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Played Character Lindsey du Terre

This character is actively played.


massivecraft's chappell roan
Nov 27, 2021
Reaction score
the door to your mom's room

All War does, is identify the Spear that doesn't Break.
One young Wolf has a larger Heart than all these men Combined.

  • 1741140801946.webp Identity
    Given Name:
    Lindsey Ailaise-Pouvoir Épée Couer Chouette du Terre
    Alternatively: Lin, Justicar, Sword Collector
    Heritage: Ithanian Ailor // Pelyon Teled
    Age: 29 years old
    Gender: Female
    Occult: Eidolon Mage // Justice Silven
    Religion: Estelley
    Core Concept
    Lindsey is a daughter of Justice, a Silven paying startling visual tribute to the Eidolon Arken of Law. Years of scrutiny and expectations of her Demon-Liege have led to her forming of a provocative and crude personality, as if trying to convince herself she can be anything but the Justicar she needs to be. With an active mind, and a Vault of Swords at her disposal, Lindsey has staked her latest campaign for Justice in the heart of Regalia.
    Eye Color:
    Silver, with a cerulean limbus ring
    Skin: Fair, and flawless
    Hair: Golden blonde
    Height: 5'-07"
    Body Type: Slim
    Lindsey is, on first glance, an Ithanian Ailor with bright golden hair, Eidolon-Silven eyes ringed with eyeliner, and facial features startlingly reminiscent of a younger Justice. Looking closer, one can spot pointed ears hidden in blonde locks, a perpetually calculating look, and the way her eyes don't quite seem to smile with her mouth.
  • Proficiency
    Point Allocation​
    Constitution | [4]
    ⟢ Training | Fortitude
    ⟢ Training | Interception
    ⟢ Training | Iron Will
    ⟢ Training | Breather​
    Dexterity | [1]
    ⟢ Roguery | Sharp Reflexes​
    Magic | [10]
    ⟢ Arcane | Blade
    ⟢ Arcane | Echostrike
    ⟢ Arcane | Cleanse
    ⟢ Arcane | Aura
    ⟢ Arcane | Warp
    ⟢ Arcane | Snare
    ⟢ Arcane | Portent
    ⟢ Arcane | Distortion
    ⟢ Arcane | Revive
    ⟢ Arcane | Sap​

    Similar to her Demon-Sire, Lindsey excels in the use of flying weapons, ranging from Wirtem swords to Ithanian spears and Allorn longbows. She owns an immaterial Power Vault with her Armory magic, housing dozens of claimed weapons she can draw from the air. Paired with a magical talent for "Quick thinking", this lends a high investment in Magic to show her arcane prowess, and Constitution to emphasize her hardy demidemon physiology.

    Heritage Traits​
    Demon Hunter​
    Suvial gain +1 Main Combat Stat when attacking a Character with Theurgy Point Buy Abilities, which can break Cap up to 11.
    War Sight​
    Suvial can gain additional Event insight into past Battles or Wars or Conflicts, related to Progressions or History related Events.
    God Duality​
    Suvial are never punished by their Gods or their society for using Dimension Alignment out of their norm (Exist), even as God Mages.
    God Forgiven​
    Suvial are never punished by their Gods or their society for the use of Sinistral Magic variants, even in the use of God Magic.
    Suvial are exceptionally proficient at controlling Spirits, allowing them a range of mechanical functions to do with Spirits.
    Arkenborn Mechanics​
    Long Living
    You live much longer than the average life span of your heritage. You can live up to three times as long, and visually stop aging at a chosen age (must be at least 21). Additionally, you are immune to non-magical diseases and Afflictions.
    Eidolon Cast
    You can change the material of any non-organic substance, like rock, silver, or wood, into Eidolonite, a lightweight and durable pristine light-blue opaque crystal, by touch. Eidolonite overrides all non-geometric shapes into geometric ones, creating perfect hexagonal patterns and shapes. When used as a forging material, Eidolonite cools down to look like ivory with a holographic sheen in hexagonal patterns. Anything touched can change, though it spreads from the hands slowly and not instantly.
    Vigilante Beast
    You are Regalia's most lovable vigilante, always seeking to deal out your sense of justice. You are immune to being arrested for Low Law violations, so long as what you have done isn't annoying or cringe-inducing for the Knights to deal with. Benign crime receives a slap on the wrist.

    Armory School​
    The core of Lindsey's magical talent stems from the school of Armory. With it, she has materialized a pocket dimension she refers to as her Vault, storing dozens upon dozens of weapons lifted from defeated foes, cast in gold and given new purpose. With gleaming blue Eidolon portals, she can retrieve these weapons at will, to wield or to levitate at extended reach.
    Mind School​
    Mind magic is the cornerstone of Lindsey's personally developed skill for analyzing combat, bordering on a precognitive ability to process information near instantly. This differs from true futuresight, in that it does not allow her to perceive before the action is done, but as it happens, instead affectionately referred to as "quick thinking".
    Gravity School​
    Paired with her Armory magic, Lindsey's Gravity magic turns "weapon-summoning" into a much more deadly "weapon-firing"; where the Silven calls upon a sword, spear, or other, and propels it at her targets at high velocity, useful for keeping her distance and still proving efficient with the endless flow of weapons at her disposal.
    Enchant School​
    A necessity in magical training for her focus on martial weapons, Lindsey boasts a functional skill in the school of Enchantments. Ranging from swords cast in blue Eidolon fire, to halberds that swing with the strength of a hurricane, Lindsey is skilled both in understanding and applying enchantments to objects and weapons.

    Altalar (7/10)
    d'Ithanie (9/10)
    Common (6/10)
  • Backstory
    1741140848997.webp Plot Hooks
    Ithanian Upbringing
    House Guard
    Not Artarel's Daughter
    Voyager of the Land
    Vigilante in Regalia

    Vault of Weapons
    Peranëyla, Forgiveness​
    light2.webp Description | The old sword Heartflayer is an elven longsword, forged from enchanted silver, with a slim crossguard and a two-edged blade. Once owned by the late Allorn warlord Atalantia Tyrvaalir, and claimed from her body by Lindsey's predecessor, it was cast in gold and added to Lindsey's Armory Vault. It now functions as her primary weapon, and boasts a new name embossed up the blade in Altalar; Peranëyla, "Forgiveness".

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