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Played Character Lieven Gwentyr

This character is actively played.


Nov 30, 2016
Reaction score
Lieven Thorner / Winola / de Pierre / Gwentyr
"The Most Likeable Gwentyr."

Character Information
>"Got it all, but I still won't change."<
  • Full Legal Name: Lieven Aries Thorner
    • Nicknames: (Lie, Live/Liev, Livy/Livey, Dastardly Thorner, Bad Father, One Lung Lord, Muscular Twink, Lucky, Trickster)
    • "Everythink thinks they're so funny with these nicknames...they are pretty funny, to be fair."
      • de Pierre; the surname of his first wife; is a name that Lieven and several members of her family consider to basically be his as well: Throughout the troubled years of knowing the large Ithanian family: Lieven is considered by most in there as one of them.
      • Having been adopted into the Blue Blood noble family of Gwentyr; He now bears their surname.
  • Title(s): Lord Gwentyr
    • "Who let this happen."
  • Race: Ailor, Anglian/Wirtem
    • "A peculiar combination, that's one way to describe my parents, but the love is enviable."
  • Age: 28
    • "Oh my god Twenty-Eight."
  • Sex: Male
    • "I think I'd hate a woman version of myself."
  • Eye Color: Light Blue
    • "Like the ocean, as some say. It's an overused compliment anyhow."
  • Lieven is a man with no long-term goals in his mind, choosing to go by life day-by-day with the only consistency being the desire to ensure his daughter makes it to adulthood, as any parent would. Despite the objective skill he has combat-wise, he isn't a fighter, having only learned such things for self defense, fun, and the ability to back up his harsh words with fists. Though he appears as an immature asshole with a temper at the surface, those with the patience and willingness to dig further into the man might be surprised by what they find.
    • "It hurts, I think. To be picked on by many but understood by few. The least I can do is have a laugh over it."
  • Lieven has an almost unique talent. Thousands of people have found themselves letting Lieven get under their skin and angering them. With an equal amount having found Lieven as a chill and easily-liked man. Most of the time, Lieven isn't even trying to come off this way. A naturally hateable and likeable person at the exact same time and in equal measures, the perception of this Ailor varies widely from person to person depending on who you ask. The man himself doesn't even really know how or why, nor does he know how to fix is 'attitude problems.' Even if the answers to his curiosities are glaringly obvious. It can however be rest assured that; most of the time at least; he has neutral-to-good intentions. With one of the only instances in which he'll come off with genuine negativity & malice being when he's speaking to someone he genuinely dislikes.
    • "I haven't even had the chance to do anything wrong this time why are you shouting at me."
Proficiency Info
"I am sometimes THE man."
  • Strength: 7
    • Bruiser Stance
    • Bruiser Slam
    • Bruiser Flurry
    • Bruiser Feint
    • Bruiser Agony
    • Bruiser Rampage
    • Bruiser Tackle (Ailor)
    • Weapon Throw (Free)
    • Building Scale
    • Steady Body
    • "Do not underestimate the sword. For it is wielded by a very very superstrong arm. Mine. My arm. Arms. Plural."
  • Intelligence: 1
    • Wardrobe
    • "Brain of a cockroach. Or so I'm told."
  • Wisdom: 5
    • Technique Parry
    • Chem Hyperfocus
    • Chem Purge
    • Chem Cleanse
    • Chem Bang
    • "Wise beyond my years. The words of the people, not mine."
  • Dexterity: 1
    • Escape Artist
    • "Something about old habits dying hard, I believe?"
  • Constitution: 0
    • Familiar Disrupt (Ailor)
    • "I'm not an animal person, but, you're alright lil' guy."
  • Athletic Hobby
    • "My criminal days are far behind me. But it is so fun to scout rooftops and pretend otherwise sometimes."
1) Damh-Mara Heroics (Ability)
2) Damh-Mara members do not suffer reputation losses with NPC's when "swapping sides." Additionally, they gain +2 to their Persuasion Stat (Mechanic)
3) Aelriggan Penn Carchar Chapter Mechanic: Penn Carchar Knights gain a +2 Bonus to every Persuasion Dice roll while also raising the Persuasion Cap by +2. Additionally Foreign Diplomats like them more. (Mechanic)
"I told you all they'd love me here!"

"I can't always be witty."
  • Common
  • Anglian
  • Calem
  • Ithanian
  • Breizh Learning (Lazy)
  • Letz Learning (Slightly Less Lazy)
Appearance Info

"At least I'm pretty. Have that going for me despite everything else."
  • Medium-to-Long Black Hair which, depending on the day, could be wavy or stringy. Standing at a (un)comfortable 6'0 and hovering around 185 Pounds. Despite pushing 30, he has managed to retain a relatively youthful look, with the average guess of his age being in the 24 to 26 range.
    • "Told you I was pretty."
  • No mutations or super abnormal traits. Merely burn scars on his left shoulder and scars from carvings/brandings underneath his collarbone.
    • "I should probably heal these someday."
Life Story
"My origins are nothing exciting; rather simple even. But I'm grateful for that."
  • Lieven was born to Emilia Winola (later taking his father's last name) and Kurt Thorner on November 21st, while they were together but officially not yet married, which would happen a couple of years later.
    "Interesting to me, personally, that I followed my mothers path of life more than my fathers. I was born in late November, but to an unmarried couple. I know my father was not my mothers first love, but she was his first love. Shit, maybe I followed both of their paths equally, actually."

  • The relationship was something Emilias family disapproved of, thus they outcasted her when she ultimately decided to stick by Kurt. Due to this, Lieven has met almost no one from his mothers side.
    "I remember my first love, her parents did NOT like me hahahaha. At least her family didn't abandoned her because of me, the same can't be said for my mother though. They hated my father, and they hated the idea of them having a kid. Took the extreme route and just kicked her out of the family. All the money and riches gone in an instance over true love. How fucking corny is that. Very stereotypical, very fairytale-like, and very stupid. But man, I wish I could live a stupid story like that."

  • Lieven and his parents initially lived in a city full of arts of all kind situated within the Door-Inner alongside his cousin Carlo, his aunt Lora, and uncle Albar for the first few years of his life, until his parents officially married and decided to move to a more rural farmland located in Angelland.
    "Drawings, paintings, theater, mundane magic tricks, everything. Totally not at all biased, but I think everyone should visit there at least once. I admit I liked the empty farmland more, though. Returning to that life one day might be the move."
  • Lieven was raised as a purist by both his parents, though mainly his mother as his father was raised a Draconist, not a Unionist like his mother. This would be a prejudice he'd carry until his early 20s.
    "Mostly my mother taught me this way of thinking. My father was more neutral. Sorry guys, I got far too dazzled at people making glitter or snow or bubbles appear out of thin air. I am but a simple man with simple ways to be impressed. I'm just glad I eventually managed to make my parents accepting of the occult as well."

  • While he has little to no memories of when he actually lived in the Door-Inner, he and his parents made very frequent trips and vacations there, staying for a couple weeks at a time every couple months with family that still lived there for about a decade until Lieven was around 16.
    "I talk about it a lot...I talk a lot in general...but I loved these little vacations. I'm glad they got to evolve into something more. I wish Regalia was as consistently artistically inclined."

