Shelved Character Lewi Regalyai

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Student of Hydration
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Asha gang(TM), Maraya gang(TM)
Unknown artist. Lewi ben Yehoshua.
May 311 A.C. Oil on Canvas. Archives of House Gilead.

Basic Information

⇶Full Name |
Lewi Regalyai (Lewi ben Yehoshua mimishpachat haRegalyai)
⇶Race | Narim
⇶Culture | Shomrei Bayet (City Narim)
⇶Age | 40 (Born Oct. 26, 271)
⇶Gender/Pronouns | Identifies male, he/him
⇶Eye Color | Bluish-black
⇶Occult | Unionist God Magic + Ark Void Magic

Core Concept
Lewi is an experienced wasp Narim mage-paladin who follows the Derech HaLchama, with a goal to defend against the Demon of the Deep: never strike first, but hold fast. Born the devout scion of his father, a House Gilead guard, he served a similar ceremonial role until a falling out over the death of his brother Reuel. Seeking a route away from his father, he returns to the surface to find just that.

Visual Information
Lewi looks akin to a European Paper Wasp (WARNING: bug image) crossed with a bumblebee (WARNING: bug image). With fur and carapace a consistent yellow-on-black, Lewi more than stands out in a crowd, especially combined with his above-average height. He has a broad build, which tapers like a triangle towards a narrow insectoid waist, before broadening into carapaced legs. Much of the 'bulk' that makes up Lewi's upper form is in fact a large, fluffy mane. Lewi was born with four arms, though now only has three, one of the smaller arms on his chest used for casting having been lost in a battle in the Sewers. Lewi additionally has a small wasp-like thorax and nonfunctional wasp-like wings. He dresses ascetically in a blue-green loincloth, and rarely anything else save for a few beads.

⇶Points spent | 14/14

⇶Strength | 0
⇶Constitution | 7
→Turtle Pack
→Tank Charge Pack
→Tank Slam Pack
→Tank Rush Pack
→Tank Hero Pack
→Tank Watch Pack
→Tank Rally Pack
→Bruteforce Pack [Narim Buff 1]​
⇶Wisdom | 1
→Archive Wisdom Pack (Tyrian Redoubt) [Narim Buff 2]
→Dimenthist Pack​
⇶Dexterity | 0
⇶Magic | 4 | Unionist God Magic + Void Magic
→Disruption Pack
→Blessings Pack
→Breaking Pack
→Protection Pack​
⇶Charisma | 2
→Commander Pack
→Agitator Pack​
⇶Faith | 0 | Narim Unionism (School of Hofshi Machshavi)



Life Story
⇶ Birth and Childhood (0-10): Lewi was born in the Regalian Undercity in 281 to Sarah and Yehoshua, the latter being a veteran member of the House Gilead guard of nearly four-hundred and fifty years. Joined by a brother named Reuel late into his childhood, his parents split soon after, leaving Lewi largely to be raised by his mother. His mother taught and pressured him towards the Derech Hasofer, which led Lewi to take a heavy interest in the Ark's magic and the history of his people, alongside his brother. Were it not for their difference in age, they might as well have been twins.

⇶ Late Childhood and Teenage Years (10-18): His interest in history naturally led him to learning more about his father Yehoshua. Estranged for so long, he finally sought to seek him out away from his mother in an act of teenage rebellion. His first meeting with Yehoshua was just what Lewi had hoped of the living legend, and he became enamored with tales of exploits in centuries past against the Demon of the Deep, and the tyrannical Regalian King. Deciding his path to be the Derech HaLchama, Lewi and his brother would spend years training underneath Yehoshua and alongside his other students, in secret and away from his mother.

⇶ Early Adulthood (18-33): The very day after his Bar Mitzvah, Lewi joined with his father and left his mother behind, and began on the path of a House Gilead guard. Not yet having proven himself for service in the Palace, Lewi was posted to the deeper layers of the Undercity, gradually working his way up the ranks and gaining respect amongst other frontline Narim in service of Hashem.

⇶ Adulthood (33-38): When the Deathlings came from above in 304, Lewi was amongst the first to fight back, already headed towards the surface on a routine patrol. It was, however, largely in vain. Queen Freya Lo flooded and destroyed much of the very surface levels of the Sewers, but for Lewi it was not wholly a loss. The city reclaimed, he was finally noticed by his beloved House Gilead guard, and offered a ceremonial position amongst the very lowest of their ranks. Parades and appearances in the Imperial Palace and the Tyrian Redoubt become semi-common, with his defense of the city being something he often claimed glory for. His brother, behind him in years, sought to match his older brother- but Reuel was not in truth built for Derech HaLchama. Lewi's father however, continued to push him anyways, enrolling him just as he had Lewi, on the frontlines in the Undercity.

⇶ The Present (38-40): In 309 came the Vampire Crisis. Lewi's brother Reuel, out on a routine patrol, ran into contingents of Dorkarthi forces in the sewers. Just as Lewi had some years before, he fought back against the invaders– but unlike Lewi, Reuel was not built for it. Cut down by the Sanguine, there was no time to mourn as the city was engulfed in hellfire. Yet when the smoke cleared, neither would there be coming together with his father over the loss. Lewi blamed his father and his pushing Reuel towards the Derech HaLchama for his death, estranging himself from both his ceremonial position in the guard, and from the last of his family. Returning to the depths to ply the magic of the Aron HaB'rit in healing, whispers of an old friend brought him to the surface once more.

Plot Hooks
⇶Lewi is a 'paladin', guarding those that need it– even the undesired. He is the embodiment of the Derech HaLchama.

→To many, Lewi might seem knightley– but he is no such thing. He believes in the defense of the unable or unwilling, as Hesham can offer salvation to all, but that suffering premature death or dismemberment is needless.
→Lewi is strictly a pacifist, and will always seek to defend those who have been attacked, presuming they at least acknowledge or accept the word of Hesham.
→Lewi is a learned mage, though draws upon the Ark of Magic for his power. He is extremely willing to discuss this power with any who ask.​
⇶Lewi has a distinct disdain for Vampires.
→Having lost his brother during the Vampire Occupation, Lewi opposes anything but curing and the mercy of Ness for Sanguine. He is always defensive in their presence, though will never outright attack them- but neither will he defend them or their allies; a contradiction to his code.​
⇶Lewi is the son of the Narim old-guard (literally).
→Lewi is the son of a very old Narim, who spent his life guarding Queen Efrat. Despite a falling out after the Vampire Occupation, he still embodies the virtue of a queensguard.
→Because of his mother's influence towards the Path of the Scribe, Lewi has delved deep into the history of his people. He knows the nuance of their faith and history, and is glad to speak to all about it. He is interested in the founding days of the Regalian Empire, and the Kade family.
→Thanks to his family's intense loyalty to the Narim Queen, and thus the Kade family, Lewi has access to the Tyrian Redoubt.​
⇶Lewi is intimately familiar with the Regalian Undercity.
→Having fought monsters and Spirits all his life, the horrors of the world are nothing new. Grotesque things hardly phase Lewi, but immense displays of wealth tend to put him off.
→Despite having spent most of his life in the Regalian Undercity, he has never met any Shadow Royals, though he desperately wishes to one day meet and speak to Princess Leona.
→Lewi has never left Regalia. The Undercity is a world unto itself.​
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