Little Bear's Battlecry

((Please excuse the terrible title. I wrote this battle cry and I really was kinda proud and wanted to share. Not sure if it'd go here. Stay tuned because I may sing this if I can work up the courage. <3))

Elizabeth sat down quietly in the corner of one of the rooms of Fort Kronau, with paper and quill in hand and the idea hatched to come up with a way to be more useful... Scrawling across the page the girl smiled in satisfaction upon producing a song intended to boost patriotism and morale for the cause she believed in...
The page read:

"Everyone listen up, from an honored veteran to the youngest pup!

Because this is important to hear, these words will endear, so don't disappear!

Our fighters will kill the Deathlings, making history faster than writers can pick up a quill!

Victorious in battle, watch little Lorenzo Martinez prattle as we slay the Queen's Guard like cattle!

Raise a fist if you think that we will persist, I insist that you all enlist just to make Freya Lo pissed!

Dianne please don't get mad at my tongue, I know it is like dung with the unladylike words I flung!

But listen to me when I say, that we will lead the way to make Freya Lo pay!

Bravery down to the soul, the church bells will toll when we meet our end goal!

We will retake Regalia from a fake queen, we will not bow or break, take her down with a stake!

The loved ones we've lost is the unfair cost that turns hearts to frost!

Lo doesn't know what'll hit her, grab your sword, bow and arrow from the quiver!

Strike with pride at the side of allies, we will change the tide!

Refuse to say "her Majesty", this reign is a travesty and tragedy with each raising casualty!

No more Undead led city, the streets run red with those who have bled!

With Santorski, Coen, and Black leading each strategic attack, we will strike back!

Pick up your feet, refuse to retreat, take the fight's heat and repeat:

Down with the vile queen! She is the most obscene disgrace I've ever seen!

Down with the Deathlings! Thinking they pull the strings, we'll cut them down with a few swings!

Give a cheer if you have no fear and will make Lo disappear!

Give a yell if you are well and want to bid the witch farewell!

Give a shout if you have no doubt that you want them to get out!

I believe in you all, stand tall because your loyalty and spirit won't fall!

Together we have an effect, we don't have to be a loyal subject to a reign we reject!

So when the time arrives, we all contribute with our lives, from soldiers to housewives!

Know that when it gets hard, we are all scarred but our hope is what we continue to guard!

So hold your head up high to the sky, look to the left and right, on either side there is an ally!"

Lizzy folded the paper and put it in her coat's pocket with a nervous flutter that melded with the pride her in chest. She very much wanted to show Chris, and very much wanted to perform it for those who have been working so hard.
Hey! I am Confined, otherwise known as [I]Confy[/I]! I [I]love[/I] to make friends and I am very nice and don't bite! My favorite color is baby pink and I love all things cute! (Spiders are not cute... I will die, cry, and silently be furious...
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((Please excuse the terrible title. I wrote this battle cry and I really was kinda proud and wanted to share. Not sure if it'd go here. Stay tuned because I may sing this if I can work up the courage. <3))

Elizabeth sat down quietly in the corner of one of the rooms of Fort Kronau, with paper and quill in hand and the idea hatched to come up with a way to be more useful... Scrawling across the page the girl smiled in satisfaction upon producing a song intended to boost patriotism and morale for the cause she believed in...
The page read:

"Everyone listen up, from an honored veteran to the youngest pup!

Because this is important to hear, these words will endear, so don't disappear!

Our fighters will kill the Deathlings, making history faster than writers can pick up a quill!

Victorious in battle, watch little Lorenzo Martinez prattle as we slay the Queen's Guard like cattle!

Raise a fist if you think that we will persist, I insist that you all enlist just to make Freya Lo pissed!

Dianne please don't get mad at my tongue, I know it is like dung with the unladylike words I flung!

But listen to me when I say, that we will lead the way to make Freya Lo pay!

Bravery down to the soul, the church bells will toll when we meet our end goal!

We will retake Regalia from a fake queen, we will not bow or break, take her down with a stake!

The loved ones we've lost is the unfair cost that turns hearts to frost!

Lo doesn't know what'll hit her, grab your sword, bow and arrow from the quiver!

Strike with pride at the side of allies, we will change the tide!

Refuse to say "her Majesty", this reign is a travesty and tragedy with each raising casualty!

No more Undead led city, the streets run red with those who have bled!

With Santorski, Coen, and Black leading each strategic attack, we will strike back!

Pick up your feet, refuse to retreat, take the fight's heat and repeat:

Down with the vile queen! She is the most obscene disgrace I've ever seen!

Down with the Deathlings! Thinking they pull the strings, we'll cut them down with a few swings!

Give a cheer if you have no fear and will make Lo disappear!

Give a yell if you are well and want to bid the witch farewell!

Give a shout if you have no doubt that you want them to get out!

I believe in you all, stand tall because your loyalty and spirit won't fall!

Together we have an effect, we don't have to be a loyal subject to a reign we reject!

So when the time arrives, we all contribute with our lives, from soldiers to housewives!

Know that when it gets hard, we are all scarred but our hope is what we continue to guard!

So hold your head up high to the sky, look to the left and right, on either side there is an ally!"

Lizzy folded the paper and put it in her coat's pocket with a nervous flutter that melded with the pride her in chest. She very much wanted to show Chris, and very much wanted to perform it for those who have been working so hard.
Reserving this for a potential Soundcloud link but go on ahead and comment your thoughts and such below! How did I do?
Oh P.S: I am aware Royland Blackwater is also a commander. Currently looking for a solution because Blackwater and then Black sounded weird and clunky on the tongue and flow to it all. I'll add him in later.
*rate winner on all of it than cries cause no musical talent in moi*

*rate winner on all of it than cries cause no musical talent in moi*

Aaaaa!! Same! It's not so much musical as it is writing being my enjoyment! I am attempting to sing because @WildRoze and @SpunSugar encouraged me to do so! Quite frankly I tried last night and got so nervous and shy my voice wouldn't come out haha. If I can't sing it then I'll just recite it <3
Aaaaa!! Same! It's not so much musical as it is writing being my enjoyment! I am attempting to sing because @WildRoze and @SpunSugar encouraged me to do so! Quite frankly I tried last night and got so nervous and shy my voice wouldn't come out haha. If I can't sing it then I'll just recite it <3
You'll do good I believe in u
Aaaaa!! Same! It's not so much musical as it is writing being my enjoyment! I am attempting to sing because @WildRoze and @SpunSugar encouraged me to do so! Quite frankly I tried last night and got so nervous and shy my voice wouldn't come out haha. If I can't sing it then I'll just recite it <3
I can sing a duet with you babe
Am I the only one who is surprised at the lack of cute ratings?