  • During these trips, he'd take up the hobby of acting in small roles during theater performances. A hobby that started when he was eight, and lasting all the way up until he eventually left Anglia.
    "An actor. At times I believe it to be my true calling. I firmly believe that in another timeline I went on to be a rich actor, performing in theaters all across this flat world. Don't think I've done TOO bad for myself, though."

  • As most of his childhood was spent almost alone with just his family, bar those vacations, he naturally grew bored very quickly. Side hobbies he took up to help the boredom go away involved drawing and swimming, most noteably. Though drawing was a hobby that he slowly stopped doing overtime.
    "I don't do it anymore really, not publicly anyways, but I love swimming. That is my shit right there. I do think I retained some of this childlike boredom up until even now, unfortunately. Don't think the therapist could solve that."

  • When Lieven turned 16, he was permitted to stay in the Door-Inner by himself for weeks to even months at a time. It was during these days that he truly got closer to Carlo, and picked up the acting to something he frequently partook in.
    "I'm something of a natural talent. The people won't admit it, but they know it's true. I'm just GOOD at what I do. It's hardly MY fault that I'm so naturally talented, come on now."

  • His speciality was stuntwork. Be it in minor or major roles, hero or villain roles, if there was a scary stunt involved, Lieven was usually the one who applied for the role.
    "Adrenaline junkie, perhaps? Love the thrill of a fall. Or a trick almost going horribly wrong. Maybe I do need to let the therapy fix me."

  • It was during these longer stays in the Door-Inner where he'd meet Barry Jannsen, a man in his late 20s at the time, who picked up a psuedo-mentor role for the young Lieven. Mostly just teaching him tips and tricks on acting, but would occasionally provide genuine life advice akin to how a cool uncle would.
    "I don't know if he's still alive. I hope so. It may sound immature but I wish I could've had him around during my first years in Regalia. My one and only true mentor figure beyond my parents. Love that guy. Fuck it; I wish I had him in Regalia with me right NOW even."

  • At 18, Lieven made his first trip to Regalia alongside his parents for a wedding that they were invited to by family friends.
    "This trip...truly was either one of the best domino effects to ever happen in my life, or one of the worst. Probably both...certainly both."

  • For the next year, Lieven would have the desire to move to Regalia, finding himself mesmerized by such a place, as most of his life was spent farming or in an all-Ailor city.
    "This place kinda sucks, actually. But even I am not dumb enough to say that out loud. It's kind of addicting, though. The suckyness of it all. I complain a lot but I don't know if I could ever leave. Maybe I'm the one who sucks, what a plot twist that'd be. I'm usually so damn cool."

  • Encouraged by his family and mentor, at 19, just a couple months before he turned 20, he made the official move to Regalia, which marked the first day of the rest of his life.
    "The beginning of the rest of my life. I don't know if I regret it, but shit, I'd do anything to view into an alternate timeline to see where my life would be if I never came here. Biggest what if of my life."

  • Since moving to Regalia at 19, he has only acted exactly two times. While his hobby of acting and theater has practically been completely dropped, he still privately practices and thus has retained all skills he had gained over the years.
    "It pays in more ways than just financially to know how to act and put on a performance in this city. I don't like being read, and I find it HILARIOUS when people complain about me being difficult to read. And as someone who puts humor over almost anything, it is my DUTY to keep practicing my acting skills."
  • Lieven grew up very innocent. Still having a childlike wonder and optimistic happy-go-lucky view of the world until he was 21, with the harsh realities of the real world being a lesson he should've learned far sooner.
    "I'm so fucking stupid."
The Debater: ENTP-T
The Alignment: Chaotic Good
The Enneagram: 7w8, The Realist
The Character Inspirations:
  • Johnny Cage:
    • "Those were $500 sunglasses, asshole."
    • "You wanna' see real? I'll show you real."
    • "Like you got any clue what it takes to be me."
    • "I was shy. I was weak. I actually got my ass kicked a lot."
  • CM Punk:
    • "I'm unfuckwithable."
    • "Rebellion, in it's purest form, is freedom."
    • "I'm told I'm a polarizing person, so people get caught up in hoping I fail. But just like success, failure is a perspective."
    • "I wake up every morning, splash water on my face, and look at myself in the eyes in mirror and ask myself: Am I The Bad Guy?"
  • Black Sails John Silver:
    • "If it makes you feel any better, I haven't considered killing you in weeks."
    • "Me? I can't help myself. I see an opportunity, I take it. It's a sickness...truly..."
    • "I'm no one, from no where, belonging to nothing. And yet, mountains of gold have changed hands because I grasped it."
    • "It bothers you doesn't it; what they think? The things you've done. It must be awful being you."
  • Nathan Drake:
    • "Is that it? Is that my deal? Die now, or help you and die later. It's a tough call...but you know what? I'll take die now."
    • "I never think ahead."
    • "I guess that's how they'll know me. How they'll remember me. But that's not who I am."
    • "As thrilling as the next adventure may be, in the end, I'm always left with that same feeling."
  • MJF:
    • "Everyone who's met me says I'm a handful. I'm aggressive. I'm loud. I'm obnoxious."
    • "I do things my way. I don't do things to make people happy or appease them."
    • 'There's nothing fake about me. And I think there are some people that appreciate that, and some who hate that."
    • "When I needed you most. When I believed in you. You left me. You left All of us."
  • Nick Wilde:
    • "Well, that is high praise. It's rare that I find someone so non-patronizing."
    • "You know you love me."
    • "If the world is only going to see me as shifty and untrustworthy, then there's no point in being anything else."
    • "I'm never going to let anybody see if they got to me ever again."
  • Flynn Rider:
    • "This is the story of how I died. But don't worry, this is actually a funny story."
    • "This is part of growing up. A little rebellion, a little adventure, that's good. Healthy, even."
    • "Everyone in here doesn't like me."
    • "For that one moment, everything was perfect. And then that moment ended."
  • Hondo Ohnaka:
    • "I am semi-speechless."
    • "I may not be as young as I once was, but I'm older."
    • "Oh, the stories I could tell. So many of them true."
    • "Some of the truth is better than none of the truth. Which is what I'm used to getting."
  • The Miz:
    • "Just because I'm confident and I'm awesome and I'm great, I'm all of the sudden the bad guy? Why am I always the bad guy?"
    • "I'm sick and tired of being called a coward. You're all the cowards."
    • "Do I think I'll ever get the respect I deserve? No."
    • "I don't want to be the dad that's not there. I don't want the kid to ever think that I wasn't there."
  • Shawn Michaels

Significant events throughout his lifetime in Regalia itself; all of which effected Lieven as a character and effected his trajectory in life, in one way or another.

