Preserved Sheet Liu Geng'xin

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Aug 30, 2020
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Basic Information

  • Full Name: Liu Geng'xin II.

  • Age: 39 years.

  • Gender: Male.

  • Race: Sihai; Northerner.

  • Sexuality:

  • Preferred Weapon: Two-handed Dao. (Longsword.)
  • Inventory Information
    [*]下雨点; Xia Yu'dian. A blade forged from a hailed blade smith; imbued with the spirit of the rain. Formed during the Gai Dynasty; a gift for Liu Chang'zhu. It sits tightly bound within Geng'xin's sache.

    [*]At any given moment; Geng'xin will carry a sum of regals anywhere around thirty in numerance.

  • Skill Information
Total Points: 44.

  • Core Group

  • +5 Medical Science [+5 Racial Boost]

  • +6 Fist Combat

  • +9 Greatsword Combat

  • Talent Group

  • +9 Perception Training; Spirit & Elemental Sorcery

  • +1 Stealth Rogue

  • Hobby Group

  • +5 Sailing Art

  • +5 Hunting Art

  • +4 Cooking Art
Body Shape

  • Physical Stat: 18.5.

  • Toned Body Shape.

  • Low Body Fat.

  • Wa'an: Spoken by Geng'xin since childhood.

  • Common: Taught to him by mercenaries within the walls of Regalia.
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

  • Magical Spells:
  • Spirit Sorcery
  • Overwhelming Force [Spirit Sorcery]
  • Fired for Battle [Toggle Passive]
  • Elemental Sorcery
  • Elemental Branding [Sorcery Spell]
  • Elemental Slide [Sorcery Spell]
  • Elemental Influence [Toggle Passive]
  • Primal Design [Toggle Passive]
  • Mage Empower: Atronach [Mythic Shift]
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: ( Amber. )

  • Hair Color: ( Charcoal. )

  • Hair Style: ( Unkempt; either shoulder-length or shorter on the sides. )

  • Skin Color: ( Yellowed. )

  • Clothing: ( Weathered; accessorised with armor and cloth drapings.)

  • Height: ( 172 cm. )
Visual Information (Cont.)

  • [*]Geng'xin has a noticeably receding hairline extending up towards the part of his hair. This comes with age, and the stresses of his early life. His unkempt hair falls a small amount below shoulder-length, but as of recent he has gone about cutting his own hair. It now resembles matted, grey-speckled black hair; around four inches in length on the top. The sides and back of Geng'xin's hairstyle have been cut significantly; sitting at a half-inch of length. His cheekbones are slightly defined; with his face being slightly taller than most who hail from Dexai. He possesses deep-amber eyes; glowing a brilliant gold in direct light.

    [*]Liu stands at a modest 5'8"; peering up towards most who surround him during his day-to-day. This is not to say his physique resembles that of a child; far from it. His posture is straight; with his chest outward, and shoulders broadened. Almost as if presenting himself as a proud warrior. He keeps constant attention on what is occurring around him; often being seen with his head on a swivel.

    [*]Geng'xin enjoys wearing a variety of clothing options, and colors. More often than not he will pair a solid-color tunic with a bright scarf, or shrug. Then add onto the clothing he wears with accessories like a sache, and armor.

    [*]Liu tends to.. pause during his thoughts to collect himself. Speaking in a foreign tongue; he must take note of what he says, and correct errors as they appear. His use of language is surprising; with a vocabulary that far exceeds his usage of Common. He often makes similac references when describing people, and tries his earnest to raise spirits.
Personality (Cont.)

  • [*]How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?

    • Geng'xin does not grin often, but still enjoys offering small hints of happiness here and there. He will smile faintly upon greeting someone, and offer minute chuckles to humorous happenings. A hobby of his is nature-viewing, which brings immense joy to Liu. If he is having a pleasant day; one will find him among the Yanar districts.
    [*]How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?

