Preserved Sheet Le'suëna Flloa Jsso'jacella

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Jun 21, 2017
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York, UK
Le'suëna flloa jsso'jacella
"It does not matter where you come from. Love, it is what you do with your life that matters most."


♫ Basic Information ♫
Full Name: Le'suëna flloa jsso'jacella,
Shortened Name: Lena Jacella,
Nickname(s): Floa, Le'su​
Half Elf - Claith Ailor/Cielothar,​
Main Ambition:
To learn Celestial Magic
Chef/Bartender at Meadowlark's Rest,
Student of the Alchemia Order

♫ Skill Information ♫

Proficiency Points
Total Points: 23
◊ Arcol Elven Recurve Bow - 5 Racial
◊ Horse Riding - 7 from points
◊ Trapping - 3 from points
◊ Nelfin History - 4 from points
◊ Alchemy - 5 from points
◊ Medicine - 4 from points​

Cultural Points
Total Points: 23
◊ Vocal Singing - 5 from points
◊ Horticulture - 5 from points
◊ Husbandry -3 from points
◊ Bodycare - 4 from points
◊ Cuisine Cooking - 4 from points
◊ Pastry Cooking - 2 from points​

Languages Known

◊ Common (Broken)
◊ Modern Elven
◊ Daendroquin​

♫ Extended Basic Information ♫
The Why
Captured along with the tribe she travelled with, the half breed found herself within Regalia. A city she had heard of in conversation but had never seen until now. She had not chosen to come to Regalia. She had been forced.

The Where
Floa was born a bastard to a military man father and a nobody elven mother within Daenshore. She knows nothing of her father's whereabouts or her extended family, only what his mother recalls; which is his name. On her mother's side, she has various cousins and half-siblings.

Secondary Goals

The half breed wished to return to her mother, to Daenshore. She also wished to seek out her father, now that she was in regalia.

♫ Visual Information ♫


Eye Color:
Light Moss Green,​
Hair Color:
Medium Light Brown,​
Hair Style:
Medium length and Wavy,​
Skin Color:
Raggedy and 'Vagabond' Like,​
5ft 2 inches,​
Body Build:
Weapon of Choice:
Elven Bow​

♫ Extended Visual Information ♫
Facial Features
Childlike almost in appearance, the female took from a mix of Ailor and Cielothar, resulting in a very fair-faced looking woman. Her skin was pale, with no marks or freckles, and barely any creases of age. Her eyes were a dull green in colour, and her hair was a light chestnut brown, which was well kept, medium in length and wavy. It was not unusual for her to hide her ears with her hair, as they were a stark indication of her mixed heritage. Slightly more pointed than Ailor though certainly not to the extent of an average Cielothar.

At five foot and two inches, the womans height only affirmed her childlike appearance. She was skinny, and offered no curves to further promote her age. There was very little to her, which indicated that she was not one to train physically.

Whist typically Cielothar are known for their bright, elaborate clothing, this one wore instead clothes of a plain nature. As someone stolen she had little option; wear what you have around you or wear nothing at all. The half breed had been lucky in the sense that she still her the clothes she had been captured in. One key item of hers was a scarf. A sentimental old thing in age worn shades of purple and brown.

In broken words and tongue, the female was able to communicate in common. However, her accent was audibly elven and she certainly favoured the elven tongue. Her voice was gentle and quiet which certainly aided her love for singing.
♫ Personality and Abilities ♫

A skittish young woman who has a knack of avoiding all sorts of social interaction, strangers might see her as reclusive and afraid. Not unkind by any means. She comes across, to those who can speak with her in full, as a charming female who wants nothing more than to be happy and to be accepted. This is difficult to get across however, when the woman can not wholly interact with the majority of Regalia due to the language barrier.

Being a half breed was not an easy task. It brought with it all sorts of complications. Some of these affected the womans sense of pride. Floa was easily discouraged and saddened by the way she was spoken to by others. It made her feel very unwanted and useless at times. She often thought badly of herself, and had no confidence in herself or what she did. Any achievements, she saw as luck. Any praise she got, she passed onto others. This was something that came from the loss of her canine companion at a younger age, and it had only become worse after she became enslaved.