"An Ailor, but a peculiar one. He is of this grub-like race, but, one of the less maggotry of his kind. Open to the unknown and not a slave to his primal instincts.
Perhaps there is hope for Human Kind after all."
- Isunjae Ryiladj Masenjanirai, "Skull"

Finding peace and comfort in his first few months in Regalia, Lieven had subjected himself to a simple and unassuming life as a fisherman to make money initially in Regalia. Eventually pick up a part time job as a bartender alongside the fishing, he found himself properly interacting with people for the very first time since moving to the city upon doing this. One day, after a particularly bad day on the job that left him moody, he resigned himself to brood alone at a table in the middle of the Willow on a stormy night. Standing on the balcony was a woman, arms out, a smile on her face with her eyes closed, enjoying the wind and the rain. Already in a mood, Lieven found this action to be stupid, and remarked on how dumb she looked. Instead of hostility being the reply; she chose peace and kindness. Replying with very sweet and gentle words, and selflessly offered to provide Lieven some conversation to ease his sour mood down. Lieven agreed, and they got to talking. They never really stopped talking for months to follow. He'd later learn the womans name as Marthe Radley de Pierre, and within weeks was introduced to all of her family members; most notably Hiro, Adam, and Palina; that resided in Regalia. Marthe; along with the entire de Pierre family; proved themselves to be Lievens very first actual friends and loved ones in the city. Marthe especially became a loved one; as within a couple months, Lieven had found himself in a relationship with her after a very nerve wracking conversation in his homes attic.

"Your lack of wealth? That's why it'll never work out between you two. And with the job you have? You'll stay lower class forever."
- Erwan de Pierre

Things were smooth sailing for Lieven and his relationship with this family. Finding peace and solace in their hangout activities, activities that encouraged Lieven to be less shy in public by himself. This shyness vanishing away paved the road for him to meet and befriend a Sihai by the name of Kira Hana Konia. The two hit it off instantly, and for a brief moment in time, Lieven would've considered Kira his definitive best friend.

Nothing is smooth sailing forever, however. For one, both of Marthes parents disapproved of Lieven. For you; Adam de Pierre; one of Marthes closest cousins; had initially had a grand friendship with Lieven, but the two gradually soured on one another, too many differing opinions, differing life goals, and arguments. Eventually Adam; acting as a protective older brother of sorts; had chosen to lie and frame Lieven for crimes he did not commit. And seeing as Adam was a part of the cities guard at the time, Lieven found himself unofficially wanted. He and Marthe separated due to the tension causing a friction between the two, and Lieven; not wanting to be arrested unfairly; fled to the sewers. He and Marthe continued to stay friends, and even occasionally saw one another when Marthe unwisely went down to the sewers to explore, but for now their romance was done, and Lieven found himself forced to live underneath the city for the following few months.

"Just keep to yourself. Most people should leave you alone if you do that. Don't ever forget that."
- Kira Hana Konia

Living down in the Sewers suddenly despite growing up innocent and borderline sheltered, Lieven experienced a culture shock. Of course he had witnessed crimes here and there, but nothing could have prepared him for what life was like down there. He had Kira to keep him safe, and one of Kira's friends; a Kathar who named himself Ivan Secri; soon met Lieven. He didn't like Ivan at first, always throwing sarcastic jabs at the stoic Kathar with no sense of humor and no clue of what metaphors are. Though overtime, Lieven grew to like Ivan. As that friendship grew more and more, Lieven grew to consider Ivan to be his definitive "best friend," and most trusted person he has ever met. A sentiment that he still carries to this day.

Lieven tried his best to still abide by the surface laws down in the sewers, avoiding crimes as best he could. It wasn't until Lieven met a woman named Heather down in the sewers did he finally start to live the life of crime. He fell for her, plain and simple. She was the exact opposite of him, and he found such a fact attractive. The two found themselves together as a couple for a brief period, with Heather bringing Lieven around as a partner in crime for whatever law she wanted to break next. He was never really comfortable with any of it; but did it because he liked her. Slowly but surely, however, a small part of him did grow to enjoy the life of a criminal, much to his dismay.

"You're just easy prey."
- Valitez

The Sewers were lawless, Lieven knew that, but never comprehended it. On the surface, he had met a Slizzar named Valitez, who had quickly become Lievens first rival in the city. Unfortunately, Valitez was better than Lieven in every way, and Lieven never did win a single fight; though occasionally would have a draw with the Slizzar instead. Valitez had made efforts to target Marthe, Kira, Ivan, and a handful of other Lievens friends, purely to mess with the Ailor. None of them ever succeeded, at least not long-term. Until one day, Lieven was by himself, deep in the sewers, when the Slizzar walked up, having been stalking Lieven for a couple hours. The chase was cut to quickly, little dialogue was shared between the two until Valitez set Lieven on fire; intent to kill. Thinking quickly enough despite the panic, Lieven jumped into the cleanest looking water closest to him, to put out the flames. They engulfed his entire left arm before he managed to put the fire out, but Valitez was quick to keep his attack going. Ending with Lieven having a broken right arm and left leg, and walking away, leaving Lieven broken and beaten on the ground. Despite debating just laying there and letting himself die, Lieven managed to discover defiance and grit within him for the first time; crawling and wobbling his way back to Ivans shack, who promptly cared for Lieven and didn't leave his side for weeks on end. Heather for all her faults, also cared for Lieven and comforted him during these times. A full recovery was made; though scars on his left shoulder remained from the fire.

"You're far too sweet to ever stop loving, unfortunately."
- Marthe "Radley" de Pierre

Lieven was far too Lawful Good to Neutral Good at this moment in life to stay with Heather forever. As she wanted to do crazier and crazier things, he found himself more and more uncomfortable, until the two eventually separated. Perfect timing as well, as Hiro & Palina returned to Regalia shortly after the breakup, and managed to convince Adam to calm down, which would allow Lieven to return to the surface freely and without worry. Alongside Ivan who now more or less refused to leave Lievens side due to the bond that had grown, he resituated himself on the surface with a deeper understanding of the city. Even managing to quickly get back together with Marthe once the situation with Adam was cleared up. Lieven had a best friend, his original love, and a large group of close friends with him now thanks to mutuals met through Kira and Ivan.

To make things even more exciting, Marthe had revealed a pregnancy to Lieven, with him as the father. This excitement never died down, and convinced the two to get married just a couple of short months after the pregnancy.

A married man with his first kid on the way with his best friend to talk him through all the nerves, Lieven found nothing but excitement for the future.

It was around this time as well that; due to all the lovely people he had met down in the sewers who helped teach him and protect him; he grew away from his Purist views, and begun to accept and support the Occult now, as opposed to discriminating against them.

"Something bad will happen to you one day if you don't stop being so annoying."
- Chris Byrne

After having been married for months, tragedy reared its head. Marthe found her body giving out on her as Lievens daughter was being born; passing away right before the eyes of everyone who was witnessing. Completely overshadowing the new life that was just brought into the world. Lieven handed the child off to a nearby Palina, and ran. Isolating himself in one of his friends homes rather than his own, as he knew people would come knocking on his door trying to console him. The only one who knew of his whereabouts was Ivan, who provided Lieven endless company, comfort, and support during these times.

