war, Liudolf would dominate and slaughter the defending race but at a cost. He saw many good men die from the hand of the Altalar, their infantry units made it almost impossible for the military to proceed forward.
He fought side-to-side with some great men who Liudolf could call brother. A lot of these men were Orcish, even to this day Liudolf has a great respect for the Orcs, and even has a few Orc friends.
After the month of the war, Liudolf would travel with some war companions and move to the Holy City, all trying to find a job to be occupied. Liudolf and other men were sent home, only to face to horrors, and pain that many of the men suffered. Liudolf would was a military man, a man who follows orders, and commands. This lead
Liudolf to join the Violet Order, under the charter of Vigilant Shield back in the Holy City.



Last edited:
Overall Proficiency Points : 34

  • +20 Blades Combat Skill

  • +10 Statesman Knowledge

  • +4 Battlefield Knowledge
please state sources such as +20 Blades Combat Skill (+20 Points) for example, please also include a cultural bonus.

Total Combat Points: 30 Points
i see you've listed them as having +30, but only have +20 points in a combat skill. also, cultural/racial bonuses do not factor into the physical stat as a heads up!

Basic Information

  • Describe your character's position in Regalia.

  • Looking for nobles to hire him as a bodyguard, came to Regalia looking to join the Guard.

  • Why are they there? How long have they been there?

  • Here looking for jobs and booze, they have been in Regalia for about 10 years now

  • What is their occupation and living situation?

  • Unemployed , sleeps in the slums

  • Describe your character's upbringing.

  • Raised by wealthy father, his father was a politician and drunken

  • Where were they born, to whom?

  • unknown ( doesn't know where he was born, Regalia is the only thing to family he has) Birthed by Mari Undergard and Fathered by Samuel Undergard (Mother died giving childbirth to Lucius due to unknown reasons)

  • How many siblings do they have?

  • 0

  • What about their extended family/noble family?

  • None (that he knows of)

  • Describe any secondary ambitions your character may have. Short term ambitions, or ambitions that may not be related to your character's main goal in life.

  • Wants to be a great success and be a great authority figure within The Empire of Regalia.
please put basic information expansions under a spoiler!

Visual Information

Lucius can grow a beard pretty easily so has to shave on the regular.

He has both of his right and left ears pierced on the lobe with golden studs.

Has a scar on his left eyebrow which lead to the permanent damage of his left eye and can barely see out of it. (due to argument he had in a tavern)

Perfectly and symmetrically shaped features otherwise (Handsome)

He is a 6 foot 2 tall individual and is very muscular due to his non stop training for his career.

(Not a lot of body hair)

His fashion is purely ran by a military look.

Likes the color black.
similar to above, expansions go under a spoiler!

Lucius is a kind and bright individual, but strangers would likely not care about him if he was just walking on the road, he would have to present and introduce himself in order to do so, if someone met him for the first time they would find him polite and kind but also intimidating, if there were words to spread about Lucius they would be kind and loving and usually good all around.
i would recommend adding a negative trait to balance out his positives on first perception.

Wolfgang feels no remorse for the evil and wicked, he also has a deep depression that he tries not to dwell upon but still haunts him. (Depression is an illness and sometimes isn't caused by anything)
wolfgang? i would also recommend going into more detail in concerns of his interior thoughts and provide more reasoning or explaination as to why he has them!

He is a very loving person when it comes friends, he loves to celebrate and enjoys getting drunk with them at mostly all the taverns around Regalia. Lucius actually is deep into romantic novels but doesn't want anyone to know as he thinks it would hurt his reputation.
are there any differences in how he views friends and family? is he protective of them? does he have any views of behavior that the typical stranger doesn't see or some hidden or secluded side to him? how does he view or behave in relation to his parents?

his father in rage decides to take up drinking to fill his depressing life.

Child-Teen: His training with his alcoholic father begins. Lucius would make a simple mistake leading his father to be outraged and to hit little Lucius.
there is a lot of potential here for character growth and this would definitely affect his personality! i would recommend writing and elaborating on this part of his life a bit more or maybe at some point his father has a turn around in behavior?

Teen-Young Adult: Now a lethal trained young man, Lucius decides to leave his lonely and sad father behind and leave his town to pursuit his career in the only thing he knew, to fight.
what did he train in? what did his father teach him? what profession did his father follow or study? what was his line of work?

When he ages 18-19 he decided to join a small gang of bandits, this wasn't enough to fill his need for Regals, so he decided to go elsewhere.
what motivated him to join the gang of bandits other than need for regals, how did he end up having a need for regals? did his father die or stop providing, or did he not provide for the family at all?

Nowadays you can find him drinking his life away just like his father in the taverns and bars all across Regalia.
would highly recommend writing this more into his personality!

over-all a delightful read! be sure to tag me and highlight edits in blue when you're done!
please state sources such as +20 Blades Combat Skill (+20 Points) for example, please also include a cultural bonus.

i see you've listed them as having +30, but only have +20 points in a combat skill. also, cultural/racial bonuses do not factor into the physical stat as a heads up!

please put basic information expansions under a spoiler!

similar to above, expansions go under a spoiler!

i would recommend adding a negative trait to balance out his positives on first perception.

wolfgang? i would also recommend going into more detail in concerns of his interior thoughts and provide more reasoning or explaination as to why he has them!

are there any differences in how he views friends and family? is he protective of them? does he have any views of behavior that the typical stranger doesn't see or some hidden or secluded side to him? how does he view or behave in relation to his parents?

