Archived Lets Get Massive A New Boss Mob... The Chicken Boss

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To be good you must have had to been bad.
Jun 20, 2013
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I have always wondered WHY there isn't a chicken boss mob I mean it would be nice to have one chicken to take revenge and spawn once you kill 10 or more chickens, this chicken will be one of the hardest things to kill. Suggestions I think it should have it people want a chicken boss.
  • If you die to it it will say { Chicken plucked (player name)'s eyes out }
  • It would have 50x more health
  • It will throw eggs at you as a attack
  • It can pick you up and drop you
This is just a few ideas on a Chicken boss MOB because I really want to see one added and watch as players run away from a chicken.
also a few names
  1. Pekking King
  2. Turkey man
  3. Mrs.Baver's Pet Bird
Btw BittaBoBittoBa pitched this in when the boss spawns it can say
"...this ancient behemoth was rumored to inhabit the Chi'l waters and for centuries was theorized to be a myth made to deter the wulong from invasion"
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Is this a serious post?

Going under the assumption it is:
It'd be pretty funny, but how would you explain it in lore?
How do you justify the staff's time and effort coding it?
The spawning system seems a bit… wacky and annoying. And probably hard to code. I suggest that it just spawns like other MassiveMobs bosses instead; they've already got the code for that, and it's less annoying as a player who wants feathers.
Is this a serious post?

Going under the assumption it is:
It'd be pretty funny, but how would you explain it in lore?
How do you justify the staff's time and effort coding it?
The spawning system seems a bit… wacky and annoying. And probably hard to code. I suggest that it just spawns like other MassiveMobs bosses instead; they've already got the code for that, and it's less annoying as a player who wants feathers.
Yes it is serious
Chickens can actually be incredibly violent and brutal, Hence the medieval sport of cock fights were they'd fasten sharpend metal spurs to a roosters ankle/leg and have them fight to the death. Though because of their size they often aren't deadly unless you're a small child, animal, or another chicken... So you'd have to justify that.
Thank you for clarifying. I thought it was, but unfortunately you have to check with these things.
And what do you think as to the actual suggestions I made…?
This is funny, this would be interesting to have, and if it happens I hope to never see one out of fear of what it could do.
I'm not sure if it is possible to code it so chickens attack you, but if it is, I would love to see that. Though it could be a problem for chicken farms (or maybe it would make chicken farms more fun...).
it would be nice to have one chicken to take revenge and spawn once you kill 10 or more chickens
This reminds me of Shadow Warrior, when you kill a bunny while it is having sexy time with another bunny. The other bunny then becomes a demon bunny and tries to kill you. So, how about that if two chickens make love and you kill one of them, the other chicken turns aggressive? It would also be less of a problem for chicken farmers...
I am fairly sure you got this idea from a certain MMORPG called Runescape...
It is not possible to have passive mobs attack. That said, I dare you to mess with the chicken in the Premium Lounge.
Shame this isnt possible xD id love this.
Chickens can actually be incredibly violent and brutal, Hence the medieval sport of cock fights were they'd fasten sharpend metal spurs to a roosters ankle/leg and have them fight to the death. Though because of their size they often aren't deadly unless you're a small child, animal, or another chicken... So you'd have to justify that.
Why are you so dang smart?
Why are you so dang smart?
I'm not any smarter then the average human in their early twenties xD I just used to watch a lot of animal documentaries as a child and still do, and I have an interest in medieval sports and warfare. It's surprising how much those two interests of mine coincide xD
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