The de Pierre family as a whole soured on Lieven after the death of Marthe, with the exception of Palina, who upon finding Lievens locations thanks to Ivan, mourned alongside Lieven rather than put the blame on him like everyone else did; including Lieven himself. It was during one of these mournful nights alongside Palina that Lieven thought of a name for his daughter; Marthe, named after her mother. Though a middle name of Ava; which the couple had initially agreed upon to be the name; was provided as well.

Sadness soon turned into spite and anger, though he never snapped at Ivan or Palina, he did find himself being way more rude and way more argumentative towards the general population. His aggression and tendencies to snap increased tenfold, and as Marthes father took Lievens kid for himself in Ithania, leaving Lieven without a daughter, he sought refuge in a place he never thought he'd want to come back to. The sewers.

"I care more about the wellbeing of my friends rather than the mortality of their actions. I'll always be loyal to you, regardless of what you do. But I do recommend not doing anything stupid. Though I predict you won't listen."
- Ivan Secri

Living in the sewers now completely by choice, months would go by without him ever appearing on the surface. Months without natural sun. He stayed with Ivan & Ivans sister, who had found themselves a shack to call home. Lieven immersed himself more into the criminal life. Though he was never "in" it to any extreme, he frequently robbed, mugged, and assaulted people starting now, and would continue this behavior for the next couple years, though it would calm down gradually over that time. His unarmed fighting ability and silver tongue found itself manifesting and improving as he lived down there, fully into the chaotic neutral dashing rogue archetype.

"Awh, my favorite boy has returned. You just can't help yourself from running back to your past, hm~?"
- Heather

As he was back in the sewers, it wasn't long until one of his crime sprees found himself bumping into Heather, and while they almost ending up fighting, ultimately what occurred was them getting back together. In a twist of fate, Heather was the one who was trying to take a step back from crime while Lieven was the one trying to sink further into it. He moved out of Ivans shack and surfaced for the first time in months to live in Crookback with Heather. The healthiest the two had ever been, until one day Lieven walked in on Heather sitting on the couch besides Adam, who had grown even more spiteful against Lieven after the death of Marthe. It was revealed that Heather had been secretly been seeing Adam; cheating on Lieven. Before Lieven could even properly react, Adam would punch Lieven in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. The new couple left the house, leaving Lieven to just lay there and stare at the ceiling. Such an interaction would turn Lieven off and away from any and every romance for years to come.

"It's your fault. Everything is your fault."
- Hiro de Pierre

Unknowing and uncaring of where Adam and Heather went, Lieven eventually got up from the floor after spending legitimate hours staying laid out. Similar to when Marthe had passed, he found himself running away. Not to the Sewers or the Main City, this time to the outskirts, the forest surrounding Regalia. To be alone, and to cry. He did not know he was followed out, however, and as Lieven cried by the ocean, Hiro; even more spiteful than Adam was; appeared out, with a spear. In an attempt to avenge Marthe, Hiro then attacked Lieven with intent to kill. Lieven managed to wrestle the spear away from Hiro, and without thinking; completely by accident; found himself fatally stabbing Hiro. Despite everything, Lieven still held a deep care for Hiro, as such, the killing would scar Lieven, and leave him with a permanent rule to never kill anyone ever again, even when he probably should.

"A Pirate? You? You're far too sweet to kill and plunder."
- Ponnoc Kymiin

Freaked out and panicked by everything that occurred with Hiro, Heather, and Adam. Lieven found himself doing what he always did after hiding in Ivans shack for a few weeks in near isolation; run away. From Regalia as a whole this time. Ivan; who held a questionable loyalty to Lieven; was as always willing to follow Lieven anywhere and everywhere, and protect him. Thus Lieven came up with the idea of joining a pirate crew as there were a few Captains in Crookback who were always hiring. The two did just that; and for over half a year, sailed the seas as Pirates in a crew.

"You've made so many mistakes. But I forgive you. I know you never meant to do any of the bad things you've done."
- Palina de Pierre

In need of emergency repairs one day, the ship docked on the outskirts of Ithania. The home of the de Pierre family, among other things. Lieven & Ivan reluctantly explored the city then while waiting for the repairs to be mundanely done. Fate deemed it so that Lieven would bump into Palina there, who offered a warm welcome to the duo. A stupid plan was hatched then for her to take them to the de Pierre house; a large mansion, as the family was wealthy. To talk to Marthes parents, and the rest of the family, and most importantly perhaps, so Lieven can see his daughter for the first time since she was born. The meeting went horribly; especially after Lieven admitted to killing Hiro in self defense. But with major intervention from Palina, it was agreed to at least let Lieven have his daughter. Upon holding her in his arms, Lieven decided then that he and Ivan should quit the crew, and return to Regalia alongside Palina, and his daughter; pleasantly surprised to learn that the family had agreed to the name Lieven had given: Marthe Ava de Pierre.

Lieven made a personal promise to himself, a lesson learned: Stop literally running away from problems.

"Running and climbing, are you? It's good exercise, but you can't solve every problem with running."
- Kurt Thorner

Lieven had returned to Regalia, and despite the advice of Palina and Ivan, sought out Adam and Heather, only to discover they both had left the city. Lieven felt relief, but also empty. Empty in a good way, however, as everything that had defined his story up until this point was either gone, moved on, or changed. In a way, he was back to square one, just with a daughter and much closer friends. Just like back in 304 and 305, he found himself simply hanging around. Doing his jobs, hanging out with work buddies, hanging out with friends, everything was more or the less back to how it originally was, just with a daughter now, one that he was raising with surprising expertise and ease. It was during this era is where he met the bulk of his closest friends; James, Dusk, Bliss, Joseph, Auriane, Ceara, Vivienne, Jack, Iadrik; and three more de Pierres: Nicholas, Jeremy; who was Marthes outright brother; and Yvonne. This ensemble found themselves hanging out everywhere and anywhere, everyday, for months to follow.

"Don't ever forget the people who left marks on you. Both good and bad ones. Cherish the memories, kid."
- Barry Jannsen

After years of sticking by his side through everything, Ivan announced his plans to leave Regalia and return home, to deal with his own personal arc. Lieven objected emotionally, not wanting to lose his best friend, but eventually through teary eyes, agreed that if Ivan thought it was for the best, then thats how it should be. As Ivan was ready to depart on his ship, Lieven hugged him; a major rarity at the time. Stating that Ivan is officially the godfather of Ava. Even after all the time that has past, the two still keep contact as of modern day.

Mere days after this, Kira expressed a desire to leave Regalia as well, and return to her home to continue her career and see her family again. Once again, Lieven emotionally objected initially, until relenting. The same tearyeyed hug goodbye was given, and they both admitted to having had feelings for each other at one point. A big what-if relationship that Lieven thinks about to this day.

One person returned, rather than having someone else leave. Heather had returned to the city, and the tension between the two was endless and awkward. Though they never managed to separate themselves from each others homes for the next two years, making things even more messy than they already were. They never really talked about the Adam or Hiro situations.

