Little One


The brisk spring afternoon had started to melt away the frosty blanket to reveal the flora in a field not too far away from a home. It wasn't anything special, thick sturdy logs to support the frame like a mother bear with her cubs towards any danger.


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Ocean blue eyes looked through the window to see autumn hair lounging in the field as it contrasted yet belonged within the flowers, watching the little one lay amongst nature brought a smile to the woman's pale rosy face, an even greater smile as she looked behind to see a not so older boy carving an animal beside the fire, she wasn't sure where her eldest had gone but she knew he wouldn't get into trouble unless his siblings provoked it. She continued to watch the little girl in the field as she chopped up some fresh fish from this mornings catch, as she did so large strong arms wrapped around the woman with a firm yet protective hold on her frame, she looked up to spot the same autumn hair on the man she loved so dearly. Placing a hand on his cheek as she went on her tippy toes to peck his chin, her smile hadn't faded all day as it seemed to just continue to fill glee within the air.

He Smiled at the affection from the Golden blonde woman he had so much pride to call his own, he moved to pepper the woman's cheek with kisses as he glanced towards the youngest of his three, he couldn't help but feel grateful to the gods for giving him such healthy strong children. His youngest was only five but she held the fierceness of a true warrior.. if a warrior was only allowed a wooden weapon that is. Hugging the woman tighter he lifted her up and spun her lightly, there second youngest could be heard gagging behind them which caused the two to laugh. Placing her down he went to stalk over to his second son, a fake bear like growl towards him as his son growled right back, causing him to scoop him up into his arms and snarled into his ear as he giggled uncontrollably.

The little girl picked up a flower and sniffed it, her nose scrunching up as the flower tickled her in response, she was a content little one for being the only girl within her siblings though of course that did cause slight favoritism from her mother but nothing she ever noticed. Humming to herself in a tongue she grew up with as she continued to pluck flowers from the ground, thanking them quietly for their beauty as she attempted to weave them together into something relating to a flower crown.. Which looked more like a sad drooping family of flowers but she still placed it on her head proudly, pulling a few of the close seedpods she let them fly in the wind with a giggle as she waved goodbye.


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The seedpod flowed in the wind as it seemed it went to join others like itself.. Yet these didn't look or flow as freely like the pods did with such grace, it was more sporadic and.. Gray. so grey as they didn't come from the ground but from the sky, clashing with the seedlings and stopping their adventure to other fields with haste as more and more of the grey snow came crashing down, ruining the fields colorful flowers and leaving only dulled drowned versions of what was once saying hello to the spring sky.

Roaring steps were heard in the distance, getting closer every second it sounded like thunder rolling over the hills as faint screams and battle cries were heard from the village they lived on the outskirts of. The haze of noise never stopped as you could see smoke coming from the houses just far enough away. The winds bringing fierceness to the haze looming over. It seemed the day had almost been turned from the colorful spring to a doom set upon the hills.


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The blonde woman's bright blues sank at the sight, the knife clinking to the countertop. Her footsteps were rapid and panicked as her Husband darted outside with her, he on the other hand went for his weapon and went to help the village they called their home well she went for the field that held her child, it felt fine having her that far away only moments ago.. Now it felt like miles were between her and the youngest of three.. Where was the eldest, that crossed her mind as she was running. Golden hair dulling with ash, almost tripping as tears dared to leave her eyes. Nothing had happened yet but she knew nothing good could come of this.

Looking up to the sky the first thought for the little girl was snow, it seemed like snow, acted like it. But as soon as it hit her tongue the little girl revolted at the taste, the awe turning into confusion as she couldn't understand how snow could taste so bad. And then it hit her, the smell the fireplace always held.. Yet this was worse, more of it. Not just the light smell in her hair or clothes, this was suffocating, her tiny little lungs coughed at the invasion of the smoke. Her body small frame shrinking as she looked around as the sound of war cries and screams seemed to be coming from every direction. Icy blues darting at the sound of her mother's yells for her, the little girl was frozen in place. It was as if she could feel the cold winter's embrace closing in, all she could do was stare on as her mother came rushing towards her. In an instant she was scooped into the warm yet shaking arms of the strong woman she knew was safety. Her small voice ringing out.



She merely hushed her, stuttering in a tongue so familiar yet it felt forign to try and convey any words in it at this time, it seemed like the whole scene had slowed in her head as she looked to the hills, the flames blazing as she ran back to the safety of her cottage. A little red-headed boy was in the doorway waiting with large crystal blues to match the panic filled ones nearing the home. As if the gods had given mercy, her eldest came out of the woods.


Frantic eyes fell upon his mother and sister, catching up rather quickly he entered the house at almost exactly the same time his mother did, shoving the door closed with heaved breaths. The sound of crying fogged his senses, turning to see his little sister being held close by his mother. Quickly he moved to find his axe but it was gone..

"Where is it?!"


The sound of her eldests voice snapped her out of the daze of protection, gently placing the little one down she moved to get her son, collecting all three she brought them into the back with shaking movements though she held a strong face when they looked. Deep down she felt like she was in a tornado, emotions swirling within her gut as she opened a back room.


She cried as she was dragged along, not knowing why the day had been ruined so early. Had the gods decided spring wasn't ready to be welcomed? Her little head spun with thoughts that the gods were mad, perhaps someone had made a mistake and they had not taken kindly.. Was it the flowers? She said thanked them for their help.. Did the gods not what flowers to be picked so soon? Her thoughts all came to a stop as the front door smashed open with loud growls, the thundering footsteps had made it to her home. Had Varld not liked the flower crown?! She didn't mean to kill the flowers so soon.


