Preserved Sheet Lilith Alvah

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Deceptively unwholesome
Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score


Theme | Art | Pinterest


Full Name | Lilith [ Obraive Regalois du Micheaux ] Alvah
Age | 136
Gender | Female
Race | Maritime Altalar
Sexuality | Let's face it I can never stay straight
Preferred Weapon | Manipulation


Claw armor ring made out of steel, with red beryl cabochons set into the rings.
◊ Around 50 or so regals at most times.
◊ Four pills of Otr's Mist.
◊ Bottle of Zzarinact.
◊ A florally engraved silver pocket watch.



Total Points | 70

20 | Alchemy Sciences
15 | Bodycare Training
15 | Perception Training
10 | Stealth Rogue Skill
5 | Diplomatic Case Skill
5 | Linguistic Knowledge

Alais Sanguine | Mutations

◊ Crimson Guiding
◊ Crimson Hostage
◊ Crimson Guile
◊ Crimson Reflection


Physical Stat | 7,5
Body Shape | Toned Body Shape
Body Fat | Moderate Body Fat


D'Ithanie | Taught at the Orphanage
Common | Taught whilst travelling
Modern Altalar | Taught by her mentor [ From Linguistic Knowledge ]



Eye Color | Desaturated, pale blue.
Hair Color | Midnight black.
Hair Style | Curly, long hair that reach her ribs. Most often kept as is.
Skin Color | Pale beige.
Clothing | Black or dark gray dresses with heavily structured elements in heavy fabrics or leather, sometimes with a softer flair to the skirt. Often accompanied with jewelry or details in reds or deep blues.
Height | 5'10


The Core List

Character Alignment | Neutral Evil
Character Personality Type | The Architect, INTJ
Character's Religion | Non-religious





◈ Sweet disaster ◈

Lilith was born in the early evening of the 17th of November, in the year 144 AC and the land of Ithania. The bastard daughter of an Altalar mother, and a father whom the mother insisted didn't exist, she was immediately surrendered to an orphanage a few towns over. There she was given the name Lilith Obraive Regalois du Micheaux.

Lilith's childhood was a quiet and obedient one, predicated on helping out with household work and lending a hand wherever possible; rather than actually playing.

The small elven lass spent long enough without uttering a word that her overseers had begun to suspect her of being a mute. When she eventually did begin speaking however, she was remarkably articulate for her age, and always seemed to put great thought in her parlance.

◈ Must have been the wind ◈

Lilith's articulate manner of speech lent itself well to her increasingly persuasive nature that allowed her to build herself what was both a small group of friends and a small support network. They were often seen together, giggling and gossiping in the natural manner of young girls.

Around the same time, what seemed an epidemic of insomnia spread amongst the orphans, and it soon became clear to her overseers that Lilith and her friends had began making up ghost stories and telling them to the other orphans after dark, taking advantage of the anomaly to scare them for fun.

Being an otherwise obedient yet persuasive girl, she managed to talk her way out of any punishment with a well-played remorseful speech, paired with some rather convincing tears. After being let off the hook, it seemed that the girl stopped tormenting her fellow orphans.That or she was simply never caught again.

◈ Lethal combination ◈

As Lilith became a young woman, she and her friends graduated from ghost stories for children to toying with men's minds and desires. Rather than frighten, they would settle for a broken heart or a crushed ego.

The friends she grew up with soon married and moved away from their sleepy town, and yet Lilith herself never felt a desire to do the same. She took up work in an Alchemist's abode when she grew bored of the chase, utilising her natural charisma to peddle wares instead. As a bonus, or perhaps a reward, she was taught the trade in the business' downtime.

As her skill in the creation of less… acceptable substances increased, she began to find herself meeting more interesting and animated characters, members of a world she had previously been unaware of. Her business was made under tables and behind shadows now. This was where she was fortunate enough to encounter one of the shops regulars, a charming Altalar sanguine by the name Luthais. With a blink of an eye, she was under his spell, and completely and utterly worshipped him.

◈ No rest for the wicked ◈

Partly influenced by his silver tongue and partly by his supernatural charisma, she was convinced to leave her home with him; or rather, by his side. For decades, he kept her as an apprentice and a valuable resource, gifted as she was with both alchemy and the art of preparing a meal.

The otherwise cold woman came the closest she had ever been to experiencing love, between her bouts of supernaturally induced mind control. She stayed long after he had learnt he rarely needed to use his abilities, smitten as she was with her mentor. His confidence in her loyalty was only bolstered by her efforts to take his name in an informal but grand display.

With the passage of some decades, Luthais eventually deigned to offer her a cup of blood, the gift of Sanguinism that she accepted readily. They persisted as a duo, hunting and aiding each other as their relationship became partnership rather than an apprenticeship.

This system was not one built to last. Neither Luthais nor Lilith coped very well with the relatively newfound equality between them, and they fell apart; a working relationship could hardly be established if neither knew humility or subservience. The two manipulators parted in respect of the other, and Lilith began an ambitious journey across the breadth of Aloria.

Throughout her years of travel, she followed in her old master's footsteps and employed similar techniques. She would often target impressionable young people, women predominantly, and eventually created for herself a small gathering that came to refer to themselves as The Orphanage. Lilith naturally took her place at the head of this coven of sorts, and eventually made her way to Regalia, interested in "saving" some unfortunate souls from the bustle of the Imperial city.
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