This may be a bit controversial but I don't really like the current way in which wars and guard RP is done. I feel like every new war is the same, ending in the same way and really bringing nothing new to the table. In this thread I will outline my problems with roleplay wars and combat roleplay in general.
The Progression Events:
Okay, I don't completely hate the use of progression events but I feel they are extremely overused and take away from the fun and player choice.
Most of the wars are done entirely through progression events. That really makes the wars seem unimportant and very forgetable. Wonder why people remember the Occupations? Because they felt important, big, and real! You actually got to interact with the Qadir or the Deathlings, which felt huge.
You got to choose what your character does to the enemy, and the enemy reacts back. And it felt intense because of this, like there was actual danger. In the progression events the danger feels artificial, canned. The writing is often amazing, but...
Its all already happened, you have no part in the battles, only your character does. Progression Events progress your character, but they just arnt whats needed.
Why are the Guards all ninjas?
Okay, that transition title is a lie, I think I actually know why. And it relates back to the way in which war is done.
Everyone wants to be a big, brave, heroic knight right? Who wouldn't? A soldier of the battlefield, swinging his awesome sword like a fricken action hero.
But what if being a soldier just means watching someone write about what YOUR character is doing a waiting for the yearly occupation?
Well then you become a part time guard! And your not some random guard, your Lord something something who fought in the battle of blibbity bloo. You've got skills.
And tons of other people have similiar plans, and soon all the guards know krav maga.
But should they? I dont think so. Regalia is a heavily military based society yes, but does this mean that the guards should have gear better then the actual soldiers, along with better training. No! Thats just ridiculous.
People wonder why nobody ever does surface related crime. The answer? Currently its impossible, if im a criminal and try to do anything at all ill be beaten up and tossed in jail.
Building this idea of super soldier guards can also inflate the ego of some playing guard characters. The vast majority of guards are fair in combat roleplay, but a very small percentage view themselves a demi-gods just because they are guards. They will insist that just because they are a guard they are more likely to win, even if the two characters are say both warriors in the school of Mariposa.
Regalia - The city that became a Mary Sue:
From a storytelling standpoint why does Regalia always win? I know why from a tactical standpoint, they have the best army and navy in Aloria.
But does anything change from them always winning? No. Everything stays the same, does anyone ever feel like Regalia might get utterly crushed in a war? No. Theres just no tension in it, the only tense moments are when a character dies.
There was a point at the end of the Lo Arc when I think @MonMarty said that if the Deathlings had more people signed up for the siege of Regalia then the Regalian side then the Deathlings would win the war.
I thought that this was really exciting because for once in forever Regalia wouldn't pull some Lord of the Rings crap where the heroes beat the bad guys because they have the power of friendship or something.
But they won. Oh well, atleast now we can see the consequences of the war by having an army of bitter Deathlings having to re-integrate into society, maybe later going to war together with the Ailors and both races learn to slowly accept each other over time after having to face a common enemy.
Nah bruh they all got turned into magic pixie dust and regalia went back to normal after a day pretty much.
This is the part where I stop complaining and offer solutions. While I know these wont all be accepted I ask that they are atleast considered.
So yeah I know we can't have giant battles occur IC, but what if those battles were determined by smaller fights? So it goes like this a small fight is planned at a certain location, preferably somewhere like a watch tower in the countryside. A sign up is hosted, and a limit is put on the amount of people who can join. Lets say 5 per each side, not all people who sign up need to actually show up, just a good amount. If one side is outnumbered by 3 or more then the fight is pushed back a day, unless the side with less people want to fight the other side anyways.
The fight will function like any normal fight, with maim and kill perms having to be asked for. Depending on what happens one side will win, and this will impact the progression event of the battle.
"Because so an so was able to hold the tower the enemy had to divert half their force to retake it, thinning their ranks." Stuff like that.
Dont end occupations, spice them up:
You know what would be really dank? The Emperor steps down and no Kade wants the crown. A civil war starts between all the houses to take control, and people are forced to choose sides. Maybe different disticts are held by different houses.
Anything but the usual foreign enemy attacking and taking over only to eventually be kicked out.
Cmon lore staff, the possibilities are endless here.
Without the Witch Hunters Order and Crimson Inquisition keeping them in check vampires and rogue mages soon start to run rampant through the city.
I dunno, anything new really.
This is more related to combat schools but whatever. From what I said about guards it might sound like im salty about skilled fighting characters. But im not, I just dont see why the guys that are pretty much policemen have the skills of Navy seals.
Anyway this is more about Regalia's lack of legendary fighters. In Game of Thrones you have characters who are the best in the land, but Aloria doesnt have that.
Theres good fighters yes, but they never really go from being good to legendary. I think thats kinda a shame.
The idea for Prodigys is that every combat school has one prodigy. The best of the best, just one player per school. I think this is sort of needed because Champions are a bit too common now, and this would help bring back an elite fighter tier.
