Archived Leveling Your Animals!

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Dùnedain (Ranger of the North)
Dec 4, 2013
Reaction score
New Ceardia

Do you even level up, bro?!
Todays suggestion on my part is about leveling your animals specific levels to get benefits (faster growing wool, more leather, etc.) for you and the server performance. As you probably might know, animals are passive mobs on Minecraft. As a matter of fact, they're among the entities. You might ask yourself "What the heck are entities?". It's pretty simple: Entities encompass all dynamic, moving objects throughout the Minecraft world.
All entities have these properties:

  • A position, velocity, and rotation (as according to ordinary Newtonian physics).
  • A specific volume they occupy, which is a 3-dimensional box with a fixed height and width (square when viewed from the top, and not rotating).
  • Current health.
  • Whether they are on fire. Fire reduces health gradually and displays flames covering the entity.

These properties ensure that your client (your computer) AND the server hardware are always busy with calculating it all the time. This might create client- and serverlags. Also a large amount of animals in your faction home can cause this. The best example on MassiveCraft is the marketplace at /warp market. A hell lot of shopsigns and chests are causing FPS- and TPS-lags.


So here's the suggestion to improve the performance and gameplay experience:

Integration of a plugin, which allows the player to level up his/her animals with special-crafted food,
exp-bottles, flowers, etc.. With this leveling-system, you can upgrade your sheeps, cows, chickens, pigs, mooshrooms, etc. and get benefits for each level. The higher the level the higher are the advantages and less animals are needed:

Example (This is just an example for a better understanding!):

Each animal can be improved from Level 0 to Level 5 with special crafted food or special crafted exp-bottles.
  • Sheeps: More wool by shearing it, wool grows faster, can quickly new bear children, live longer.
  • Chickens: More eggs will be laid, faster laying eggs, more meat will be dropped, more feather will be dropped, can quickly new bear children, live longer.
  • Cows: More leather will be dropped by killing it, more meat will be dropped, can quickly new bear children, live longer
  • Mooshrooms: More mushrooms, more leather, more meat, can quickly new bear children, live longer.
  • Pigs: More meat, can quickly new bear children, live longer.

Creating those special foods or exp bottle:
Probably combining food via workbench with some valuable items such as diamonds, gold, emeralds, etc..
Probably combining food via workbench with empty glassbottles, watterbottles, potions, etc..

Leveling up your animal (!EXAMPLE!):
So 1 exp conforms to 1 special crafted food, exp bottle.

To make things easier, you can combine those foods or exp bottles just like:

10x special crafted food or exp bottle = 1 special crafted food (10) or 1 expbottle (10)
100x special crafted food or exp bottle = 1 special crafted food (100) or 1 expbottle (100)

The number in the brackets is the value for the Exp.

To level up your animal, e.g. your pig called spiderpig,
to the first level you need 10x exp (10x special food, 10x special exp bottles).
For level 2 you need 30x Exp,
for level 3 you need 70x Exp,
for level 4 you need 150x Exp and
for level 5 you need 400x Exp.

What benefits do i get from that (!EXAMPLE!):

All: Max. life per level
Level 0: 10
Level 1: 20
Level 2: 40
Level 3: 80
Level 4: 120
Level 5: 200

Chickens: Extra eggs.
Level 0: 0
Level 1: 0-1
Level 2: 0-2 Extra
Level 3: 0-3 Extra
Level 4: 0-4 Extra
Level 5: 0-5 Extra

Chickens: Time for laying eggs
Level 0: 5-11 Minutes
Level 1: 5-10 Minutes
Level 2: 5-9 Minutes
Level 3: 5-8.5 Minutes
Level 4: 5-7.75 Minutes
Level 5: 5-7 Minutes

Sheeps: Faster growing wool
Level 0: 5 Minutes
Level 1: 4 Minutes
Level 2: 3 Minutes
Level 3: 2 Minutes
Level 4: 1.5 Minutes
Level 5: 1 Minutes

Sheeps: Dropped wool by shearing it
Level 0: 1-3
Level 1: 1-4
Level 2: 1-5
Level 3: 1-6
Level 4: 1-7
Level 5: 1-8

Chickens, cows, sheeps, pigs: Break between new childrens
Level 0: 6 Minutes
Level 1: 5 Minutes
Level 2: 4 Minutes
Level 3: 3.5 Minutes
Level 4: 2.75 Minutes
Level 5: 2 Minutes

Mushroom-Cow: dropped mushrooms by shearing it
Level 0: 5 - 5
Level 1: 5 - 11
Level 2: 5 - 17
Level 3: 5 - 23
Level 4: 5 - 29
Level 5: 5 - 35

Probably your thinking now "Wait 2 seconds, this can be easily abused and it seems like op!"
Well, the ulterior motive is, as i said before, improving the performance for client and server. Here's the deal:

Animal limitation per chunk/factionclaim.
Since high-level animals do have more benefits than normal ones, the amount of animals are limited per chunk/claim ( 16x16 block area).

