Archived Limited Flaming On War Threads.

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Collector of Souls
Jan 17, 2013
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Gridiron brings to my attention that there is zero tolerance for flaming. I can understand taking action if it would get carried away, but some flamage should be allowed. When a war thread is posted, the response will usually be a bit hostile. This is war after all. Take for example the Valyrian war threads. All of them exploded with over 1500 views in mere days because everyone was enjoying the fighting and taunting. The result was the most epic battle ever. Battles like this wont happen with squishy policy.
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Some players have a hard time drawing the line between in-game and forum roleplaying (VALYRIA IS EVIL! THEY WILL FALL) and out of game and character rage. (VALYRIA KILLED ME SO SCREW THEM RAWRGAHRAGE CURSE WORDS)
I prefer the zero flaming rule... there is enough flaming without allowance already.
Gridiron brings to my attention that there is zero tolerance for flaming. I can understand taking action if it would get carried away, but some flamage should be allowed. When a war thread is posted, the response will usually be a bit hostile. This is war after all. Take for example the Valyrian war threads. All of them exploded with over 1500 views in mere days because everyone was enjoying the fighting and taunting. The result was the most epic battle ever. Battles like this wont happen with squishy policy.

if you read the section in the forum rules titled manners ... It goes something like this.." We know there will be intense/heated debating but personal attacks and blunt rudeness will be punished." So I am pretty sure that as long as it is more of a debate than completely insulting another player and if it is more of a debate than just "I PWNZ U NOOBZ(multiple cuss words here)" back and fourth it should be fine. There is a line between debating and flaming and if you leans more to the debating side I think you are fine.
if you read the section in the forum rules titled manners ... It goes something like this.." We know there will be intense/heated debating but personal attacks and blunt rudeness will be punished." So I am pretty sure that as long as it is more of a debate than completely insulting another player and if it is more of a debate than just "I PWNZ U NOOBZ(multiple cuss words here)" back and fourth it should be fine. There is a line between debating and flaming and if you leans more to the debating side I think you are fine.

In no wat shape or form was I ever swearing in the posts you deleted. Your point is invalid and irrelevant. The statement was that anything a certain layer said would be ingnored as they were unimportant. The war that has been goin on for a while now has been instigated a lit by said person. I get the question a lot of time asking who "said" person even is. It was factual no a directly insulting attack.

If I would have been making fun of his age, mom, race, sex, and intelligence, while I was swearing then ya that would be overboard. A little poking and prying has no harm in it.

Some players have a hard time drawing the line between in-game and forum roleplaying (VALYRIA IS EVIL! THEY WILL FALL) and out of game and character rage. (VALYRIA KILLED ME SO SCREW THEM RAWRGAHRAGE CURSE WORDS)

I agree and this is somethin I tend to overlook a little too often. Some people definately lack the maturity to have such a freedom.
I personally have not participated in these threads, although I did briefly skim over one like a week ago, but after I saw it was mostly raging about a war I didn't even really know much about at the time, I didn't get involved and left. However I think Grixer has a point in this, but so do others. Here, let me give some visuals-

Picture a group of kids playing a spirited board game, maybe risk, or monopoly. They get 'mad' at eachother, and I remember my friends and I, (we would play in groups of about 5) would go about forming alliances, and I would sometimes betray my allies at critical points, and conquer the land I promised them in exchange for the alliance. They would in anger try to launch a counter-attack at me, and sometimes get annoyed, but it was all fun and games for us and we had fun trying to kill eachother.

Now picture a group of teenagers playing call of duty, raging at eachother for stealing kills, hacking, or screen-looking(my friend always accused me of that when we did split-screen), and such. Sometimes my friends will literally start yelling at me if I do something wrong, and it annoys me, because it begins to ruin the fun.

We want board game enemies, not CoD enemies, if you know what I mean.
The only problem there golem is when war spirits are high, and the war is raging, it would be hard to have everyone on both sides be mature enough to think like that... Some people don't even read rather just rage without a clue what the context is
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