Preserved Sheet Lily Camilla Janssen

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Socialite Doctor
Jul 27, 2019
Reaction score


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"Le jardin de Monet, Argenteuil" /|/ Claude Monet [1873]

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Chosen Name: Lily Camilla Janssen
Full Name: Lily Ailaise-Solarent Aidercoeur Janssen Chouette de Småby
Nicknames: Snowflake, Janssen, Doctor
Age: Twenty-Seven
Date of Birth: 17th of May
Zodiac: Gemini-Taurus Cusp
Gender: Female
Race: Velheimer-Ithanian Ailor
Eye Color: Blue
Sexuality: Pansexual
Preferred Weapon: Her Shield and Words


Inter Arma Caritas
"In War, Charity."

<< Red Cross, 1881>>


Lily Janssen is a woman of peace and medicine, not just wishing to help those who are hurting get better, but to see them prosper. She has also picked up diplomatic skills to help further this goal on a larger scale than working as a doctor could. However, she has an inner conflict deriving from her Ithanian mother and her Velheim father, who each pass on occasionally conflicting worldviews onto Lily.


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"The Love Potion" /|/ Evelyn de Morgan [1903]

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Proficiency Points (14/14):
Strength: 0

Consitution: 2
-Physique Pack

Wisdom: 8
-Affliction Wisdom Pack
-Hôterie Wisom Pack
-Amontaar Wisdom Pack
-Archive Wisdom Pack (Storvel Circle)
-Artificer Point Buy: 1 (Godsamtro)
-Medical Pack
-Technictian Point Buy: 3 (Godsamtro)
-Lifelink Pack
-Recall Pack
-Stimboost Pack

Dexterity: 0

Magic: 0

Charisma: 4
-Diplomat Pack
-North Linguist Pack
-Ancient Speech Pack
-Mount Husbandry Pack


Ithanian | Native | Paternal
Common | Fluent | Parental
Northern Languages | Fairly fluent | Learned
Special Traits:
Manifest Familiar: Snowpaw (Freyja)
Dark Empathy
Practiced Mockery
Manifest Destiny
Destiny Stressors
Job Opportunities
Healing Hands
Lifelink Engineering
Redstone Radio
Steroid Stim
Endurance Stim
Speed Stim
Forced Truce
Advanced Racial Mount: Cheval du Ciel
Constable's Belt
Medical Patent
Common Patent
Biotic Patent
Lifegiver Patent
Hair-Chem Patent
Body-Chem Patent
Appliance Patent


Per Humanitatem ad Pacem

"With Humanity, towards Peace."
<< Red Cross, 1961 >>


Mutations: Lily is (currently) not mutated.
Physical Description: Lily is a small woman standing at 5'1" with fair skin, wavy blonde hair, and blue eyes. She is often seen wearing extravagant clothes, blending Velheim and Ithanian fashions.
Disguises: Lily has no disguises.

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"Near Rouen Snowy Weather" /|/ Albert Lebourg

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【 Alignment / STEADFAST
Lawful Good /|/ "Stand with anybody that stands right. Stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln
【 Personality / AMELIORATE
Advocate (INFJ) /|/ "Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Into whatever homes I go, I will enter them for the benefit of the sick"


<< The Hippocratic Oath >>


Lily Caroline Janssen was born on May 17th, 283 AC in the outer regions of Nordskag. She was an only child to a Velheim Hunter/Fisher and an Ithanian nurse who had moved there the year before. She quickly took after her mother more than her father, wanting to be with her nearly all the time.

While Lily was stuck with her mother at the clinic, she quickly showed interest in the prospect of helping others. So, from a rather young age, she was taught how to help people by her mother. During that same time, her father tried to force her to learn how to defend herself. However, he was unsuccessful at best, hindered by her adamant pacifism. So, she grew up mainly knowing the ways of medicine. However, her father helped to teach her how to properly ride a horse so she could join on hunts in case anyone needed medical attention.

After she had turned fifteen she took an interest in her appearance, working to make herself look more desirable. But, she also wanted to explore the world and expand her knowledge. She first went to the capital of Nordskag to learn diplomacy and all the northern languages. She then went South, to the Ithanian Sovernty, to formalize her medical education. Finally, she went even further South to Amontaar to learn their views on diplomacy. Finally, to round her trip out, she traveled back up to Nordskag to learn how to create and service Godsamtro Tech.

