Preserved Sheet Leonzio Aurelio Wodenstaff

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The Worst
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
Leonzio Aurelio Wodenstaff

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Basic Information
  • Full Name: Leonzio Aurelio Vanetti-Wodenstaff
  • Age: 31
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor (Dressolini)
  • Main Ambition: Climbing the ladder of nobility, gaining land, wealth and prestige along the way.
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Leonzio has been in Regalia since birth, as he was born on the Crown Isle. Between leaving to study and exploring the archipelago, he was here for a majority of his life. He is currently the patriarch of house Wodenstaff, holding his own title and running a multitude of banks. He also currently leads the Safeguard Rangers.
  • Leonzio was born on the Crown Isles to Franco and Gloria Vanetti. He occasionally went to Montania to visit the family's main estate. He has two other siblings, both brothers, and several other cousins, most of which he was rather distant with. His upbringing was decent with high wealth and tutors though he dealt with his father being both verbally and physically abusive.
  • Leonzio's more closed-off ambition would be to gain a proper family life, having been raised in a rather unloving family. His first attempt was futile and he now has moved on, attempting and seemingly succeeding this time around. While searching for such a life, he also keeps in mind what he wishes to gain.
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Skill Information
  • School: School of Statesmanship (Discipline of Banking)
  • Level: Scholar (Graduate)
  • Source: Finance Academy of Calemberg
  • School: School of Drixon
  • Level: Novice
  • Source: Cavalry Academy of Calemberg
  • School: School of Statesmanship (Discipline of Realm Statesmanship)
  • Level: Scholar (Graduate)
  • Source: On and off schooling along with hands-on experience through ruling over noble houses.
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Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Hazel
  • Hair Color: Dark brown
  • Hair Style: Well-kept thick hair, the ends curling when it gets long.
  • Skin Color: Tan
  • Clothing: Various silks and sashes, often purples with golden trimming.
  • Height: 5'11"
  • Body Build: Athletic
  • Weapon of Choice: Cavalry saber
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Leonzio has a slight round facial structure with a well-defined jawline. His ears are the slightest bit smaller than average and under his left ear rests a two-inch-long scar. His eyebrows are relatively average but kept incredibly neat without a single hair out of place. He sports a well-kept beard and mustache, again not allowing a single hair to be out of place. Finally, his hair when grown out is long with thick curls that fall to either side of his face and down the back of his head and when short is very well groomed and combed over.
  • Leonzio's body is very lean and his muscles are near always visible with his athletic body build, keeping active with various activities such as swimming, hiking, hunting, and training. His body contains few scattered scars from his time at the Cavalry Academy of Calemberg and from his father. He has little body hair of which he keeps well trimmed.
  • Leonzio adorns himself in the finest of clothing and silks which are often different shades of purple and whatever other house colors he finds himself with at the time. All of his clothing has golden trimming to show off the wealth he holds. He displays various pieces of jewelry mainly ranging from earrings and rings. He finally carries a concealed dagger on his person and a Calemberger cavalry saber.
  • Leonzio's voice is rather pleasant and light but can grow loud and be intimidating at a moment's notice. He walks the fine line between stern and friendly in this aspect. He does carry a very subtle Dressolini accent which can grow thicker when around his kin or he becomes frustrated. He often speaks in a mixture of Dressalo and Common as he often forgets the Common words and to keep his speaking fluent and smooth he just replaces the words with the ones he knows. On the off chance, he stutters he grows annoyed with himself. Aside from those two languages, he has also learned Alt-Regalisch due to his frequent living in the Regalian capital and his stay in Calemberg and took up learning Daendroque being it common amongst other scholars.
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Personality and Abilities
  • Perceived by others; At first glance, Leon looks to be an ostentatiously rich looking man while also holding himself well. He contains a sly and snarky attitude towards most but does so subtly. Holding his head high, he can also come off as confident and at a distance seems very demanding with how he orders people around. Finally, he seems to have an unrelenting attitude, pushing for what it is he wants.
  • Internal view; Leon internally accepts his deceptive nature and embraces it, constantly plotting out how he can better his position in this world. He holds a high confidence in his various abilities yet has slight anxieties when it comes to failure. He pushes himself forward in order to gain and impress those around him.
  • Towards friends and family; Towards the Vanettis, Leonzio's birth family, he is distant to all of them with the exception of select few. He only interacts with said family when needing to check on his lands within Montania and nothing further. Towards his current family the Wodenstaffs, he keeps a stern hand in order to keep them all in line and only truly trusts his wife. With her, he is protective and more caring, while the others usually only see a distant side of him.
  • Morality; Leonzio is strictly neutral in all aspects though he often wavers between chaotic and lawful. He does what he does to gain power and wealth for himself, as well as his wife, but also believes in bettering the Empire, if not only to better his political image. He doesn't shy away from corruption, however, will stop someone else from doing so to gain favor. All in all, he is quite convoluted but overall does things for himself.