there is a lot of potential here for character growth and this would definitely affect his personality! i would recommend writing and elaborating on this part of his life a bit more or maybe at some point his father has a turn around in behavior?

what did he train in? what did his father teach him? what profession did his father follow or study? what was his line of work?

what motivated him to join the gang of bandits other than need for regals, how did he end up having a need for regals? did his father die or stop providing, or did he not provide for the family at all?

would highly recommend writing this more into his personality!

over-all a delightful read! be sure to tag me and highlight edits in blue when you're done!
@Caelamus Done
  • +20 Blades Combat Skill (+20 Points)
  • +10 Statesman Knowledge ( +10 Cultural Points)
  • +4 Battlefield Knowledge (+4 Cultural Points)
Cultural points no longer exist, define which type of ailor and culture he hails from. Is he a heartland Ceardian? If so it would be as follows;
+20 Blades Combat Skill (+20 Points)
+10 Statesman Knowledge (+10 Points)
+4 Battlefield Knowledge (+4 Points)
+10 Admiral Knowledge (+10 Cultural Bonus)

or if he's Highland Ceardian;
+10 Unarmed Combat Skill (+10 Cultural Bonus)

Visual Information

Eye Color: (Deep sky blue) [*]Hair Color: (Black)
[*]Hair Style: (low maintenance)
[*]Skin Color: (beige)
[*]Clothing: (Black leather attire)
[*]Height: (6 foot 2)
Don't put the visual information under a spoiler, just the expansion part that does not necessarily pertain to the template!

He does his job whatever it takes, even if he has to kill or hurt someone that's in his way.He usually sees himself as a good person but also doesn't see that he is a hypocrite, he despises evil but sometimes he is hisselfs evil.
Add one more sentence!

Good work on the edits however! Well done!
Cultural points no longer exist, define which type of ailor and culture he hails from. Is he a heartland Ceardian? If so it would be as follows;
+20 Blades Combat Skill (+20 Points)
+10 Statesman Knowledge (+10 Points)
+4 Battlefield Knowledge (+4 Points)
+10 Admiral Knowledge (+10 Cultural Bonus)

or if he's Highland Ceardian;
+10 Unarmed Combat Skill (+10 Cultural Bonus)

Don't put the visual information under a spoiler, just the expansion part that does not necessarily pertain to the template!

Add one more sentence!

Good work on the edits however! Well done!
Thanks for the great advice, I have finished my final edits.
Thanks for helping me with this, its a huge help.
Did an overhaul on the whole app, just made it prettier also made some edits.
Edits made
-Added Shielding Combat Skill
-Changed his race from Heartland Ailor, to Imperial Ailor.
Once again did some updates and edits
Edits made
-Changed body type to Strongman
-Also fixed the proficiency points to match 45, which is strongman.
-Changed appearance

-Changed birth of date, and age to 45. (Birth of date was 264 AC)
Please define the sources, especially for shielding given 30 is the cap. Is there a cultural bonus? Please elaborate!

Was he born imperial or imperialized?
Changed his race back to Anglian Ailor, this would make more sense because he was raised up on a farm with his father.
And I fixed the other thing.

>>Total Points: 45 Base
❈5 -Blunt Blades Combat Skill(Skill)
❈25 -Shielding Combat Skill (Skill)
❈ 15 Unarmed Combat(Skill)
Remember to add cultural bonus, +10 Heavy Bow Combat Skill due to Anglian. Also Blunt Blades? Do you mean Blunt Combat Skill?
Body Stat: 10 Blunt Blades + 25 Shielding Combat + 10 Unarmed Combat + 10 Heavy Bow Combat Skill (x2)= 55

Still correct, Re-Approved but remember that cultural bonuses aren't added into the final total.
-Changed his whole life story
-Made him a graduate, and Knight of Bloodcast (gave him proper school proficiency points)
-Made him act in the Elven War of 302 AC​
Skill Information
>>Total Points: 45 Base + 20 (School)
❈10 - Blunt Combat Skill(Skill)
❈25 -Shielding Combat Skill (Skill)
❈ 10 Unarmed Combat(Skill)
❈ 10 Heavy Bow Combat Skill (Race)
❈ +10 Large Shield (School of Bloodcast)
❈+10 Judaical (School of Bloodcast)
School bonuses are no longer accounted for as they were in the old proficiency system but instead are merely background flavor. They offer no bonuses, however outdated the knights school page is right now. It still reflects the old system in which it grants bonuses, it does not.

Within the short month of the war, Lucius would dominate and slaughter the defending race only having a few cuts and arrow wounds, he would be completely fine.Lucius would have an anger issue, and PTSD from the war, not because he was afraid, but because he wanted more, he wanted blood under command. Lucius would decide to join the Violet Order, under the charter of Vigilant Shield.
I would recommend re-evaluating PTSD and whether or not it's a good fit for the character or if it can be correctly portrayed in a respectful manner to those who have PTSD. PTSD usually stems from people who are afraid or have suffered deep trauma as a result of something, like watching friends die or otherwise.

I would also recommend re-evaluating his successes during the war. Altalar are not pushovers-- and infact have superior infantry units to Regalia for the most part, the Altalar he would of face on the frontlines would of had terrifying degrees of skill that truly put him to the test. Along with their magics, fighting and witnessing it all could of given him some degree of PTSD from both watching comrades die, the magics of the altalar and self immolating mages. It was a very difficult and hard fought war on some fronts.

Over-all though, good work! It's wonderful to see how much Lucius has grown as a character! Be sure to tag me when you're done!
Made the finals edits at the bottom of the last paragraph, and took away those school points.