Lily has since mastered Godsamtro Tech and brought all her skills to the grand city of Regalia to help those around Ailoria, with the assistance of her family's wealth and her own influence.

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"The Good Samaritan" /|/ Émile Édouard Nicolet

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@Antimreoir Profs should now be all corrected for the current system! If I'm re approved, can you also clear out the comments on this thread?
You cannot get racial bonuses by invested 5 points anymore, it requires a 10 point investment, please rectify this for Alchemy. Besides that, all good. I'll clear out the thread too @SleepyIsVerySlep
@Messtro Need re-approval for alchemy update, as well as added shield prof. Updated life story to explain
@Messtro Got rid of Perception as it wasn't useful to me, and spent the rest of my points to achieve the other two northern languages, and achieve the unlocked language, as well as buy ithanian. Finally, i dumped my last two points into strength training and horticulture art. This should be the last change for a while.
@Messtro played around with prof points, mainly deleting schooling, and replacing it with linguistics, giving me three more languages. I also added the progression talents, let me know if I need to update the format of everything as well
Bumping this for a Re-Review, Updated from old Alchemy system, shuffled points around!
Hello! Here's my review:

Basic Information
-Please add Lily's eye color as it is apart of the current character template.
-Please add a core concept and religion. I see in the personality section that Lilly is a old gods worshipper, you can just move that up to this section and remove from the other.
Skill Information
-Just something to note, but you have only used 13/14 points with your current proficiency spread. I would suggest noting that in the part above.
-Please add the Storvel Circle in parentheses next to your archive wisdom pack. It makes it hard to read a little bit.
-Please replace D'Ithanie with Skodje. When reviewing the life story, Lilly grew up primarily in velheim territory and culture. She would likely have that as her native tongue moreso than d'ithanie. Maybe switch that with the west language pack or empire linguistics if you wish to keep both.
Visual Information
-Please reformat this section to fit with the current character application template.
Life Story
-Lily's life story is a bit long especially in her teenage/young adult years and current years. Please try to condense these down into a single paragraph bullet.
-Also please add when Lily would be trained to be an Amontaar feather as there is no current mention of it in the current life story.

Please make these changes, and tag me when your done!
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Hello! Here's my review:

Basic Information
-Please add Lily's eye color as it is apart of the current character template.

-Please replace D'Ithanie with Skodje. When reviewing the life story, Lilly grew up primarily in velheim territory and culture. She would likely have that as her native tongue moreso than d'ithanie. Maybe switch that with the west language pack or empire linguistics if you wish to keep both.
Sorry for the preemptive tag before I get to fixing the issues, but I had some questions/clearifications on these two points
A) Lily's eye color is mentioned in the Visual Information section, would you like me to move that elsewhere?
B) Lily's mother is Ithanian, and that's where she learned d'Ithanie from, is this acceptable? I make note of this both in roleplay and on the sheet here, so please lmk
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Sorry for the preemptive tag before I get to fixing the issues, but I had some questions/clearifications on these two points
A) Lily's eye color is mentioned in the Visual Information section, would you like me to move that elsewhere?
B) Lily's mother is Ithanian, and that's where she learned d'Ithanie from, is this acceptable? I make note of this both in roleplay and on the sheet here, so please lmk

Hello, and your okay!
A) Yes, please move this from the Visual Information as to follow the current character template.
B) I suppose this can work. The thought still stands that if Lily grew up in velheim territory, skodje would be her native tongue over d'Ithanie with the West Linguist pack covering her mother's language. If that makes sense.

If you have anymore questions, feel free to just tag me here!
@RaggedyGrace I believe that's everything!
In addition, I spent the last point I missed into the Physique Pack, and I added one more Technitan special (Appliance Patent)
You forgot to add Lily's eye color to basic information, but other than that Approved!
@RaggedyGrace No, its there. Does it need to be its own section?
Chosen Name: Lily Camilla Janssen
Full Name: Lily Ailaise-Solarent Aidercoeur Janssen Chouette de Småby
Nicknames: Snowflake, Janssen, DoctorAge: Twenty-Seven
Date of Birth: 17th of May
Zodiac: Gemini-Taurus CuspGender: Female
Race: Velheimer-Ithanian Ailor
Sexuality: Pansexual
Preferred Weapon: Her Shield and Words
Yes, it needs to be move to the basic information section.