Preserved Sheet Lily Janssen

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Socialite Doctor
Jul 27, 2019
Reaction score
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Lily Janssen
  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Velheim Ailor
  • Sexuality: Pansexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Words and a Shield
Skill Information

Total Points: 20
  • +6 Perception Training (From Points)
  • +15 Medical Sciences (From Race)
  • +4 Food & Drink Sciences (From Points)
  • +5 Shielding Combat Skill (From Points)
  • +5 Bodycare Training (From Points)
  • +10 Hunting Knowledge (From Culture)

Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 7.5
  • Body Shape: Toned
  • Body Fat: Low Fat
  • Skodje (learned from parents)
  • Common (Free Language)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Will of Faith - Ring of Cae-maen
Visual Information
  • Eye Colour: Blue Eyes
  • Hair Colour: Blonde Hair
  • Hair Style: Long, wavy and brushed back
  • Skin Colour: Pale
  • Clothing: She wears a red dress with feigned gold accents
  • Height: 5'1"
Personality and Abilities
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Neutral Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Defender ISFJ-A
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Faith of Estel (9/10)
Life Story

Lily Janssen was born on May 26th, 287 AC in a forest in Daendroc. She was an only child. Her parents had both worshipped Estel, passing this religion onto their daughter. Her mother specialized in medical related things, while her father in combat. She quickly showed interest in the prospect of helping others. So, from a rather young age she was taught how to help people from her mother, while her father tried to force her to learn how to defend herself. She grew up learning both of these things, 'twas a boring life but she was happy with it. After she had turned fifteen she had took interest in her appearance, working to make herself look more desirable. Though she had also decided it was time for her to help people, so she decided to head to a small town in Daendroc to work in a clinic. This lasted roughly four years before she decided it was time for her to help more people than just those at the clinic. So, she left Daendroc and departed for the city of Regalia. She found herself a home with a man in Regalia named Lyraesel, she has lived in the city for a year and she simply wishes to help those who can not help themselves.
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  • Please remove Modern Altalar, you do not have the Linguistics Points investment required for it.
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