Preserved Sheet Lewis 'roland' Heinrich

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Dragon of Semperis
Nov 19, 2015
Reaction score



Full Name: Lewis 'Roland' Heinrich.
Age: 26 (Born 278 AC).
Gender: Male
Race: Ailor
Main Ambition: To become well-known throughout the nobles of Regalia as well as be feared for his skill in Military Strategies and Close Combat. Roland also intends to honor his family and bring more glory to its name.



  • School: School of Leadership
  • Level: Scholar level of the General Command Discipline
  • Commissions: 0
  • Source: Taught at the Regalia Academy


  • Eye Color: Ocean Blue.
  • Hair Color: Ash Black.
  • Hair Style: Comb over.
  • Skin Color: Beige.
  • Clothing: Roland tends to wear dark blue shirts with deep brown leggings.
  • Height: 6'1.
  • Body Build: Toned.
  • Weapon of Choice: A black Iron-Age sword (Xiphos) named Träne (teardrop in Alt-Regalish).


  • Viewed by others, Lewis 'Roland' Heinrich is perceived by others as one who is always up for some friendly challenges. A drunk who offers free ale for beating him in arm wrestling would be Roland's dream encounter. Roland is also quite approachable, one may come to him for advice or for conversation. He is friendly to all unless one earns hostility. Roland cares deeply on how other view him, he would always be checking his appearance and his surroundings to assure his reputation should not be stained.

  • Self-Reflection, Roland looks at himself as one who always needs to improve. His goals are never ending and he must strive to maintain his path in succeeding those goals. However he fears that he may end up harming his family. Roland's outgoing personality is result of his need to honor his family and to increase his popularity within the nobles. His dedication to improving his skill in military strategy and to increase his overall physicality is due to his want to become the most feared member in Aloria.

  • Family and Friends, Roland treats his family and friends with respect. He honors his family for how far it has become and he cherishes his friends dearly due to the fact that friends can inspire men to do incredible things. He also finds himself spending a lot of time with his Butler, Eric Liolen at the tavern. More than often, he would do favors for those who he cares for, this includes friends as well as family, even if he doesn't get anything in return.

  • Morality, Roland aspires to do good for his family and the Empire. As a result of this, he takes orders from his superiors well and dedicates himself to better others. He respects the law and will stop those who are unlawful. He can be sometimes too generous, offering people drinks at the tavern.

  • Inspiring, Roland tends to inspire people with his dedication and courage. Those who work and fight with him tend to put more effort in their tasks then one would without Roland present. He came to be inspiring from a group project in the Lutherstadt Kriegsakademie when his group was task with demoralizing task.

  • School of Leadership, Roland is quite intelligent with Military Strategies. He is able to defeat his enemies with his skill in planning and executing those plans. When one of his plans goes astray, he always seems to troubleshoot the issue and find a solution before it is too late.

  • Physical Speed, Roland is known to be quick. Every morning, you could find Roland running wind sprints to keep up his conditioning. He never seems to lose a foot race with his friends and seems to be quick at reaching objectives in battle.



Lewis Heinrich or more commonly known as Roland Heinrich was born to Chay Heinrich and Adi Heinrich on the 23rd of September 283 AC in Regalia. In his younger years he would be taught by the family tutor on how to read, write and basic history. Like most other male members of the family he was taught how to fight in the Heinricher Fechtsturm. When he became of the right age he'd leave home and go to be taught at Lutherstadt Kriegsakademie.

Lutherstadt Kriegsakademie

There he was taught mainly in the school of leadership learning the discipline of tactical command but he also furthered his understanding of the Heinricher Fechtsturm style when he had the chance. Compared to the other students in his class he was the best by far, due to the fact he loved the discipline greatly. However he found himself becoming stressed with all the work he was putting in and would sometimes lose track of time and miss assignments. Due to his family name being Heinrich he gained a lot of friends and was always socialising with new people, although there were a few people that tried to bully him.


At the age of 21 he'd graduate from the school and be an official tactical advisor for the Generals of the military, much more favoured than the others due to him being so good at his job. He is constantly trying to improve himself whether that be studying or training his body,after all he is probably the fastest in the family. Now at the age of 26 he has been instated as a general of the State and is commanding the Eschevard's Banner in the war against the Altalar, with many bumps and twists, including the utter destruction of his army at the hands of the Avanthar. As of recent, the Heinrich has settled down and married Corbette dei Azul, taking her in as his consort.
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Here's my review -
  • Skill Information
    • Please include this section of the application to properly represent your character's time in the School of Leadership. Please also specifically state the level he is in the school.
  • Personality and Abilities
    • Your second paragraph fails to mention any sort of fears, anxieties, or concerns about his life. Rather, it only touches upon his goals and motivations, which isn't particularly what this paragraph is about.
    • The third paragraph is just two sentences and fairly lacking in content.
    • I want you to get more into the fourth paragraph, beyond just simple statements of obedience to faith, family, and country.
  • Talents
    • The talents 'inspiring' and 'physical speed' do not meet the minimum threshold of three sentences.
    • The talent intelligent is broad and mostly touches upon his skill with military strategy, which is fine but should probably be dubbed 'deliberate' or something of that variety. Or rather, you could just call it 'School of Leadership'.
  • Life Story
    • State specifically where Lewis was born in the world.
    • The second paragraph talks about how he was better than all of his peers, which is pretty cliche. I understand being good at what you do, or even extraordinarily good, but please refrain from utilizing such comparisons as it only serves to degrade the school.
Mark these changes in red and tag me when you're done.
In response to recent changes -
  • "Military Stratigist" - This is not a level. Moreover, the school is called the School of Leadership, not whatever German name you put up there.
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  • Add one more sentence to the third paragraph.

That's all I could find! Please make the above edit in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
Added pretty pictures and a tiny bit to the life story.
Its funny how the tables turned on this character sheet, where the players critique the staff, instead of usually the other way around xD

Love the sheet. Although I thought u were going to get rid of the big German name you put up there and more specifically be school of leadership. You said
taught at Lutherstadt Kriegsakademie.
Wasn't he taught at the school of Leadership? Just by skimming through the lore I do not see that... whatever it is... word in the lore at all.

Although, I am new, so I am most likely wrong xD.