Mia was a simple woman. When meeting someone she was nervous at first. It took a few gentle words or a kind smile to encourage the woman into friendship an into a sense of trust. She was honest and would find no reason to lie to people, no matter how much of a stranger they might be to her. She was also very kind. If there were ever a situation that called for harsh words, she would rather shy away than continue on.

Despite circumstances, Floa remained good. Honest, caring, loyal.. There was not a bad bone in her body. She found it near impossible to pass bad judgement on someone no matter how foul they might be. Every cloud had a silver lining, and Floa aimed to find that for every individual. There was a downside to all of this. It easily made her appear naive and for the most part, that was true. She had developed some streetsmarts whilst travelling but that sense of good remained in her and made her inclined to approach those that she likely should not.

She had a strong bond to her faith, it being something her mother encouraged her to follow. To ensure she kept with her elven roots. She typically saw her faith in everything; be it animal, person or flora and thus, is gentle and compassionate with each. She does not understand the gap between nobles and commoners.

♫ Weaknesses ♫
This one was a slow learner, and that would prove difficult to her whilst in Regalia. Moreso than it already had. She knew she would need to learn the language, and knew that later down the line she would need to learn new skills but she simply struggled to retain information. Her situation did not help either. Under stress, the woman could not concentrate.

Weak is an understatement when discussing the woman. She had no physical or athletic training which resulted in her being physically unable to fight or run long distances. It also meant that she was weak when it came to manual labour, leaving her unable to lift heavy objects and so on.

As per a typical Cielothar, and given her height and appearance, the woman was quite skittish when around those she did not know. She relied of familiar company to keep her at ease. Otherwise, she'd likely act awkwardly, looking for methods of escape from the company she held.

Did she like this thing, or the other thing? Did she want to do this, or that? It was impossible to tell with the half elf. She often spent far too long deliberating and sometimes had to have people choose for her.

♫ Personality and Abilities ♫
◊ Twitching/Fidgeting
Especially when nervous. It was likely uncontrollable.

◊ Airheaded
Where was she going? What was she doing? Floa was a bit ditzy.​

◊ Cooking
The female certainly knew how to cook, and cook well. It was something she enjoyed to do as a pastime, assuming she had the ingredients.​

◊ Art,
◊ Animals,
◊ Singing.​

◊ Being alone,
◊ Enclosed spaces,
◊ War/conflict.​

♫ Relationships ♫
◊ Ssallafazz/Mòshuǐ chèng - Tattoo artist - @JokerLupus
◊ Amrynn Elpharäe - Rescuer and old aquaintance - @Annju
◊ Radoslav Bolshekov - Enslaver - @AntonVoron
◊ Iva Bolshekov - Related to the Enslaver - @HeyoBiggums
◊ Edouard Lambert - Budding friend - @R_O_B_E_rt

♫ Life Story ♫
"I did not mean to bring you into this world, little one. You will have a life of strife but, your faith will guide you through."

0 - 5
A night or two without care can lead ones life the wrong way. This much was said for one
Cielothar woman. The name she had adopted was Brianne, and that was which she went by when she met a Claith military man on brief leave from his duties. Together they had sent the night and months later, came a baby girl; a mixed breed child which Brianne named Le'suëna flloa jsso'jacella. The childs mother, who worked and resided in a tavern, remained under its employ with the child by her side. The Claith returned to his duties, disregarding the baby girl entirely, though he did stay in contact with Brianne until the girl was three, to offer some finances before vanishing entirely. Le'su, at this time began to develop her own personality. She developed a love for flowers and, upon a chance meeting, the half elf stumbled upon a small location; a tattoo 'parlour'. She watched in awe as the artist did their work and, after being encouraged to steal some alcohol from her mother, Le'su acquired a small, dainty rose tattoo upon her ankle. Alone with her mother Le'su was raised until the age of five, where her mother repartnered.