Okay, ive kinda got more stuff to say but I want this to be short enough for people to actually bother reading it. And no, this post isnt an attack on the staff, im just trying to help improve roleplay.
The Progression Events:
Okay, I don't completely hate the use of progression events but I feel they are extremely overused and take away from the fun and player choice.
Most of the wars are done entirely through progression events. That really makes the wars seem unimportant and very forgetable. Wonder why people remember the Occupations? Because they felt important, big, and real! You actually got to interact with the Qadir or the Deathlings, which felt huge.
You got to choose what your character does to the enemy, and the enemy reacts back. And it felt intense because of this, like there was actual danger. In the progression events the danger feels artificial, canned. The writing is often amazing, but...
Its all already happened, you have no part in the battles, only your character does. Progression Events progress your character, but they just arnt whats needed.
Why are the Guards all ninjas?
Okay, that transition title is a lie, I think I actually know why. And it relates back to the way in which war is done.
Everyone wants to be a big, brave, heroic knight right? Who wouldn't? A soldier of the battlefield, swinging his awesome sword like a fricken action hero.
But what if being a soldier just means watching someone write about what YOUR character is doing a waiting for the yearly occupation?
Well then you become a part time guard! And your not some random guard, your Lord something something who fought in the battle of blibbity bloo. You've got skills.
And tons of other people have similiar plans, and soon all the guards know krav maga.
But should they? I dont think so. Regalia is a heavily military based society yes, but does this mean that the guards should have gear better then the actual soldiers, along with better training. No! Thats just ridiculous.
People wonder why nobody ever does surface related crime. The answer? Currently its impossible, if im a criminal and try to do anything at all ill be beaten up and tossed in jail.
Building this idea of super soldier guards can also inflate the ego of some playing guard characters. The vast majority of guards are fair in combat roleplay, but a very small percentage view themselves a demi-gods just because they are guards. They will insist that just because they are a guard they are more likely to win, even if the two characters are say both warriors in the school of Mariposa.
Regalia - The city that became a Mary Sue:
From a storytelling standpoint why does Regalia always win? I know why from a tactical standpoint, they have the best army and navy in Aloria.
But does anything change from them always winning? No. Everything stays the same, does anyone ever feel like Regalia might get utterly crushed in a war? No. Theres just no tension in it, the only tense moments are when a character dies.
There was a point at the end of the Lo Arc when I think @MonMarty said that if the Deathlings had more people signed up for the siege of Regalia then the Regalian side then the Deathlings would win the war.
I thought that this was really exciting because for once in forever Regalia wouldn't pull some Lord of the Rings crap where the heroes beat the bad guys because they have the power of friendship or something.
But they won. Oh well, atleast now we can see the consequences of the war by having an army of bitter Deathlings having to re-integrate into society, maybe later going to war together with the Ailors and both races learn to slowly accept each other over time after having to face a common enemy.
Nah bruh they all got turned into magic pixie dust and regalia went back to normal after a day pretty much.
This is the part where I stop complaining and offer solutions. While I know these wont all be accepted I ask that they are atleast considered.
So yeah I know we can't have giant battles occur IC, but what if those battles were determined by smaller fights? So it goes like this a small fight is planned at a certain location, preferably somewhere like a watch tower in the countryside. A sign up is hosted, and a limit is put on the amount of people who can join. Lets say 5 per each side, not all people who sign up need to actually show up, just a good amount. If one side is outnumbered by 3 or more then the fight is pushed back a day, unless the side with less people want to fight the other side anyways.
The fight will function like any normal fight, with maim and kill perms having to be asked for. Depending on what happens one side will win, and this will impact the progression event of the battle.
"Because so an so was able to hold the tower the enemy had to divert half their force to retake it, thinning their ranks." Stuff like that.
Dont end occupations, spice them up:
You know what would be really dank? The Emperor steps down and no Kade wants the crown. A civil war starts between all the houses to take control, and people are forced to choose sides. Maybe different disticts are held by different houses.
Anything but the usual foreign enemy attacking and taking over only to eventually be kicked out.
Cmon lore staff, the possibilities are endless here.
Without the Witch Hunters Order and Crimson Inquisition keeping them in check vampires and rogue mages soon start to run rampant through the city.
I dunno, anything new really.
This is more related to combat schools but whatever. From what I said about guards it might sound like im salty about skilled fighting characters. But im not, I just dont see why the guys that are pretty much policemen have the skills of Navy seals.
Anyway this is more about Regalia's lack of legendary fighters. In Game of Thrones you have characters who are the best in the land, but Aloria doesnt have that.
Theres good fighters yes, but they never really go from being good to legendary. I think thats kinda a shame.
The idea for Prodigys is that every combat school has one prodigy. The best of the best, just one player per school. I think this is sort of needed because Champions are a bit too common now, and this would help bring back an elite fighter tier.
Okay, ive kinda got more stuff to say but I want this to be short enough for people to actually bother reading it. And no, this post isnt an attack on the staff, im just trying to help improve roleplay.