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Played Character Levi | "The Leviathan"

This character is actively played.


Jun 29, 2014
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Levi.
  • Heritage / Culture: Mystech (Unbound Spirit)
  • Age: Unknown
  • Gender / Pronouns: Masculine (He/Him)
  • Religion: Faithless
  • Occult: Void Demon
  • Creator: Tazman, Spirit Sovereign
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Glowing white irises, surrounded by black sclera
  • Scale Color: Murky blue
  • Hair: Twin horns and fins
  • Height: 5'11" / 180 cm
  • Body Type: Slim
  • Additional Features: Vaguely fish-like appearance
Skill Information
  • A name was not afforded to this creation, it was manifested, made aware of its purpose, and discarded without even the base awareness of the concept of a name. All it knew was its purpose, the directive given by its Sovereign, to ensure the drowning of mortals, to drag them into the depths so hostile to many of their kind.
    • It is unknown exactly when this demon was manifested, the passage of time meant nothing to it while its mission absorbed it. There was only the drowning, until the change.
  • A pirate was the first to escape the demon, and the last it attempted to drown. They haggled, bargained, and threw whatever trinkets and coins they could at the demon, thus earning its distraction. The shape of the metal, the inscriptions on the coins, the texture and temperature, the difference in all these qualities between the various items, every detail enamored the demon. For the first time, it became aware of something outside of its mission, something it could not fathom, previously there was only the ocean and the drowning of mortals, a binary that the discarded items did not fit into. By the time the demon returned to its senses, the pirate was long gone, and nothing could be gleaned about the nature of the items. By then, a decision had already been made.
    • It had abandoned its mission, drownings did not matter compared to this new curiosity. Instead of being killed, those attacked by the demon were robbed and discarded as soon as something of value was found on their person. This was a time of glee and excitement, the first expressions of such emotions, brought by this newly found greed and curiosity. Every trinket stolen was a treasure.
  • Its arrival to Regalia was motivated by that same greed and curiosity, the question of where the treasures and the mortals carrying them came and went eventually grew too tantalizing to resist. Following a ship to its destination led to a world entirely alien to the demon, with more people than it had ever yet seen. This was before the demon had realized how helpful it was to subdue its monstrous appearance, and so its first steps on land caused an inevitable panic and its subsequent first banishment. Upon reformation, a subtler approach was taken, wherein the demon infested the body of a dockhand upon hearing their name from a colleague, 'Brennan'.
    • It was from the infestation of Brennan that the demon came to understand certain concepts unknown to him, such as language, and a sense of 'self'. Before this point, there was no true self, there was the mission, and then curiosity, and desires, but now the demon considered himself. In much the same way Brennan was constantly worried about himself and what was next in his life. The demon only remained until Brennan fell asleep, having decided it had enough of the inert Ailor.
  • By this point, "it" does not properly describe the demon, at least from... his standpoint. His sense of self was molded by Brennan, including matters of gender expression. Despite this formative influence, however, Brennan was swiftly forgotten in the wake of Regalia and all the riches it offered, the man was just a tool.
    • His current appearance is nowhere near as monstrous as how he originally looked, even with his clear demonic nature, by comparison, he is now relatively subdued and unassuming.
  • On October 9th, 312 AC, a name was given to the previously nameless demon: 'Levi', because of his Leviathan-like appearance. Granted by Ishïka!
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Magic
Defense Stat: N/A (Not enough investment)
[13/14 Points Spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Magic: 12
    • Shapeshift Pack (Magical) (Free from Unbound Spirit)
    • Mindcontrol Pack (Magical) (Free from Unbound Spirit)
    • Oceanic Pack (Magical)
    • Wardrobe Pack (Magical)
    • Magic Snare
    • Magic Trip
    • Magic Resist
    • Magic Cleanse
    • Magic Bolster
    • Magic Warp
    • Magic Isolate
    • Magic Shove
    • Magic Revive
    • Magic Revenge
  • Charisma: 1
    • Political Presence

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