Preserved Sheet Linnea Fristadvlom

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Always smirking
Jun 3, 2019
Reaction score
Basic Information


  • Full Name: Linnea Mariotedotter av Fristadvlom
  • Age: 21
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Hoglander Ailor
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: If in the rare case she does use a weapon, typically she uses the very small, ornate dagger she was given as a child.

Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 26
  • +10 Visual Arts
  • + 5 Musical Arts
  • + 6 Historical Knowledge (Ailor & Dragon History)
  • + 4 Theatre Arts
  • +1 Literary Arts
Body Shape
Theatre Arts= 4
4-2= 2
  • Physical Stat = 2
  • Body Shape = Slim Body Shape
  • Body Fat = Low Body Fat
  • Nysprak 10/10 (learned from parents)
  • Common 10/10 (learned in childhood)

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Bright, ice blue
  • Hair Color: Light pale blonde
  • Hair Style: Typically she wears her wavy hair down and parted in the middle styled with a few strands held back and pinned at the back of her head.
  • Skin Color: Porcelain
  • Clothing: (Simple style description)
  • Height: 5'5"

Personality and Abilities
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • When happy, Linnea has no qualms of showing it, usually smiling her room-brightening smile often during these times, and because she is so quick to become pleasant it's rare not to see her in this mood. She'll laugh often during these times and will even take on a jesting mood every now and then. She can be playful and teasing as well, though if she is relaxing she'll usually stick to her smiles and laughs.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • She freezes. When scared she finds herself usually unable to move until something usually snaps her out of it. She does not scream or cry though she wants to. If someone or something usually jolts her back to reality, she will usually scream and flee whatever is causing her fear, unless it is a loved one in danger, in which her self-sacrificing nature peaks through, and she'll be bold in what she has to. This however is a last resort, as fighting is her greatest weakness.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Through nervous fidgets usually, wether it's playing with her hands or through a purse of her lips while she paces. When stressed she usually falls to be much quieter and will try and calculate a solution to her issues in quiet thought. She also jots things down in a notebook as well to help her work through her thoughts if she has it on her or is not preoccupied.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • They are what keep people safe, after all. Why should she feel any differently? She believes the Law is what keeps the world from breaking into chaos, and Authorities only act to keep the peace and are usually always in the right, though she is also fully aware of corruption and is not naive to the knowledge that they are not all good, but she respects them and never speaks against them unless she feels indefinitely they have done wrong.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • She believes, per what she interprets the Fourth Creed of Unionism, that all races are equal, save for Kathar, Allar, Url's and Varran, as she was raised with the belief that they are not truly classified as Human and are therefore inferior as judged by the Spirit. Despite this, she believes all should be treated with kindness and compassion as they may be inferior but they all certainly feel as anyone else does and is deserving of just as much warmth, though her views of Kathar differ some from this, and she believes most are inherently evil.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • She believes strongly in her ideals to Unionism and the Great Way, and of course believes it is the only, right religion to follow. But she does not chastise others for their own beliefs or condemn them for it unless it is void worship, which she looks upon with fear and apprehension as she's been taught it's truly evil.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • She finds it fascinating truthfully. She thinks it's odd, and wondrous. Though sometimes she believes magic is in fact, a cheat from the real work of things, she could spend hours studying it if she could.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Though Linnea would never admit so, she holds a certain grudge against her parents. She does find a certain resentment for them sending her off at a young age, more so the responsibility they have placed over her sister Magda, and finds them to be constricting and judgmental. However, with the rest of her family, she would place them first before anything. She's selfless when it comes to them and would sacrifice it all for them. Loyal if anything, she feels a protectiveness over her siblings and those she remains closer with.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Her arts. She revels in the creativity she paints and it's her biggest passion to show off, finding pride in the beauty she can capture into art from the world around her.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • The strive to get her family to a comfortable place, and the drive of her arts passions fuels her to try harder and be better in life so that one day she can claim she did more for her family. But she also strives to live for her own passions and seeks pathways to pursue her arts.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • That she'll never be good enough for her family.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Losing the ones she loves, and being trapped in an unhappy life.