  • Banking: Leonzio has always been well taught, starting from a very young age. Being raised by a banking family he attended the Finance Academy of Calemberg just as his father and uncles before him. Those six years gave him the knowledge for keeping track of money and swindling others into investing, while also granting him high wealth.
  • Drixon: Leonzio, from his short time training at the School of Drixon, has grown comfortable on a horse. While not near the other more progressed Drixons, he is still quite good on horseback. While not fully capable to wield a blade, he excels at riding for long periods of time and can control his horse with little to no effort.
  • Statesmanship: Being raised in a noble household, and being the firstborn son, Leonzio took to learning how to run the lands he would one day rule over. The studies granted him the ability to keep a relatively happy fief which would likely proper under his rule. He also took this information to weasel his way into other households and assert power.
  • Alcoholic: Leonzio, being a man for a taste of fine wines, tends to go overboard with drinking at times. Whether it be a party or night out on the town, he is often drinking and his limits can be pushed a bit too far to the point of inebriation. His attitude can shift and his motor function gets heavily hindered resulting in the occasional, sometimes severe, mishap.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • The only real quirk Leonzio has is that he is a bit of a perfectionist. This applies not only to himself but to his surroundings as well. Just as much as he keeps himself perfect ranging from his clothing to his hair, if something around him is out of place he has to fix it without question, but preferably subtly.
  • Due to Leonzio's upbringing, he has picked up other less useful but interesting skills. He is a great swimmer and diver as his cousins often dragged him down to the coast to practice when he was a child. He is also a good dancer and enjoys doing so. Another skill he has is horse riding which he picked up when he married into the Vauclains, using their supply of horses to practice.
  • Money
  • Jewelry
  • Dancing
  • Outdoors/wilderness
  • Dogs
  • Most other races
  • Birds
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  • Marianne Vauclain ( @Nesstro ) - Marianne is Leonzio's ex-wife that he originally met during the Lo occupation. She, for a time, kept him sane, but it soon turned into a lackluster and distant relationship. She passed away while giving birth to his son, Gabriele.
  • Sigurna Wodenstaff ( @SpunSugar ) - Sigurna is Leonzio's current wife and one he has grown far more in love with. He does his best to keep her from trouble and only hopes they'll have a long life together.
  • Gabriele Vauclain - Gabriele is the son of Leonzio and Marianne and the heir to House Vauclain.
  • Lyndon Wodenstaff - Lyndon is the firstborn son of Leonzio and Sigurna and the heir to House Wodenstaff.
  • Aurelia Wodenstaff - Aurelia is the second born of Leonzio and Sigurna and their first daughter.
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Life Story