"Why do they never seem to attack you? You fistfought one and walked away without a scratch. How much luck was packed into your body at birth? Too much, that's how much."
- Joseph Marini

With the exception of raising a kid, Lieven found himself rather carefree. He still held internal demons over his story up until now, he still would commit crime, still would instigate fights, and was still randomly aggressive to unnecessarily major degrees. Things that all his friends pointed out and tried to help, even if it ended up with them being the victims of his randomized aggression. Aside from all of that, things tended to be easygoing for everyone, even despite the Clicker Crisis which had begun. When Lieven was with his friends, it all felt like nothing was happening. Lieven got to have a taste of what it was like to fight in a group whenever a clicker did attack. Funnily enough, Lieven ended up being the only person in his ensemble of friends who never got injured by a clicker, despite the constant fights they had with them. Luckily, no clickers ever threatened the life of Ava.

With such a large group, romance between everyone would of course brew, heightened by how much closer everyone got during such an apocalypse. But Lieven remained the only one not interested in such, still scared away from romance, despite Bliss specifically pining for him more than the rest.

"You're not fit to be a father. You're a terrible, emotional, reckless piece of shit. You should be grateful that no ones put you out of your misery yet."
- Iadrik

Shortly after spending Wintertide with everyone, two notable events happened. First, Ivan said his emotional goodbyes to Lieven, as he had decided to leave Regalia and return back home. Lieven, tearyeyed over the departure, informed Ivan that if Lieven were to ever perish, that he could take the fathership role of Ava; godfather. They still keep contact through letters as of modern times.

Secondly, and most importantly, tensions finally begun to flair over Lievens attitude problems and anger issues. Everyone had grown tired of it, specifically the couple of Iadrik and Jeremy. Jeremy, who held a slight grudge over Lieven due to the death of his sister, found that grudge growing as Lieven continued having his behavior problems. In a bid to take control, Iadrik and Jeremy would begin to lie to and gaslight everyone else in the ensemble, all directed against Lieven. With the goal of convincing everyone to take Ava away from Lieven, and let Jeremy & Iadrik care for her instead outside of Regalia. Weeks of daily turmoil followed, and Lieven made changes to his attitude. He got less aggressive, worked on his anger, bettered himself, but it wasn't enough. In the mind of the couple, it was too late for change. Even worse; the couple had begun to successfully convince everyone else that they were right, and Lieven was wrong. Leaving Lieven with no supporters, no one believing his words, and being the constant target by mass amounts of people all collectively belittling him; both unfairly and fairly.

Paradoxically, the solution proved to be Lieven giving into his behavior problems, one last true time, rather than try to solve it and rid of it for good, as after one too many snide remarks from the couple about how they were succeeding in taking Ava away; Lieven attacked. Beating up both men, though mostly Jeremy, rather severely. After this assault, Jeremy and Iadrik quietly conceded, and left Regalia, silently admitting to all their lies and gaslighting & letting Lieven keep Ava.

Lieven had learned a lesson: Always try peace, but unfortunately, sometimes violence is in fact the answer.

"You know, I mean this genuinely:
You're a fantastic father. A good man, too.
Just a stupid one as well. So, very stupid."
- Viroul

Lieven still found himself dabbling in the criminal life, though mostly just in the form of very petty thievery and merely hanging out with the real criminals in the sewers and Crookback. One day however; after meeting and befriending a literal skull that could talk and turn into a skeletal dog; he and his ensemble were followed back to the surface by an extremely mutated Kathar naming itself Viroul. Initially pretending to be nice, it wouldn't be too long until Viroul showed his true intentions, to recruit Lieven into his cult, stating that he saw a "potential" in the Ailor. After politely declining, the much more combat experienced Viroul sought to eliminate Lieven, and kidnap Ava. Succeeding one, as Lieven recovered from his wounds rather than dying. Through the sheer will of the indomitable human spirit and countless interrogations, Lieven had managed to track down and discover Virouls whereabouts, an abandoned run down building in the forest, outskirts of the main city. Nerves say in, this was Lievens first real-real fight that he was willingly going to be a part of. He pushed through the nerves, and barged right in. Despite Viroul being better in every way, stronger, faster, better combatively both mundanely and magically, there was one thing Viroul seemed to not count on: Lievens inability to give up. Determination and care and love for his daughters safety carried Lieven through this fight until he had managed to keep Viroul down. He came close to killing the Kathar, and likely would've done so, but the mutated Viroul vanished away in a cloud of mist before Lieven could do so, never to be seen by Lieven again. He quickly grabbed his unharmed daughter and ran back to the city, adrenaline still coursing through him. Pissing off all of his ensemble, as they had initially agreed to go to Virouls hideout together, until Lieven decided to one man army it. Anger was replaced with relief, as Lieven had came out victorious.

"I hope the guilt will last forever. I know it will. And you deserve it to last forever."
- Adam de Pierre

Still tense from his daughters kidnapping, his friends all of course comforted him. But he found comfort in a surprising person: Heather. Lieven never truly forgave her for what had occurred, but he had moved on, enough to where they could be considered friends again. She surprisingly provided perhaps the most comfort of everyone, and the two even almost got back together until Lieven decided against it.

Adam had returned to the city as well shortly after Heather did, still bitter and spiteful towards Lieven, bitter and spite that only grew after discovering that Lieven had beaten Jeremy. A few weeks of relative peace occurred, until things finally broke out one day. A public argument in a tavern, Lieven had temporarily lost himself in his old temper and used the fact he killed Hiro as an insult towards Adam; whom promptly knocked Lieven out on the spot in front of everyone at the tavern, most importantly Palina who had help nurse Lieven back to consciousness. Adam stormed out in understandable anger, and left the city. A few weeks went by until Lieven and his ensemble learned the news: Adam had died in a rather large battle in a neighboring country. Just like that, 3 of the 4 original de Pierres Lieven had met were dead, all of them dead at least in part due to Lieven himself. A fact he is well aware of, and a fact he's never forgotten.

Right around here is when Lieven had met a certain Aldane Justyr; later Aldane Gwentyr. The two from the moment they met became grand enemies with one another.

"Meeting you was the best and worst thing to ever happen to my life. To ever happen to the lives of everyone you've ever met too, I imagine."
- Divy Rousseau

A couple months after the Viroul fiasco, Nicholas and Yvonne shared their plans to return to Ithania. In a selfless act, Lieven offered that they take Ava with them, stating that he just didn't believe Regalia was consistently safe enough for her. Promises were made for the father and daughter to visit each other as often as possible; promises that remain kept to this day. But after this decision was made, Lieven would begin to go months without physically seeing his daughter.

Slowly but surely, most of the ensemble all moved on and away from Regalia, all whom on good terms, and all of whom remaining friends with Lieven to this day, with semi-frequent visits given to and from everyone.

Of course Lieven wasn't completely friendless, he had that talking Skull, he had Heather who he had gradually warmed back up to, and he had a new ensemble that he met via falling through a window and onto their table, specifically the table of Divy and Merrick, a couple at the time. Quickly, he had made friends of the duo, and were introduced to their friends and family; most notably Reynard, Heinrich, and Ryo.

