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Played Character Leonte Ciolacu

This character is actively played.
Aug 8, 2022
Reaction score
Character Information
Full Name: Leonte Ciolacu
Heritage/Culture: Vlach/Interuneric
Age: 31
Gender/Pronouns: Male
Religion: Worldly Unionist
Occult: N/A
Character Occupation: Knight

Appearance Information:
Leonte is a stocky, rough-looking man with a weathered face, scruffy beard, and sharp eyes that miss little. His hair is dark and untidy, and he favors plain, worn clothes and tattered armor. A metal band made of steel and fool's gold is always seen around his head.

Core Concept:
Leonte holds the classic ideals that a Hedge-Knight should. Prude, direct, and for the people, this Bloodcast is of the commonfolk of Allachia, of Baldmark, and of Regalia.

  • Leonte dislikes most other knights who are not Bloodcast. Leonte is well traveled, and has found that in many places, especially in territories that are not of the Regalian Heartland, tend to have knights overreaching their authority. Leonte has a history of fighting other knights, sometimes in secret. He has stopped un-empathetic Aelriggians from collecting heirlooms, corrupt Viridians heartless to the poor, and murderous Lothar targeting innocents. He will often take the word of commoners more seriously then the word of knights (especially Viridian and Lothar, less of Aelriggians), as a way to give them an access to some authority.

  • Leonte has fought raiders attacking poor Wirtem and Krainivayans in Drixagh, overly-violent purists in Zemlya and Calemburg, Evolists in Baldmark, Vampires in Tirgrunn, and the guards of corrupt nobles in the various nations of Southwynd. He has traveled most of the Regalia's East and Southwynd, speaking with a southern Cearden accent, with a great attachment to Allachia, his birthplace, and Dunden, his adopted home. He will speak of these stories with people who have connection there.

  • Leonte speaks Innoran and Common as his languages, but also passably Kriv, Skodje, Calem, and Hellas. He is passably a separatist, wanting more autonomy for Innorans (among other cultures) over the Regalized ruling class. Leonte is a Unionist, but with a very cynical view of the Empire's inner-systems. Believing those to be first addressed before efforts to unite the world under the Great Way is achieved. He is also, less spiritual and more materialistic (as in invested in material reality), as he is a Jacobin by nature, liking the idea of the senate, but disliking its utilization of the aristocracy, wanting it to be purely a political arm for the lower classes.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Strength
Defense Stat: Constituion
[0/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:

  • Strength: 7 + Ailor Point Buy
    • [Weapon Throw]
    • Technique Parry
    • Concussive Blow
    • Pinning Throw
    • Diving Tackle
    • Knockback Sweep
    • Cheap Shot
    • Bruising Strike
    • Steady Body
  • Constitution: 5
    • Breather
    • [Shield Block]
    • Shield Wall
    • Shield Slam
    • Shield Taunt
    • Shield Phalanx
  • Charisma: 2
    • Saving Presence Pack
    • Fame Presence Pack
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