Archived Light-roleplay Area At Regalia Spawn

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The Antagonist's Right-Hand
Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
New Ceardia
Roleplay Guilds
The Ivory Company
Pretty simple idea, though implementation would require a full rework of Regalia spawn, which I think would be worth it. not like they're not constantly changing things anyway...

So basically, a small district in and around Regalia spawn which would hold pretty much a miniature Regalia. There could be a small Pub, a Guard Checkpoint, shady back alley, marketplace, Inn, a small park, a warzone/sparring pit(With keepinventory on) and maybe a few other things.

The most important part of this district would be that there is little to no lore enforcement in it. Roleplay rules there would be absolutely minimal, i.e. no ERP. What would make this a good idea is that it would be a place where Faction players could go and try out Roleplay, as well as new players. In this area, Factions could exist as they are, which could lead to Roleplayers interacting with Factions as well. A Faction could bring several members there to recruit workers, capture slaves, or annex the district. Similarly, the Guards at the checkpoint could have a small urban war with them. The possibilities are endless, but what I see as a given is that Factions players and Roleplayers would interact with each other in a neutral ground.

I personally think this would be a great way to bring Factions and Roleplay together, possibly even get Roleplayers into Factions, and vice-versa.
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I don't see the benefit of this for a few reasons:
  1. Regalia is generally the strict RP setting. Having an in compliant RP area would just throw off players into thinking they can do whatever the heck they want in RP, which they can't.
  2. The locations suggested already exist right near spawn. Everything in the city is within walking distance from one another, and with the city layout in a grid pattern for the most part, makes is easier to find said places.
  3. Every single Faction world has a hub city or base inside of it, with other tp hubs around it. There is nothing stopping people form RPing there and interacting with the players that wander around them to head to the wilds.
Would roleplayers really interact with characters that don't follow the lore? I think it would be a bit hard to have your Ithanian guard interact with a half-varran inventer with an ornithopter. None of the in-complaint roleplay will translate over to Regalian roleplay, so any interaction is wasted time.
None of the in-complaint roleplay will translate over to Regalian roleplay, so any interaction is wasted time.
Everything is wasted time. All your characters are wasted time. You just play them until you shelf them or they get killed. Factions are a waste of time. You just build a city and have people live in it until it unclaims and resets.

It's not a point of what the Roleplayers will gain in regards to the stricter Regalia. It's a point of what experiences they'll have.

I don't see the benefit of this for a few reasons:
  1. Regalia is generally the strict RP setting. Having an in compliant RP area would just throw off players into thinking they can do whatever the heck they want in RP, which they can't.
  2. The locations suggested already exist right near spawn. Everything in the city is within walking distance from one another, and with the city layout in a grid pattern for the most part, makes is easier to find said places.
  3. Every single Faction world has a hub city or base inside of it, with other tp hubs around it. There is nothing stopping people form RPing there and interacting with the players that wander around them to head to the wilds.
Well, the are could instead be a town outside of the City, with a separate TP. That'd make it be distant, but not too much so.
Yes, what I'm suggesting exists, but again, it's in the City where it's a strict RP setting. It leaves no room for Light-RP.
People say that there are Factions spawns a lot, but it doesn't change the fact that nobody cares about Factions spawns. Nobody is ever at them. They are all separate and(literally) worlds apart. What I'm suggesting, no matter the location, would be new, and it would be centralized.

Sure, people could do this on their own, but they're not, and they won't. If a small place was added it would be something people would go check out. Unless some kind of Light-RP event was held in a Factions spawn, nobody will ever go to them for Light-RP.
Sure, people could do this on their own, but they're not, and they won't. If a small place was added it would be something people would go check out.
If people won't use what's already present, why would a new place change anything? It will be fun to go to initially, but in a week it's completely useless because everyone has already gone back to the central hub of the Golden Willow.

In terms of the final goal, I don't think it's worth going through the process of evicting players from houses and finding a way to compensate them for an area that already exists as a strict rp zone in Regalia, and a loose RP zone in every faction world.