    • What Liu fears now does not drive him to outbursts of pity, or sadness. If there is something to fear for Geng'xin; then it is merely the unknown. He faces internal conflict with stoicism.
    [*]How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?

    • Careful thought; perhaps a form of meditation or clear-mindedness where Geng'xin can gather his thoughts.
    [*]How does your character view Law and Authorities?

    • They are subject to the whims of the current power-system. Liu recognizes that many of the laws in-place within Regalia are for the betterment of nobility. However; he also knows that the guardsmen of the state do have just intentions in-mind, and there is a reason they are so trusted.
    [*]How does your character feel about Races other than their own?

    • Geng'xin used to be very judgemental of other races as a boy. The events that transpired to make him what he is now have removed such prejudices from his mind. He does not judge those around him based upon race; merely action.
    [*]How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?

    • Liu is still devout in his faith and pledges to the slumbering Loong dragons. However; there are things he notices about Unionism that coincide with information from his own faith. This leads to ponderance and theorization within Geng'xin's mind. With all that has been happening to him; his faith is tested with each passing day.
    [*]How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?

    • Liu was instilled with the belief from a young age that magic had no place amongst those who did not need it. As time has passed beyond the tragedies of his youth; he has sought out those who wish to teach sorcery in order to keep himself alive. An oath is not worth a wasted death.
    [*]How does your character feel towards their family?

    • Geng'xin misses his family dearly; his younger brother most of all. He will never get an opportunity to meet with them in life, again.
    [*]What is your character the most proud of about themselves?

    • Liu does not hold much pride for any of his actions. He has been drifting for some time; perhaps the only thing to be prideful of is his own survival.
    [*]What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?

    • With the gift of life; the people of Dexai move forwards to seek knowledge and understanding of the events they participate within. Liu seeks this, and the protection of his people by any means.
    [*]What is your character's biggest insecurity?

    • His failure to protect his family.
    [*]What is your character's biggest fear?

    • That the land of Dexai will fall to ruin; his people with it.

  • Grand Oberst; Alaric Keen. [@HeyitsNano]: Currently leading the Ivory Company, and set to claim his nobility; Alaric Keen is a figure of respect and authority to Liu.

His Story.

Liu Geng'xin II was born a frail child; within the northwestern ing'de'een of Hemu in the year 263 AC. He entered this world as the sun pierced through storm clouds raging above the land of Dexai. Born the eldest of two sons to a duo of well-known artisans; Geng'xin was set to inherit a comfortable livelihood upon his first moments of life. The parents of Geng'xin were a married couple of dancers; Liu Sun'jiang and Liu Chang'e. They often performed for the cun -zhang of Hemu; Kai Tien'ji.

His early childhood was filled with mannerism education; the rules of society and the respect his place within it begets. His younger brother; Dai'xin, was born two years after Geng'xin. Dai'xin was given birth during a snowstorm; appearing from the womb in silent, gentle contrast to the howling winds outside. He too soon began education; with Geng'xin finishing his basic tutelage upon his ninth year. Both children were expected to speak fluent Wa'an by age ten; alongside having proper knowledge of Dexai and the events shaping it. During this time; Sun'jiang and Chang'e increased their visitation to Kai's elaborate siheyuan. Unbeknownst to both children; Sun'jiang would bring Chang'e to Kai's residence to perform hidden favors for the village leader. In turn; their family received "protection" in the form of excused taxation, and direct payment to Chang'e and Sun'jiang.

It had been several months since Dai'xin celebrated his fourteenth-year; with both him and Geng'xin having begun basic two-handed blade training with a man simply known as "Grandfather." This man was of no blood relation to the Liu family, but was referred to by Sun'jiang as "zufu"; meaning grandfather. He wore the attire of a traditional soldier from Dexai; absconding from keeping the helmet. The metallic buttoning on the collar of the shirt expressed his rank as a duizhang, or captain.