Yet another personal reset of sorts occurred here, as now that he didn't have his daughter with him anymore, it was truly just like his time back when he first moved into the city on paper. In practice; Lieven had changed way too much as a person for things to ever truly reset just like that. He appreciated the moment, however.

His rivalry with Aldane gradually grew throughout all this as he too knew Divy and Merrick. Far too many physical fights, verbal arguments, and mental battles between Lieven and Aldane occurred that it became impossible to count them all. Lieven did at least relish coming out as the victory a majority of the time, but one fact remained; the two men genuinely disliked one another.

"You're a terrible medic. An awful bouncer. A bad assistant. I'm not sure what you're good at, exactly.
But dammit, you're funny."
- Merrick Felwinter

One day, Lieven had noticed Aldane attempted to hit on two Playero women. Lieven; who had a habit of stealing women away from Aldane; swooped in to do just that once more. Aldane himself dropped the ball, and didn't really need Lieven to do anything. Still, Lieven made things worse, and Aldane departed in angered defeat, leaving Lieven alone with the two women. A quick chat ensued until one of them left as well, leaving Lieven alone with the last woman, who he learned was named of Reselda. They kept talking, for hours. Hours turned to days, which turned to weeks, which turned to months. Reselda would introduce Lieven to a certain Ana Cervantez; and reintroduced him to Heather, who coincidentally was dating Reseldas brother. Reselda, who was working under Ana at her clinic, managed to help secure Lieven a job at the clinic, one that Divy, Merrick, and Reynard all worked at or frequented. A lot of Lievens life for the next handful of months would be spent at this clinic.

"I know you try your best. Anyone with any sense should know to appreciate that.
For what it's worth, I think you're a good father."
- Bliss Willow

After being reintroduced to Heather, Lieven found himself hanging out with his ex; who he hadn't seen a significant amount of time; more and more often. Eventually Heather dropped a bombshell: She had a kid. That wasn't the bombshell, she already had a few, but she meant one specific kid. A boy. Claiming Lieven to be the father.

Taken aback by this news, Lieven found himself absent-minded for weeks, his entire world turning upside down. Of all people, it would be Ana who'd enter Lievens life more in an attempt to help him be a father. He was never comfortable for a single second of any of this. The toddler looked nothing like him, and after weeks of lessons from Ana and awkward silences with Heather, he managed to get a confession.

The child, Apollo, was in fact not Lievens. It was from another lover of Heathers. She claimed to have been genuinely confused about it, and thus didn't purposefully lie to him. Still, he soured on the woman once more, and had to spend a few days mentally recovering.

He hated to admit it, but a part of him truly did hope that Apollo WAS his son. But as the reveal was given that he wasn't, Heather took the kid, and left Regalia.

"I cannot believe I fell for you. Bet you've heard plenty of women tell you that before, though."
- Reselda de Gonzo

There was one main woman who was there for Lieven for all his stresses consistently; Reselda. The two had grown close, and Lieven quickly found himself afraid. Not of Reselda, but of a realization that he had: He had gotten romantic feelings for her. The first time he had ever felt such a thing towards someone since Heather had left him for Adam. Weeks of being too afraid to say anything followed, sweating and nervous and stuttering every time he tried. Until one day, he succeeded. Managing to confess everything; and was met with the feelings being returned, as she admitted to feeling the same way. The two agreed to make things official; much to the disapproval of Reseldas family. She'd never know this as Lieven would never admit it; but she helped him partially get over his years-long fear of romantic connection.

"You ruined all of our lives. Do you just enjoy doing that? Does it not get tiring being so unsympathetic and sarcastic all the time?"
- Ryo Varis

It wouldn't be long until Lieven grew close to the couple of Merrick and Divy. Too close it'd seem, as Lieven was taken aback one day by the news that Divy had left Merrick, with intent to get with Lieven, who at this point was proving to be too charismatic for his own good. Very awkwardly, Lieven turned her down, miraculously, the two managed to stay very close friends despite this rejection. Merrick understandably found himself angry at Lieven, and the two men found themselves clashing several times throughout the following months.

Ryo, who delusionally considered himself the adoptive son of Divy & Merrick, provided Lieven a rare opportunity: The opportunity to be 100% in the right during a rivalry. Ryo had made an effort to not target just Lieven out of revenge, but everybody, even those completely uninvolved. Lieven merely found himself unlucky enough to be a "main" target of the crazed young man.

Ryo did managed to make Merrick and Lieven somewhat patch things up, as the trio including Divy plus an collection of several other mutual friends all collectively agreed to "take care" of Ryo. Lieven of course, kept his hands clean of committing any actual killings, but not everyone held the same moral.

Shortly after this; Lieven and Reselda had broken up mutually. Understanding that they both wanted different things in life and had different goals, they admitted that they weren't meant for one another. Despite it being a breakup, Lieven was relieved that this one ended peacefully, unlike every other previous romantic endeavor. Funnily enough, this breakup helped Lieven get over his fear of romance even more, having discovered that relationships can in fact end peacefully. She would leave Regalia to sail the seas as a doctor shortly after.

"Trouble sure loves to find you, hm?"
- Shanari

Lieven had proven himself to be rather toxic, somewhat unintentionally, to his newer ensemble. Before he was merely just verbally mean to everyone and ruined happy tones occasionally. This time he found himself accidentally ruining friendships, relationships, and pushing pacifists to their breaking points. After one too many arguments with Heinrich specifically, Lieven had found himself once again losing to his old temper and personally insulting the man, who then promptly struck Lieven in the face. Funnily enough, this punch would be the catalyst for their on again off again friendship, leading to Lieven consider Heinrich as one of his weirdly closest frenemys.

Reynard; calm and collected; also found himself being pushed to his limits by Lievens antics. Managing to piss off and annoy the resilient older man on several occasions. Divy even begun to lightly sour on Lieven due to his recent actions with all their mutual friends.

As the Vampire Insurrection had just begun to take hold, Lieven found himself in a massive battle on the outskirts of a safezone, a personal climax of all the issues he had begun to have with everyone. A free for all involving Lieven, Heinrich, Merrick, Aldane, Ryo; who was not killed unlike Lieven had thought and in fact just resurfaced from the sewers; and a couple others. No teams, all battling out for themselves, with Lieven walking away not only the victor, but completely untouched. This ego boost would be detrimental.

"Lieven is easily hateable and likable at the same time."
"Correct, just let him use that charm of his and he'll figure a way out of this situation."
- Bronwyn & Lamont Norinn

With the Vampire Insurrection well and truly in its prime, Lieven found himself being one of the people who ventured out of safe areas to go explore the taken over city. Oddly enough, it was Merrick who he would grow closer too and truly mend problems with, as he too would venture out of safe zones to explore the city. They'd explore together, battle the sanguine together, and save each other multiple times. Overtime, Lievens bond with this man grew stronger and stronger, and now considers him as another one of his all time best friends.

His relationships with Divy and Reynard also patched up and improved throughout this, and while he and Aldane still very much disliked each other, the rivalry did calm down ever so slightly. Even Ryo had agreed to move on from his targetting against Lieven.

