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Played Character Lillie

This character is actively played.


Jul 14, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name: Lillie
  • Heritage / Culture: Bralla Bralona
  • Age: 21
  • Gender / Pronouns: She/They
  • Religion: ???
  • Occult: None
  • Character Occupation: Wandering Alchemist
Appearance Information:
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Skin Color: Green/beige
  • Hair: Brown
  • Height: 5''5
  • Body Type: Scrawny
  • Additional Features: The beige half and the hair are fixed color. Looks tired often and is warm to the touch due to the changing part fighting off the fixed part in the body.
Skill Information:
  • Hobbies and Talents: Alchemy, Cooking, Medical
  • Mechanics:
  • Bralona can, outside of combat, squeeze through walls, gates, and doors, allowing access to otherwise locked areas (stay away from private RP, please).​
  • Bralona do not need to breathe, eat, drink, or sleep. They cannot be poisoned, nor can they become ill, but they can be affected by Magic Diseases.​
  • Bralona, when killed, turn into an orb-shaped mass or small cube. It will auto-revive them after 72 Hours, or immediately with 1 Divinium or Artifactspark.​
  • Bralona can automatically gain Leytech Technology Branch, when using Tech, which does not contribute to their maximum Tech Branches.​
  • Bralona can physically invade Dragon Site machinery, or Soul Cores, and force them to operate certain functions against their will (within reason Dm judgement).​

  • Languages: Common, Brix
  • Seeks to create potions to let non-Brella people change their appearance as much as they want, permanently.
  • Sees freedom as the purest way to live.
  • When testing a prototype of a form changing brew on herself, accidentally locked part of her appearance to part of her model she was using. Now also seeks to cure herself and restore her freedom of appearance.
  • Travels regions, seeking exotic ingredients to test their properties and maybe finally free herself.
  • Is generally friendly, and prefers to assume a newcomer will be an ally than an enemy.
  • Always willing to learn from others, even as a trade for free brews sometimes.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Intelligence (+2)
Defense Stat: Wisdom (+7)
  • Very very rarely will Lillie attack someone. However, she often knows just the brew or powder to distract an attacker, letting her defend in tricky situations.
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 0
    • Oceanic Pack (Bralona)
  • Constitution: 2
    • Debuff Endurance Pack
    • Thick Hide Pack
  • Intelligence: 2
    • Hook Shot Pack (Bralona) (Leytech)
    • Safeguard Pack
    • Tech Exhaust Pack (Leytech)
  • Wisdom: 7
    • Chem Cleanse Pack
    • Chem Revive Pack
    • Chem Bang Pack
    • Chem Mend Pack
    • (Chem Feeding)
    • Medical Canteen Pack
    • Medical Rescue Pack
    • Medical Barrier Pack
    • (Medical Stance)
  • Dexterity: 3
    • Fleet Footed Pack
    • Escape Artist Pack
    • Ranger Trap Pack
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 0