◊ Born in Daenshore, Daenroc; a bastard to a Ailor military man and an Cielothar tavern woman after a brief love affair,
◊ Her father returned to his duties,
◊ Her father stayed in contact with her mother until she was three, and then ceased all communication,
◊ Acquired a tattoo aged five,
◊ She was raised as an only child until she was five, where her mother then found another partner,​

6 - 14
The partner her mother had chosen was a Cielothar and, together, the small family relocated to a new city; Windgarden, to start afresh. Throughout the next few years Le'su settled into childhood. She aided her mother and the elders of Windgarden how she could and, along the way, she acquired a small dog to keep as a companion and friend, as her mother felt that the half-breed girl struggled to make connections with those her own age. More years following were spent learning and growing. By now, she had two full blooded Cielothar siblings who Le'su doted on. Often, she was found collecting flowers and would create crowns and decorations for the babies to wear. At this age, Le'su also learned how to make basic medical equipment. Splints and bandages were a necessary after an accident involving her beloved pet. After he took a tumble, Le'su splinted the fracture with sticks and bandages, and with some encouragement, the pup healed fully More skills were picked up along this time. After another chance meeting, the half-elf met with one Amrynn at a local clinic. Here she learned from the Cielothar as much as a young woman could. She thanked Amrynn for their encouragement but she could easily say that she was not content. So, Le'su devised a plan that she would eventually depart from her mother and family, to make her way in the world alone.

◊ Her mother and her new family relocated to Windgarden to be closer to their kind,
◊ She picked up a love for animals after acquiring a small dog to keep her company. Her mother hoped it would help her with her social confidence,
◊ Aged ten, she learned how to set a makeshift splint after an accident involving her pet,
◊ She took habits and skills from the surrounding Cielothar, and began to learn how to properly sing and to cook,
◊ Here she met Amrynn at a local medical establishment,
◊ She began to feel out of place, the older she became. Whilst she was always welcomed within the communities that existed, she found that there was always a lingering thought in the back of her mind. Thus, she made a plan that when she was older, she would move off on her own.​

15 - 23
Not long after she had set her plan within her mind, Le'su bidded her goodbyes to her kin and moved off joining with a varying group of elves on their journey to Rie. Along the way, her animal companion lost his life. Le'su believed that it was due to her lack of knowledge, and her confidence took a tumble; a turn for the worst. After what seemed like a terribly long trip, the tribe of elves arrived in Rie, and Le'su prayed that she would be able to find some knew knowledge in this new location. It was not to be, however. Not days after she had arrived in Rie was she captured. Having took a stroll on her own, Le'su found herself cornered and beaten by slavers. Along with a handful of other tribe members, the group were carted off and shipped between various locations by the Bolshekov people and eventually, they arrived in Regalia.

◊ Le'su began to stray from her mother and her family, seeking out the companionship of others from different walks of life. This was where she joined a group, or tribe of various elves; mostly Avanthar,
◊ Her animal companion passed away, due to age. Floa thought that it was down to her lack of medicinal knowledge, and made a goal to herself to learn more healing skills, be it through first aid or magic,
◊ The half breed eventually made her way towards Rie with the group, in hopes to further her learning.
◊ Along with some if not all of the tribe, Le'su was captured by a Bolshekov. They were transferred too and from, before being brought to Regalia.​

Le'su, who had been nicknamed Floa by her tribesmen, was one of the first few to be sold off within the Golden WIllow. Up for auction with her skills listed as cooking, the half breed was met with various bidders of various walks of life. One came through however and, once exchanged for coin, Floa found the buyer to be that of Amrynn, her old acquaintance. They were prompt in releasing Floa, explaining that they had no intention of keeping her captive, but that she had to be careful. She was introduced to various people and day by day her confidence grew. The rest, is current events.

◊ Floa was sold by her captor; purchased by Amrynn,
◊ With promises of care and friendship, Floa, after taking the new, fuller name of Lena Jacella, began to accept that she might be able to enjoy being in Regalia..​
Last edited:
Sorry for the late review, but here I am!
Review time!
  • Her second and fourth personality paragraphs could use another sentence or two, I want to hear more about her feelings towards herself and the world!
Make all edits in a new color and @ me in the comments once done!
Changes Made (Haven't lost tag, just an update.)
  • Redistributed some culture points into cooking,
  • Added in a few more characters into her relationships,
  • Added in some characters to her story, as well as added an actual story. The bullet points have stayed as a summary.