The Insurrection as a whole had the opposite effect on Lieven than it did others. For most, it was a hellhole full of fear and tension on the daily. But for Lieven, it weirdly proved to be the era where he fixed as many issues as he could with all his friends, leaving his memories of the Insurrection as weirdly positive.

"You seem too complicated for a "good person" or "bad person" label."
- Kingsley Miller

Lieven had all but left his criminal self in the past, the only crimes being petty thievery, but even then it was just for pranks and jokes, as he almost always returned whatever he stole. He frequented Crookback less and less until it grew to become something he no longer recognized.

Briefly, this changed as he got closer relationship with Merrick and Divy. Both criminals and rogues in their own unique ways. Causing Lieven to hang out in Crookback more often for a brief few months. Nothing particularly major occurred aside from his affinity towards the two former couple rising. This was all more subconscious; internally, whether or not he realized it, he grew to toxically miss this life. The painful memories had somehow managed to turn nostalgic, causing the Ailor to find himself yearning to return to this life as a criminal, though he never would end up doing so, for better or for worse.

"Imagining you as a noble sounds like the worst nightmare a man could ever have."
- Nicholas de Pierre

Aldane Justyr had become Aldane Gwentyr; blue-blooded noble Lord. Lieven of course rolled his eyes hard at this, and saw it as the first sign of the apocalypse. The two had been at each others throats since the literal day they met. They have sabotaged one anothers careers and relationships. Fought several times, almost to the death occasionally, and now Lieven had seen this as Aldane finally getting a victory, as legally, Lieven could no longer feud with Aldane in this manner.

Unexpectedly, Aldane would provide Lieven with a job: To secretly work for the Gwentyrs. As a spy on other houses and an advisor. A belief that since Lieven was Aldanes greatest enemy; then he'd be the one most qualified to help be a spy and discover who else was plotting against the Gwentyrs.

Lieven agreed, and worked under the Gwentyrs for over a year. An uneasy alliance, enemies working together as a team. It did end up succeeding despite the arguments and fights that still occurred, with Lieven proving a valuable asset to the family.

"You two are similar. A life of tragedy. Tragedy with spouses, with children, with relationships, with friendships, with enemies. Yet you both are still here. Maybe you two ARE the toughest people I've ever met then, haha!"
- Elvira Grey

Divy had left Regalia to go to Ithania with her daughter, leaving room for Lieven and Merrick to properly move on from how vastly important this woman had been in both of their lives. They grew even closer as this occurred, and Merrick especially moved on, to another woman. Elvira Grey, a Countess. Lieven met the woman and her family; including the kids she would eventually have with Merrick. Before long, the two were set to be married at a masquerade, with Lieven being made the best man for Merrick, a position he accepted happily. The wedding went perfectly; until it didn't. Elvira, the bride, had found herself attacked outside of the building by a masked sanguine; nearly dying but managing to just survive. Lieven; having flashbacks to Marthe; made it his personal mission for Merrick to discover who did so.

He already had a suspect, and after somehow managing to convince the Metro to share their reports about the wedding with him, he single handily discovered who the culprit was, sharing his detective work with the newly wedded couple and the Metro, who promptly tracked down and eventually took out the Sanguine who attacked. Lieven had; all by himself; discovered who it was and saved the family from further attacks by the vampire, and he was praised for his detective work. Praise was; sadly; something he had rarely received. He found himself boyishly giddy and proud of himself for weeks to follow after this, with the pride of the event sticking with him to this day.

"You? A Lord? Lord of what? Tricksters?"
- Taralynn Tremaux

Traumatized by the wedding being ruined, Merrick and Elvira would leave Regalia soon after with their family, though both would revisit Regalia occasionally. Lieven was dangerously close to feeling like he had rebooted once again as nothing really was going on in life. His circle of friends and acquaintances had gradually changed from criminals, to commoners, to nobility, having recently met Taralynn Trémaux who helped him ease off his tension of interacting with nobility; and also helped turn him into a Kathar for a couple weeks. What Lieven would've never expected from this new crowd of people he found himself frequenting was the opportunity to join the crowd as an actual member of the peerage. But the Gwentyr Matriarch, Viviwynne Gwentyr, had a reward for Lievens consistent loyalty after secretly working for them for so long now; to be adopted in as a new Lord Gwentyr. Much to the dismay of Aldane who was still rivals with Lieven despite everything, Lieven accepted this offer, officially becoming Lord Lieven Gwentyr. A whole new world was opened up to him, opportunities never previously provided, riches beyond what he's ever had at one time, friendships that never would've been made were being made. Whether or not becoming nobility was a 'good' thing for Lieven is highly debatable, even to himself. As though he enjoys the life, he does frequently question it, and wonder if this is truly "for" him.

"There's nothing wrong with moving on. Especially for someone like you. Enjoy your next chapter, Lieven."
- Dusk Waters

Despite having an entire estate to his name now, Lieven still found comfort in living in his home from when he was a commoner; a home that he once shared with endless amounts of friends and family, now left alone to just Lieven. The last person Lieven had expected to ever see again was in the neighborhood, Heather. In all their years of on-and-off-againing, they never once talked about their issues. Not about Adam, not Hiro, not how unhealthy they were, for years Lieven had been plagued with thoughts of all the countless of conversations he wanted to have with her, but figured he'd never get the chance to do so ever again. Until this fateful day, where she just happened to be visitng Regalia for a week, and just happened to be near his home.

Lieven invited her in, and they indeed talked. About everything. The good and the bad, the pretty and the ugly. Hours went by, the moon rose and fell by the time they were done talking. There was no arguments, no shouting, no anger, they talked calmly like mature adults for the very first time together, and ended things positively and healthily with one another, finally and ultimately. It proved extremely therapeutic for Lieven, this was a weight that had been on his chest and in his mind for five years now, to finally get it out relaxed Lieven, and made him less tense about everything. Even helped him sleep better.

If this ended up being the last time they ever see each other; Lieven would be content with it.

"You make things look so easy. Wooing a woman, besting men in combat, persuading someone into liking you. It's infuriating to witness...but, I need you to help us get through this just as easily as everything else you've done."
- Aldane Gwentyr

"What? Are you telling me The Mighty Lieven is not free of sin?"
- Aakesh

"You remain the most kindest, most sweetest, and most charismatic man I've ever met."
- Zolo Vovznak

"I just like to leave my past in the past, Lieven. It's a good thing to do, a good lesson for you to learn.
None of it will ever end up effecting you in the future anyways. I'm sure of it."
- Emilia Winola-Thorner

"You've been through a lot. I think because of that you expect people to naturally bring you down rather than bring you up. Makes it harder for you to trust people who are being nice to you."
- Faust

"If everyone in Regalia had your sense of humor, fighting wouldn't exist.
But you need to give up on this place, and let it go. You made it out there. You escaped. You won. Millions of citizens would kill to have what you have. Don't risk it all by running around on a street with people who can and will ruin your life."
- Ana Cervantez


  • Lievens left shoulder has Burn Scars covering the entire top of the shoulder, with a couple of spots here and there on the sides of the shoulder.
    • "All these years later, it feels almost nostalgic to think look at the scars and remember the event, life was easier then, minus the fire."
  • He owns seven scars in a vertical line going down starting from the collarbone. Each scar being the shape of a carved heart.
    • "I'm sure one day I'll cringe at these then get them removed, but that day isn't today."
  • His fingernails will occasionally be painted/polished black.
    • "I didn't expect to look good with these, damn near fell in love with myself when I saw the nails for the first time."
  • His left wrist below the palm has the letters "M.R.d.P" in that exact way tattoo'd on it.
    • "I don't want to risk forgetting you."
