  • Leonzio Aurelio Vanetti was born on the 10th of September 272 to Franco and Gloria Vanetti.
  • He is the eldest of three children, having two brothers.
  • He was born in the Regalian capital.
  • Leonzio's early childhood was rather normal for a noble, however, he hardly saw much of his parents and was mostly raised by nannies.
  • Tutors began to push various subjects and other teachings onto him early on and through to his teen years, learning Common and Dressalo amongst this time.
  • Leonzio's father, Franco, when present often abused his eldest son, both verbally and physically, more so starting as he grew closer to his teen years.
  • While Franco was distasteful to all of his children, he seemed to hold more resent towards Leonzio.
  • During this time he also on occasion traveled between Regalia and the Vanetti estate in Montania.
Teen Years
  • Due to the obvious favoritism towards his brothers, Leonzio often remained alone and purposely avoiding the other members of his family best he could.
  • Whilst alone Leonzio took enjoyment in swimming and diving and Dressolini fencing, preferring to be amongst the more active of his culture.
  • Once of age, Leonzio was sent off to Calemberg to attend the finance academy there as many others in his family had done before him.
  • He adapted to life in Calemberg quickly, enjoying it to an extent.
  • He did well in school, not enjoying it, but excelling nonetheless.
  • Leonzio did his best to stay active during this time and once graduating at roughly 20 years old, he enrolled himself in the School of Drixon.
  • Due to having little to no experience with horses, he struggled with getting acquainted with riding but eventually picked it up and went on to reach Novice level.
  • Not seeing further progress coming from himself he moved on, bidding the school farewell and returning back to Regalia.
Return Home
  • Leonzio returned home to the Crown Isles when he was 22 expecting to be more accepted but was only met with the same uncaring family and abusive father.
  • The two often argued, constantly fighting and bickering until Leonzio finally decided to spin things in his favor.
  • He finally "bent the knee" to his father and no longer fought back but instead did as told and followed every order to the perfect measure.
  • During this time as Leonzio played nice, he studied Realm Statesmanship to prepare himself to take over the family or to move on.
  • This went on for roughly four or five years before Leonzio departed from his family to run the banks and keep to himself.
Rise to Prominence
  • Leonzio spent several years moving around a few spots in the archipelago before returning to the Crown Isle.
  • Once there he began his ascent to power by marrying Marianne Vauclain, taking her surname, following the retake of the city from the Dark Queen Freya Lo.
  • He rose the Vauclain house to power through careful politicking and business managing.
  • During such a time he held multiple high government positions.
  • A visit back home to Montania took place around this time whilst his father was sick, which ended with Franco's death.
  • Soon after Marianne met an untimely end while giving birth to their first child, a boy named Gabriele.
  • After such he rather quickly moved on, retaining regency over the house and holding his heir close.
  • He soon after married Sigurna Wodenstaff, taking her name and moving on to assist with his now second family.
  • The pair currently has two children, a boy Lyndon and a girl Aurelia.
  • As they continue to progress and gain higher titles, they seek to further their ascension into power.
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Hello there @Timisc! Let's get down to business. You got a nice detailed application here and I honestly only have a few small things to point out then we can send this little baby down on over to the approval department.

  • Intelligent is a strength more than it is a personality trait as it's a mental capability instead of an actual behaviour. I'd bump it down to his strengths section. Add another weakness after that to maintain balance.

  • I'd remove this line "exceeding most others when it comes to it" from his skilled fighter strength. It seems unnecessary. If you intend to combat rp, match each opponent against your character realistically and then work from there.

  • Perfectionist seems more like a personality trait than a weakness. I'd bump it up to his personality traits section and replace it with another weakness.

Other than those three things you're all good. Tag me when you've implemented the necessary edits and highlight all changes you make in green. If you need suggestions for weaknesses I'm also happy to provide.
Could I possibly switch intelligent and disciplined, making disciplined a personality trait?
Hey, @JarlJade, I updated some parts of this app and added some things.

Switched the last name to Vauclain.
Updated the body build to the new format.
Add the "prone to stress" weakness in blue.
Updated the relationships.
And finally, I touched up some parts of the life story which is in
Hey @TheOverseer__, I made some edits a while back (as seen above) and never got a rereview. Just want to make sure everything is good to go.
@Timisc Thanks for the tag and I've looked over the changes and they are all good. In the future, to avoid them getting overlooked, just switch your tag back to 'Needs Review' after edits.
When u aren't important enough to be included in relationships. </333
Did a nearly complete rewrite and updated to the new format so will need a rereview. If we could clean up the comments as well, I would appreciate it.
Here's my review -
  • Basic Information: Your character's main ambition is very ambiguous and doesn't lend any direction to the character. Elaborating on this gives the reviewer better insight as to how this character is balanced.
Otherwise, this seems fine. Make this change and tag me when you're ready.
@Valentinian, basic rework of the app. Added to his ambition and fixed up various things to fit his current position in the Wodenstaffs.
Did another rewrite. Will need a new reviewer and an overall review.
  • For your second personality paragraph I want you to expand with a sentence or two what sort of failures he is anxious about. An example, how specific you want it to be I leave to do, but I want to see something. Combat failure, failing as a husband, failing in politics, etc.
Make that single change and tag myself once completed @Timisc
The humanity I was looking for.

Update time
  • Changed skill info
  • Edited life story to coincide
  • Edited talents to coincide
The rest is the same.
  • Make separate talents for each of the skills, banking, statesmanship, then the drixon
  • Add one weakness to balance having three schools
Tag me once completed @Timisc
Your weakness feels more of a personality trait than a true weakness, consider something that Leonzio just isn't good at or something that causes more external issues than personal/domestic ones. Something that can be applicable to aspects of roleplay and how you portray them. I am sure you have noticed some sort of flaw in his character. At the very least you can cite his lack of skill in swordsmanship you mention in the Drixon talent, but I feel you can find something else. @Timisc