If the issue is that players don't use the faction spawn, grab some buddies and start RPing in the faction spawns.
I see nothing wrong with a faction trying to recruit roleplayers but going to Regalia and doing non-lore rp / light rp is not polite... mostly because seeing people roleplaying as batman or any other non lore compliant stuff breaks immersion. Any faction trying to recruit roleplayers while disrupting roleplay is shooting itself on the foot. Regularizing and promoting that by providing buildings to promote rp disrruption is just weird.
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If you want a light RP area why have it within a strictly enforced roleplay area? Also aren't the staff already creating a new light RP world until they write enough lore for it?
Also aren't the staff already creating a new light RP world until they write enough lore for it?
They're... What? I'm not sure what you're talking about.

As for everyone else, I get what you're saying, but the main thing is that it's something NEW, and anything new is bound to get at least SOME people there. Sure, the player base can do whatever they want to, and that includes roleplaying in Factions and Factions spawns, but they don't. @FireFan96 gives a lot of power to the players to "just go do that," but that isn't how it works, or CoK wouldn't be a thing. Just because someone can do something doesn't mean they don't need encouragement.

That's what this boils down to. ENCOURAGING Factions players and RPers to interact. How do we do that? A LRP area. Be it Regalia Spawn, Silverwind, Factions spawns or somewhere new entirely doesn't matter, it just has to be something that people will want to go see. It just has to reel them in, and they'll most likely come back. It's getting them to go somewhere that's the hard part.
They're... What? I'm not sure what you're talking about.
I can't find the thread again, but I saw something about an alternate universe being added and they're trying to build a place for it before releasing. Some of the things in it being the "Dragon Machine" that lets everyone who died in "Manhatten" to live inside of it. "Nelfpoleon" or whatever that was about. "The United Human States". But otherwise there was no lore other than that first page until they create more which is why I thought of it as a temporary LRP zone. Though I wasn't this specific so I see why you were confused.
I can't find the thread again, but I saw something about an alternate universe being added and they're trying to build a place for it before releasing. Some of the things in it being the "Dragon Machine" that lets everyone who died in "Manhatten" to live inside of it. "Nelfpoleon" or whatever that was about. "The United Human States". But otherwise there was no lore other than that first page until they create more which is why I thought of it as a temporary LRP zone. Though I wasn't this specific so I see why you were confused.
This is interesting, I'll have to be on the lookout for something of that sort.
I can't find the thread again, but I saw something about an alternate universe being added and they're trying to build a place for it before releasing. Some of the things in it being the "Dragon Machine" that lets everyone who died in "Manhatten" to live inside of it. "Nelfpoleon" or whatever that was about. "The United Human States". But otherwise there was no lore other than that first page until they create more which is why I thought of it as a temporary LRP zone. Though I wasn't this specific so I see why you were confused.
This is interesting, I'll have to be on the lookout for something of that sort.
The Prohibition AU. Yes. You can find more, brief, lore stuff here. I havent heard much about it as of late but there were some buildings made if I recall.
I personally think this could be a quaint idea if executed correctly, though I don't have the statistical knowledge to say whether it is likely to work or even if it can be done. I'm speaking purely from personal opinion here.

If for arguments sake this ever were to be implemented, how would you feel about having the general lore of Regalia still enforced (the same races and continents still exist, as well as disruption rules enforced), but factions affiliations kept and the roleplay etiquette bent to be more lax? This would help restrict the issue of people going around as batman that someone pointed out.

The main problem I can see is that new players may become confused at where the application of strict roleplay rules starts and stops. There would need to be a very clear district border to allow this to work, which may prove difficult or invasive to Regalia's architecture. A separate world and tp would solve that problem, but equally it would create a substantial divide that would likely make roleplayers disregard the area entirely, making the idea moot.

Is light roleplay something that many faction players typically enjoy / are interested in?
The main problem I can see is that new players may become confused at where the application of strict roleplay rules starts and stops. There would need to be a very clear district border to allow this to work, which may prove difficult or invasive to Regalia's architecture. A separate world and tp would solve that problem, but equally it would create a substantial divide that would likely make roleplayers disregard the area entirely, making the idea moot.