Level 0: Up to 10 animals for each chunk
At least one animal Level 1: Up to 9 animals for each chunk
At least one animal Level 2: Up to 8 animals for each chunk
At least one animal Level 3: Up to 7 animals for each chunk
At least one animal Level 4: Up to 6 animals for each chunk
At least one animal Level 5: Up to 5 animals for each chunk

The 2nd thought was, to improve the gameexperience here on MassiveCraft, with "new" animals, since you can turn this to your advantage without causing client-side lags or server-side lags. You can have your own little animal farm with a great farming experience without spending hours to breed and farm hundreds of moo-moos!
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Some of is seems OP like the extra eggs and wool. Also it would mostly improve client side lag, because the MassiveCraft servers can handle it (due to Cayorion, they can do better than they do today). Client side lag will also be reduced a lot in 1.8.
Why the extra life? It will take much longer to kill your animals, to get their loot.
The special food/exp things is confusing to me. Also do you mean exp or levels, there I a huge difference.
Some of is seems OP like the extra eggs and wool.
Probably your thinking now "Wait 2 seconds, this can be easily abused and it seems like op!"
Well, the ulterior motive is, as i said before, improving the performance for client and server. Here's the deal:

Animal limitation per chunk/factionclaim.
Since high-level animals do have more benefits than normal ones, the amount of animals are limited per chunk/claim ( 16x16 block area).

Level 0: Up to 10 animals for each chunk
At least one animal Level 1: Up to 9 animals for each chunk
At least one animal Level 2: Up to 8 animals for each chunk
At least one animal Level 3: Up to 7 animals for each chunk
At least one animal Level 4: Up to 6 animals for each chunk
At least one animal Level 5: Up to 5 animals for each chunk
Why the extra life? It will take much longer to kill your animals, to get their loot.
Example (This is just an example for a better understanding!):
The special food/exp things is confusing to me. Also do you mean exp or levels, there I a huge difference.
In order to level up you need Exp (Experience): The special food/exp bottles (AGAIN: this is just an example) give your animal experience to reach the next level. You can give it to your animal by right/leftclicking it while holding it in your hands.

Please read the thread accurate before replying! Thank you!

@Loewe2011 Even if it will improve performance a little bit. Some of it is still OP, do you want to make gameplay worse just to get a tiny bit extra performance in a few situations. Also limiting he amount of mobs in a chunk depending on its level, could be hard to do.
You didn't really answer my questions about extra health. The fact hat you mentioned extra health means, that you probably would like to see it. But how will it make mob farming better?
The exp thing makes sense now.
I did read the whole thread, but two of my three questions is still unanswered.
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Again, those are just examples for a better understanding. You can also ignore them if you understand the suggestion. Those benefits can be obviously altered.

You can delete this "extra health benefit" out of it and add something else, like "Benefit Nr. 5". Those are just examples, stopgaps if you want. I mentioned "live longer" just because i didn't know another filler for it. Imagine i didnt write "live longer" and replace it with "A thicker skin" or "Bigger Eyes" or "Shoots rainbows out of its butt" to it.

The animal limitation per chunk isn't hard to code. Several servers do develop their own plugins among other things the said limitation. I spoke with 2 Software Developers who did create exactly this limit-system and they said: "Of all the plugins i coded, this limit was pretty easy".
I'm not saying this is easy to code, im just quoting it!

Now to your concern about the OP-thing here: You can obviously, also with everything else (Take the MassiveTraits or MCMMO as example), alter the benefits of it for a better balanced gameplay! And with the animal limitations it's pretty easy to do so.

An EXAMPLE just for you: Instead of having 20 sheeps giving you 20 wool by shearing it, you can have 5 sheeps giving you the same amount of wool as the 20 sheeps through the level of the sheep.
But 5 sheeps are the limits for one chunk IF there is AT LEAST one LEVEL 5 sheep. But to get the same amount of wool as from 20 sheeps you have to level up all your 5 little sheeps to level 5. And this MIGHT be very expensive due the consume of resources in creating expbottles or special food.
Edit end.

So tell me, where do you see the OP-thing in this example?

I didn't say that you didn't read the whole thread, i said you didn't read it /properly/. Your statement implies you overflew it and read only that what you wanted to read.

I hope i answered now your questions, but if your still unsure about it, feel free and start a private conservation with me.
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@Loewe2011 Ok the extra health is just an example I do understand that. My question is.
The fact hat you mentioned extra health means, that you probably would like to see it. But how will it make mob farming better?
You didn't really bother to find out what my real question was? Or is the answer to this question "I don't know" because in that case, you weren't very clear.

You say 20 sheep and not 10 like in the main post. Can't you even read your own post? To that thing, I would've liked to see some examples like that in the main post. Because it seems more OP than it actually is.

It took you some time to actually answer my question properly. But now at you've (almost) done that, this is a fine suggestion. But in doubt it will help a lot on lag.

When I ask a question, I want you to elaborate on what you said in the main post.