  • She loves painting, she loves the smell of her paints, the quiet of the brush stroking the canvas and more, and enjoys other art activities such as pottery and more.
  • Spending time with nature is an activity Linnea enjoys quite frequently though mainly gardening, and doesn't seem to mind getting her hands dirty whatsoever, finding a pleasant comfort in tending to things but merely running around in nature as well or finding critters and animals to watch or observe.
  • Games. Though Linnea can appear calm at most, she can at times have a bubbly, playful aura about her and enjoys a wide variety of games ranging from simple chess to more physical activities, even picking up a weapon from time to time, more so for fun and activity, is something she wouldn't mind in a fun sparring game.
  • Intended violence. It often triggers her fear reaction, even if it has nothing to do with her at all, and will generally leave a sour, upset mood with her when all is said and done, and believes many things can be resolved peacefully without violence and believes even physical punishments are often undeserved and wrong. Even talks of violence can generally stir her annoyance and agitation.
  • Kathar. Rather she doesn't hate them or wish complete violence upon them at all, she believes they were all born evil, by choice or not, and it's not quite their fault they were born that way, but they do remain evil, and they generally stir some discomfort and tension in her, finding it hard to relax around their kind.
  • Confined spaces. With a certain past experience that marred the girl for life, small spaces can make Linnea feel stifled and panicked and she gets agitated and frantic quite easily, among being on edge.

Life Story (Required)

Linnea was born in the Rikeland, just one of the daughters of Lars and Mariote Fristadvlom. Though her fathers plans consisted of making her into a proper lady to someday be wedded to a noble far off of higher status, considering their own status as well as the child's considerable, growing, lovely beauty, these plans were quickly soiled. It became evident from the age she could walk, she was an adventurous spirit, and they found her younger sister, Magda, to be more easier to deal with then the seemingly independent Linnea, who's childlike fascination and curiosity of the world often caused constant issues among the household, along with what some would consider childhood rebellious tactics, though truly was just a young Linnea pursuing her small ambitions. A mindless run, far away outside, climbing trees, constant doodling and crafting of childish items when she should have been settling down instead, and so on. So it was at five years old, Lars gave up. Hoping to quell Linnea's less tame demeanor, Lars sought out various tutors and teachers that could steer her in a different, tamer direction and out her on an educational path. Though with certain paranoia, not wanting to risk Linnea influencing her siblings, it was Linnea who was sent off with the deemed trusted tutors. And so, starting from age five, Linnea left home and only rarely would return, transitioning tutors over the years for different subjects and mannerisms and only requested home on the occasional holiday or celebration and nothing more before being sent back. This would lead to a removed, estranged relationship with her entire family altogether, as if she was never quite apart of the family at all.

When she was eleven years old, Linnea switched the hands to yet another tutor of firm and strict beliefs and odd, cruel punishments, one of which being a night or even longer in a dark closet, giving her the layer dislike and fear of enclosed spaces into adulthood. Indeed, Linnea did transform over the years, the lack of to none at all childhood rubbing off on the young girl as she was guided persistently towards an educational route but for all their attempts, she still always leaned for the arts and held a wild spirit still, now crushed and buried, but would peak every now and then. She found a love in painting and even more so that it was her hidden secret and would remain to help her through her scarier times as a child before she would move on to be sent to the Imperial Academy of History in the Crown Isles in her teens.

From there on Linnea studied relentlessly at the Academy even as her mind drifted ever more to her fancies of painting, of going outdoors and just exploring, she kept herself studious, if only to garner the approval of the family she had felt, cast her aside and abandoned her. But she found little in the ways of this, and as such, grew some spite held towards her parents and a sense of hopeless frustration that grew ever more. So, once she finished her studies and days at the Academy, she decided she would not pursue her fathers desire for a scholarly path, that she, in some bitter anger, would pursue her dream of furthering her expertise in the arts while helping her growing family all the same. So Linnea traveled to Regalia once word was received of Novellia Fristadvlom's new position as head of the family, as well as rising status, deciding she would hope to aid and support her family for what she could, as well as reconnect with her siblings and the family she had once as a child, only dreamed to meet before. It was on her travels to Regalia, naive, did she experience a mugging of passing, criminal Kathar, who thought her easy prey and indeed was, resulting in a knife being stabbed into her chest and the robbery of the current regals she carried, left for dead. Linnea believes it was only through the Spirits work was she lucky fellow travelers were just minutes away from seeing her in her sorry state. She was given aid quickly, though she never did quite forget her grudge against Kathar race since then, even after she finally made it to Regalia and reunited with the rest of her family. Commonly she spends her time at home with her paints in solitude, but is usually more than happy to join her family when she can.
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Hello there! I'll be picking this up for staff review!