Architecturally, making the entrance to Regalia from the Regalia spawn teleport those walking into it into this hypothetical pocket dimension Roleplay world could handle the issue.
  1. Spawn into Regalia.
  2. Walk forward into light RP portal.
  3. Get told you've just entered light Roleplay and what is expected of you.
  4. Walk forward another thirty meters, teleport back to Regalia on the other side of the entrance gate, get told what is expected of you.
This way, light Roleplay is still connected to the rest of the city, but in a distant sort of way. This gives it constant exposure, as well, and will make it easier to market towards new players and factions players with a bit of Roleplay interest that may be afraid to begin.

Using the entering faction territory pop up thing could help in making the rules clear and well separate the two areas.

Setting up a /bypass teleport could be useful for those that have no interest in the light world. /bypass could also trigger a brief advertising pop up, as well?
Architecturally, making the entrance to Regalia from the Regalia spawn teleport those walking into it into this hypothetical pocket dimension Roleplay world could handle the issue.
  1. Spawn into Regalia.
  2. Walk forward into light RP portal.
  3. Get told you've just entered light Roleplay and what is expected of you.
  4. Walk forward another thirty meters, teleport back to Regalia on the other side of the entrance gate, get told what is expected of you.
This way, light Roleplay is still connected to the rest of the city, but in a distant sort of way. This gives it constant exposure, as well, and will make it easier to market towards new players and factions players with a bit of Roleplay interest that may be afraid to begin.

Using the entering faction territory pop up thing could help in making the rules clear and well separate the two areas.

Setting up a /bypass teleport could be useful for those that have no interest in the light world. /bypass could also trigger a brief advertising pop up, as well?
My personal issue with portals is that they make it so that I can't see if the light-Roleplay area is being used. It's more appealing to me that I can see that the area isn't devoid of life before I hop on into it. That may just be me though. Wanted to put in my two cents.
Architecturally, making the entrance to Regalia from the Regalia spawn teleport those walking into it into this hypothetical pocket dimension Roleplay world could handle the issue.
  1. Spawn into Regalia.
  2. Walk forward into light RP portal.
  3. Get told you've just entered light Roleplay and what is expected of you.
  4. Walk forward another thirty meters, teleport back to Regalia on the other side of the entrance gate, get told what is expected of you.
This way, light Roleplay is still connected to the rest of the city, but in a distant sort of way. This gives it constant exposure, as well, and will make it easier to market towards new players and factions players with a bit of Roleplay interest that may be afraid to begin.

Using the entering faction territory pop up thing could help in making the rules clear and well separate the two areas.

Setting up a /bypass teleport could be useful for those that have no interest in the light world. /bypass could also trigger a brief advertising pop up, as well?
This falls under the new world / to divide that I mentioned. We have tried mini roleplay locations in the past but they ended up being a huge flop because if players can't see roleplay happening, many will simply walk away and find a different location.
This falls under the new world / to divide that I mentioned. We have tried mini roleplay locations in the past but they ended up being a huge flop because if players can't see roleplay happening, many will simply walk away and find a different location.
My personal issue with portals is that they make it so that I can't see if the light-Roleplay area is being used. It's more appealing to me that I can see that the area isn't devoid of life before I hop on into it. That may just be me though. Wanted to put in my two cents.

Would there any way to set up a command or what have you to read the chat of a region/world and update floating text next to the portal with what's in the chat? Could also include a floating player count with this to keep the amount of information accurate. I suspect this sort of thing would cause lag, though?
Would there any way to set up a command or what have you to read the chat of a region/world and update floating text next to the portal with what's in the chat? Could also include a floating player count with this to keep the amount of information accurate. I suspect this sort of thing would cause lag, though?
Isn't there a player count text above each quest world? That might work.
An easy solve could be showing the number of players in the world, similar to Factions worlds. "23/200 players in LesserRegalia" or what have you.