She shoved them into the room frantically, her eyes showed pure fear.. Was it for herself? Of course it wasn't, it would never be for herself well her children walked this land they were not to die today. Not any day well she walked on the land beside them. Her hand wrapped around the handle of an axe as she turned around to face whatever had decided to come for her children. Her breaths were shallow as she waited, listened. It sounded like it was only one.. Seemed whatever it was it had wandered away from the rest. Good, that would be easily handled she thought. Though as it rounded the corner, her heart sank.. The large grey beast was covered in tufs of black fur. As it spotted her it emitted guttural growl.


It was the only thing her children got out before she slammed the door shut, locking it as quickly as she could before the beast charged for her. She thanked the gods in advance if this was how she'd protect her children one last time. Her axe went for its chest well it leaped for the woman's throat.--



"Open the door!"




He yelled but no one answered. It had been minutes since the sound of battle had ceased to exist, like nothing had even entered their home, nothing had left by the sound of it either..

He continued to slam his body into the door as his little brother and sister were in the corner like scared, lost little puppies. He had been doing this ever since she closed the door on him. His mind was racing, he felt like he was left to do nothing has his mother needed help, why didn't she let him help? He was sixteen, he was ready. Why did she leave him to be useless?

Slamming the door one last time he stumbled through the doorway, the hallway looked like an animal had been through it.. Blood splattered the floor but his mother was nowhere to be seen. Where was she? Why hadn't she answered him? His heart was sinking rapidly at the possibilities. He followed the hallways quietly before he stopped, the sight of a fallen beast was just out of sight. The faintest smile as he knew his mother had done the final blow to such a powerful creature. One he moved into the room, his eyes looked over the seen in utter horror. Blood.. More than the rest, it was everywhere. Mostly from the beast but blood stained something much more precious to the young boy's heart, Crystal blues were looking at him from the wall they leaned upon.


The two came around the corner after their brother with sniffles.

"Where is mamma?--"

They said in unison before they saw the room.. The little boy instantly covered his eyes as if he couldn't bare to see so much blood, stumbling back he almost tripped running for a corner.


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Her little icy eyes looked over everything but as soon as they saw her mother she ran to, little feet staining with blood as she fell to her mother's side, looking over her with confusion. Her milky skin looked sickly, why did she look so sick? Did she get a cold and had just now noticed?

Eyes raking over her form until she saw her hand.. Blood.

"Mamma? Why are you bleeding.."

"Shh, it's fine Just a scratch, aye? Just like --"

She coughed, a bit of blood exiting her mouth as she did her best to keep a smile though it was weak.. Even the little girl could tell that much as her mother's Crystal blues.. They weren't so much of a crystal anymore.

"J-Just like your father says.. Bolverk, come here."

She couldn't see where Aren was.. She could hear the poor boys crying by her vision was getting hazy.


He moved over slowly, almost thinking if he went too fast she'd vanish, he knew what was going to happen. He couldn't stop it, he wished he could. Why hadn't he broke the door sooner.. His throat felt like it was closing as he held back tears.

"Yes.. Mamma?"

"You did such a good job."

She smiled as she went to caress his cheek with her not so bloodied hand, he held onto it tightly as tears escaped the young man's eyes. He couldn't have her leave.. Not yet, he wasn't ready. She couldn't leave, why did she have to.. His whole form seemed to shrink as he saw her become weaker with every breath. He couldn't speak, his voice would break if he did, he couldn't do that to her. Instead he showed it through is icy blues, sticking to her side opposite from his little sister he merely stared into her eyes. If he looked away she'd be gone, he knew that without a doubt..


Sigrid started to cry again as she saw her brothers reaction to it all, he spoke with his eyes. Something horrible was going to happen and she didn't like it, she knew her mother had killed the intruder why hadn't she gotten up to check on them sooner..

"Are you ok.."

Her tiny voice rang out as she couldn't help but stare at her mother's bloodied hand. The tiny frame of the little girl sat extremely close to her mother, shaking visibly at the sight of so much blood.. It must be the scary monsters blood, yeah. That's it, mamma must of been so strong!

"You are ok right? You killed it.. So you are.."

"That doesn't.. Doesn't matter dear. You are all safe.."

"W-What? But you are fine Mamma..- Please.."

She shook with emotions, why wasn't she saying she was alright? Why couldn't she just say those words. So simple.. Then everything would be alright. Why doesn't she feel alright.


The woman gave the only smile she could. A sad one, yet it wasn't entirely sad, it was filled with content and happiness.. But so much sadness shadowed those emotions as the smile slowly faded.

"I love you all.. Tell your father I did what.. What needed to be done.."

Faded into nothing but a body without a soul...


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A cold sweat. Pure darkness surrounding her as she held back a scream at the memories forcing their way into her mind when she didn't wish to fully remember anything. The rain hitting her windows were a reminder she wasn't back there.. Back when she couldn't do anything about the situations she would enter.. Back when she was weak, she was only a child, she couldn't blame herself for that.. But she honestly did.. The rain mixed with heavy, shaky breaths to create some form of sounds in her home. The home she had called her own for years.



Ooc - First ever lore story! Hope you enjoyed the roller coaster of emotions. I know I cried a bit!

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