Lift Your Head.

Far up high
Hear the wise men cry
About the Spirit
That protects Regalia
It made a shield
One that kept out the dead
Yet still they crossed our walls

The Queen did come
With her head held high
Her dead eyes casted upon our lives
Her lies were many
Her truths were few
And The Queen was hated
By all but a few

Her reign wasn't long
For men did gather
Across the countryside
Through the meadows
Far in Kronau
And even farther at Rothburg
Everyone fought and trained
For a similar goal
For similar want

Regalia, Regalia
Lift up your head
Regalia, Regalia
The Queen is dead
A dagger it was
That drove out her spirit
A dagger it was
Drove in by her Daughter

The Kades, The Coens
Santorski and Bigge
The Blacks, The Laines
Sinclair and Heinrich
All that fought
Joined by many
Their honor should be great
For all they did for our city

So Regalia
Smile to see our war won
For the Queen is dead
Along with her men
Regalia is free
Once more
Once again
Regalia, Regalia
Lift your head
shh i wrote it in 5 minutes