Archived Limitations In Rp Concerning Metal

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Luxor Ignotis

Not Registered
My friend has issues with God RPers breaking metal with magic/brute strength/etc.


Post ideas as responses.
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-shatters all the steel cannons in Regalia with his breath- -also any metal and diamond tools- -and all the windows- -ah the hell with it, shatters Regalia with breath-

The only way to deal with it is to ignore it, if someone god RPs I just continue like they hadn't. When someone says something that isn't lore compliant (like "Beware thy mortal, for I am god!") I just ask if they're ok or otherwise treat them like a madman. Trollin within the rules :P
Actually, the metal is not the problem here. Its the God roleplayers, because if we take away the metal, they will still do so, and bend stone or like break a log with their toe. Metal is not something that can be taken away,considering there is only one type on minecraft, but other ones that are imaginatively made.
Toxiclord I meant make it so magic can't effect metal, make shackles too hard to physically break, etc.
In the first place, magic is not allowed except to certain players, also, removing the metal wont help.
He means removing magic's ability to affect metal.

Luxor Ignotis - As useful as this would be it can't be implemented:
1) Magic is already not capable of doing about 75-90% of what people use it for.​
2) Metal is already stronger then most forms of magic (an earth using wizard could maybe break it but others couldn't)​
3) People who "break chains with raw power" are deluded, irrational, and raving mad. How else could they actually think that it's possible to break chains with physical power? I suggest avoiding them, they may try to lick you.​
This is what I say to people who god RP really bad and refuse to change anything, " - turns into a 18 wheel semi-truck- Screw it dude I'm going bowling! -beep beep- Hop in if you want to come!

That usually shuts them up pretty fast, and it really confuses them.
Actually in irl magic really was said to have no effect on iron in old folklore.
I sometimes god roleplay it's fun....... But I do it lore compliant. One of my RPC pretends to be a god so people will pay tribut to him. He really is just a powerful Mage that aura looks like wings.
This is what I say to people who god RP really bad and refuse to change anything, " - turns into a 18 wheel semi-truck- Screw it dude I'm going bowling! -beep beep- Hop in if you want to come!

That usually shuts them up pretty fast, and it really confuses them.

Stealin' mah line!!
Actually, the metal is not the problem here. Its the God roleplayers, because if we take away the metal, they will still do so, and bend stone or like break a log with their toe. Metal is not something that can be taken away,considering there is only one type on minecraft, but other ones that are imaginatively made.

Actually you can bend stone and theoretically break wood with your toe. But there are restrictions, like if your a good warrior you can't be a good mage. If your young you can't be that good of a mage. If your not a good mage you can't d anything big. My character can make rocks move and bend branches. Then after a few minutes of doing that he gets tired.
He means removing magic's ability to affect metal.

Luxor Ignotis - As useful as this would be it can't be implemented:
1) Magic is already not capable of doing about 75-90% of what people use it for.​
2) Metal is already stronger then most forms of magic (an earth using wizard could maybe break it but others couldn't)​
3) People who "break chains with raw power" are deluded, irrational, and raving mad. How else could they actually think that it's possible to break chains with physical power? I suggest avoiding them, they may try to lick you.​

I guess they think they're Merlin or a Super Saiyan. I wouldn't think them raving mad, just mislead. Since magic on this server is underpowered compared to other magic in games, books, and television shows.
This is what I say to people who god RP really bad and refuse to change anything, " - turns into a 18 wheel semi-truck- Screw it dude I'm going bowling! -beep beep- Hop in if you want to come!

That usually shuts them up pretty fast, and it really confuses them.

You orcs are awesome on the forums.
-shatters all the steel cannons in Regalia with his breath- -also any metal and diamond tools- -and all the windows- -ah the hell with it, shatters Regalia with breath-

The only way to deal with it is to ignore it, if someone god RPs I just continue like they hadn't. When someone says something that isn't lore compliant (like "Beware thy mortal, for I am god!") I just ask if they're ok or otherwise treat them like a madman. Trollin within the rules :P

I have my character begin poking them, trying to determine if they're another one of his hair-brained hallucinations or not.

And personally, I RP based upon how much power the other RPer has. Every 2,000 power they have, I let them make a choice I can't choose only once in the RP, the others are God-RP. For example, *Rohghash pins William to the wall* Okay, now Rohgs used his once, my character is pinned. *Rohghash begins smacking William with a carrot* Nope, now it's God-rp. Not only does it make RP a bit more realistic, as someone whom trained with an axe all their life would most likely win if they fought you with an axe, and it encourages some people to gain more McMMo power for if they need it.
My level becomes over 9000
Actually, the metal is not the problem here. Its the God roleplayers, because if we take away the metal, they will still do so, and bend stone or like break a log with their toe. Metal is not something that can be taken away,considering there is only one type on minecraft, but other ones that are imaginatively made.
2 actually gold and iron
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