Kurt Thorner (Father)
Emilia Winola/Thorner (Mother)
Carlo Thorner (Cousin)
Lucian Clemente (Distant Cousin)
Marthe "Ava" de Pierre (Daughter)
Apollo Druvlaar (Alleged Son)
The Racoon (Ailor Familiar)
Marius Winola (Half Brother)
Gwentyr Noble House (Adopted into)
Apollo is not actually Lievens Son.
The Racoon truly does not have a name, and will not ever have a name.

A collection of characters that all; in one way or another; affected and changed Lieven as a character. For if he didn't meet these people each on an individual level; He would be a different character to who he is now.

"I need to write you all down somewhere, in no particular order. I couldn't bear to forget any of you."
"I suppose good things don't last forever. Or bad things.

I love or hate all of you."

"There is no nobility in poverty. I have been a rich man, and I have been a poor man,
And I Choose Rich Every Fucking Time."

Last edited:
  • Personality Information:
    • Please add onto the first, second and fourth paragraph until they each reach four sentences at the very minimum.

Make the edits in a different colour and tag me once done!
@Vegemiite Hi, I have edited/updated my Character Application here, I'm quite confident I was supposed to mark the changes I've made but I wasn't 100% sure if I was supposed to, regardless, if you could review it again and such I'd appreciate it chief.
I am no longer Lore Staff, sorry! To get this reviewed, simply set the tag of the thread to Needs Reviewer (The orange one) and a staff member will get to it as soon as possible!
My Review:
  • This isn't so much a review point as a mention that you can get +10 free Proficiency Points in a Proficiency if you choose to add his Cultural boost. Just something to think about if you want to add it.
  • We don't really have "suits" in our Lore world. I'd like to ask you to change it to a more ambiguous word like "outfit".
  • Compared to the other Personality Paragraphs, the Second is extremely short and I would ask that you add at the very least one extra point of content/one extra sentence.
Tag me once the edits are done in green @Tracked_
@HydraLana Finished bro, there is no cultural boost listed for the one I picked so I'll just leave that one blank, but aside from that, edits are done.
@HydraLana Finished bro, there is no cultural boost listed for the one I picked so I'll just leave that one blank, but aside from that, edits are done.
"New-Regalian Ailor
+10 Marshal Knowledge"

Alt and New Regalian cultures are essentially the same, one is just the earlier version of the other, so this is the boost you could earn. Tag me once you have added it or decided not to add it @Tracked_
@HydraLana Just a small change, his IC Birthday passed recently so I added the newly acquired Proficiency point + Hobby points.
@HydraLana Hi sorry to bother with yet another tiny change but I noticed I didn't update the physical stat so I went ahead and fixed it
@HydraLana Homie got infected so I added mutations, I also changed his hobby points so all 10 goes into Theater Arts.
Last edited:
@HydraLana Hate to bother but I made some extra changes since the last @, I gave him the Anglian language since some people have told me he could have logically learned that as a child, and updated his Clothing, changes are all colored texts, if you could approve/reply as quick as possible that would be lovely.
@HydraLana Hate to bother but I made some extra changes since the last @, I gave him the Anglian language since some people have told me he could have logically learned that as a child, and updated his Clothing, changes are all colored texts, if you could approve/reply as quick as possible that would be lovely.
Actually, he'd have learned Alt-Regalian/Regalisch as a child, since he is New Regalian himself. I don't know why people have been telling you he would only know Anglian. Now, if he had an Anglian parent, he can know both languages in addition to Common.

Tag me once this has been corrected.
@HydraLana aight man, I added Regalisch as a language and since you cleared it up for me, I made added a quick couple of words in the life story specifying an Anglian Parent in the hopes he can still know that
@HydraLana Nothing big, just made Vampirism abilities inactive bc cured and replaced one of the languages with Ithanian
  • +11 in Sword Combat (10 Prof, 1 Base)
  • +11 in Fist Combat (10 Prof, 1 Base)
  • +5 Stealth Rogue (5 Talent)
  • +6 Dextrous Rogue (5 Talent, 1 Base)
  • +7 Perception (5 Prof, 2 Base)
  • +10 Theatre Arts (5 Hobby, 5 Boost)
  • +5 Circus Arts (5 Hobby)
Your Physical Stat calculation is incorrect. Combat, 22 + Arts, 15/2, 8 = 30. He's capped at 30 due to being a Lexxon Ailor, so that number is perfect. However, you have him at 25 for some reason. Please correct this.
  • Fluent Common
  • Fluent Anglian (Through Parent)
  • Fluent Ithanian (Taught by Alister Waterlow)
Why does a New Regalian know Anglian and not New Regalian? Also, you have no Linguistics investment to explain his language knowledge of Ithanian. Please fix up or explain this section better.
I didn't notice that Theatre Arts counted to Physical Stat, my bad, I fixed that so he's at 30 now.
Changed Ithanian to Alt-Regalian as that is the language for New Regalians.
I couldn't tell if him knowing Anglian was a problem or not based off your wording, so just in case it is, I'll remind you that it was already established back in May during a Re-Approval that he had/has an Anglian Mother.
I didn't notice that Theatre Arts counted to Physical Stat, my bad, I fixed that so he's at 30 now.
Changed Ithanian to Alt-Regalian as that is the language for New Regalians.
I couldn't tell if him knowing Anglian was a problem or not based off your wording, so just in case it is, I'll remind you that it was already established back in May during a Re-Approval that he had/has an Anglian Mother.
Yes, in May. That was four months ago.

Unless his father died when he was young and his family chose not to live in New Regalian territory, then there is little reason for him not to be New Regalian, given that you also identified him AS New Regalian rather than Anglian. I just find limited logic in him having learned only from his mother's side when a) New Regalians are a patriarchal society and his father's language would be dominant in teaching of the son and b) the reason I already mentioned.

Regardless, Approved.
@HydraLana Prof reworked, as well as added a lil spoiler bit to the end of the lifestory that I intend to fill with recent/current events sometime in the future, meaning nothing is in it yet, hope that won't ruin things
@HydraLana Prof reworked, as well as added a lil spoiler bit to the end of the lifestory that I intend to fill with recent/current events sometime in the future, meaning nothing is in it yet, hope that won't ruin things
Approved with the understanding that you will elaborate on what he's been doing in the City in that spoiler since you last had this application approved 4-5 months ago.
Application Re-Approved.