There came a night where the winds stood still, and the songs sung by the crickets faded to occasional chirps. Geng'xin and Dai'xin had finished their overseen spars; and were sat with Grandfather drinking tea within the shrine. Chang'e stormed through the entrance of the shrine; rushing towards her two children with tears in her eyes as she planted kisses against either of their foreheads. Sun'jiang soon entered behind her, placing his hands upon her shoulders as he beckoned her to return to the main house. As she rose and exited swiftly; Dai'xin rushed after his mother to console her. Sun'jiang ordered the two boys to remain with Grandfather; hurrying after Dai'xin and Chang'e.

These are the last clear details of Geng'xin's final encounter with his family. After his father exited the shrine to give chase to Chang'e and Dai'xin; a mass of hooves could be heard approaching. Grandfather grabbed hold of Geng'xin, and pulled him into a mass of bushels and ivy that lie nearby. Geng'xin had his mouth covered; unable to question the events unfolding out of eyesight. Screams were heard; shouted by a man clad in militant garb similar to Grandfathers', and fire bombs were thrown into the windows of the siheyuan. Swords were heard being drawn from sheathes as Grandfather picked Geng'xin up off his feet, and began running with him towards the outskirts of Hemu. A roaring blaze soon burned behind them.

The lone heirloom Geng'xin was able to rescue was the blade he wielded; Xia Yu'dian. With this; he was ordered by Grandfather to never return to Hemu, and to seek a peaceful existence within the asylum of another nation. As the two parted ways tearfully; Geng'xin sought out westward passage across the Yellow Sea, towards Essalonia.
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I hereby CLAIM this application for review! I will make my response soon.
Alright, let's get rolling! For only being your second application, it's not bad. Formatting doesn't work so well when copy-pasting from docs to here, so feel free to edit the whackiness if you want it to condense better.

[*]下雨点; Xia Yu'dian. One of the eighteen Great Blades; supposedly imbued with the spirit of the rain. Formed during the Gai Dynasty; a gift for Liu Chang'zhu. It sits tightly bound within Geng'xin's sache
I'm not entirely certain what makes his blade part of the 18 Great Blades, but it seems a bit too much. Keep the blade to being an heirloom passed down instead of one with potentially legendary qualities.

Please move these spells onto your sheet instead of a Google doc. I trust you to be honest, but in this form, it's too easy for you to change these spells when I'm not looking and in ways I can't confirm ever happened.

Sun'jiang would bring Chang'e to Kai's residence to perform erotic dancing for the village leader.
Please change or remove this. It's a bit on-the-nose and more explicit than I'm allowing to be in your story.

Be sure to give me a tag when you've made these edits!
Alright, let's get rolling! For only being your second application, it's not bad. Formatting doesn't work so well when copy-pasting from docs to here, so feel free to edit the whackiness if you want it to condense better.

I'm not entirely certain what makes his blade part of the 18 Great Blades, but it seems a bit too much. Keep the blade to being an heirloom passed down instead of one with potentially legendary qualities.

Please move these spells onto your sheet instead of a Google doc. I trust you to be honest, but in this form, it's too easy for you to change these spells when I'm not looking and in ways I can't confirm ever happened.

Please change or remove this. It's a bit on-the-nose and more explicit than I'm allowing to be in your story.

Be sure to give me a tag when you've made these edits!
Adjustments have been made, and mistakes remedied.
Please let me know if anything else needs to be done.
Adjustments have been made, and mistakes remedied.
Please let me know if anything else needs to be done.
ACCEPTED, however I would personally write a differentiation between ability spells and ability spells so that it is easier to tell the difference.

Given I can, however, APPROVED.
ACCEPTED, however I would personally write a differentiation between ability spells and ability spells so that it is easier to tell the difference.

Given I can, however, APPROVED.
What's a proper way to differentiate? I tried to label them as spells & passives. I appreciate the work you've done; thank you.
What's a proper way to differentiate? I tried to label them as spells & passives. I appreciate the work you've done; thank you.
Oh! In the ways of which spells are aesthetics and which are abilities. I can tell from the sheet, but it may make it easier to refer to in the future.