Preserved Sheet Leonello Dei Olzolli

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Average Dwarf Enjoyer
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor
    Both Parents are full Bloodied Dressolini.
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual.
    Preferred Weapon: Rapier, his first weapon to wield.
Skills Information

  • +20 Thin Blade from points (Dressolini Fencing)
    Ever since being born, Leonello had almost copied his brothers every move. However this time they'd experiment with this child. Making Leonello take double the lessons his brother had.
  • +6 Athletic from points
    Leonello trained harder and faster then his older brother, seeing Salvatore as competition so he'd always push himself to get his father's approval. So when the War came, he was quick on his feet and with a blade.
  • +5 Unarmed Combat
    Many times during battle, Leonello would be disarmed and so would resort to his fists, dirty tactics and using his surroundings. Anything to ensure Leonello would come out of the fight as the Victor.
  • +4 Frontline Combat
    As Leonello was involved in two wars he got use to the thirll of the fight. Sometimes even relishing in the joys of war and even more in the spoils.
  • +10 Musical Arts from Racial Bonus
  • Due to being the son of a Opera lover, his mother thought it was only best for Leonello to practice something that didn't have anything to do with violence.


  • Build: - Muscular 20 Thin Blade + 5 Unarmed + 4 Frontline + (6x2) for agility = 41
  • Body Fat: - Average.


  • Dressolini - Native Tongue, first language.
  • Common - Was taught this language rather early in life via a tutor as his father found it 'useful to know what any man says to you.'
Visual Appearance

  • Eye Colour: Dark Green.
  • Hair Colour: A dark brown with hints of lighter brown.
  • Hair Style: Leonello has short curly Dressolini hair which has been pushed back and upwards, letting a few curls hang just on his forehead.
  • Skin Colour: Leonello's skin colour is just like everyother Dressolini. That rich olive colour.
  • Clothing: Leonello mostly always dressed like he's some sort of Nobility, wearing embroidered jackets with his family's symbol on it, a sword with grapes surrounding the blade. He also wears items of clothing that has dark greens and purples on it. Reminding him of the vineyards back home.

  • Strangers Opinion - It normally depends on what type of Stranger. As if Leonello encounters a women he finds rather attractive he will lay on the full charm. Pushing his accent to it's fullest whilst also acting with Romantic gestures, which could be covering the cost of an item or walking them home. To other's he may seem rather closed off and refined, keeping to himself, family or other Dressolini. But if you do converse with him, depending on your nobility he'll treat you differently. If you are not nobility but have something of use, Leonello will show some pleasantries but only really to get something out of you. If you are Nobility he will treat you with the upmost of respect, learning from time around them in Montania.
  • Interactions with Loved Ones - Leonello is dedicated to his family and his family alone. He will put his own life on the line to keep the family safe, committing crimes to make sure his family will be out of danger. His family was dependent on Loyalty and Leonello had seen what happened to those who betrayed his family's trust and would not want to meet the same fate. But he isn't too afraid to use his good Dressolini looks to get his family in higher up places.
  • Innermost Thoughts - Leonello has trouble controlling his anger. As being brought up to be the more violent of the three brothers, he has to restrain himself when he's confronted with 'No' being an answer. He is proud of his family and his heritage, finding his kind of people to be the best of people. Leonello isn't afraid to get his hands muddy for either family gain or his own beneficial gain. As to get anything like you need to use every aspect of yourself.
  • Morals - Leonello has very loose morals. He isn't too afraid to torture and beat people to get the information or the effect that he wants. As a child he would set fire to Vineyards of other Wine businesses as to destroy the competition. Not even all of his own family is safe as he took great joy in bullying one of his cousins. He never knows when enough is enough as he will go to great lengths to make sure the competition is utterly destroyed.
Back story


- In 271 Leonello dei Olzolli was the third child of Federico and Giorgia. The Wealthy Family known for their prowess in Wine. Leonello was the younger sibling of Salvatore and Antonio. Only having a 9 month gap between him and Salvatore. Meaning that he'd always look up to him.

- Leonello's childhood was a constant competition, with his father almost pitting him against his older brother at every single turn. This caused Leon to be rather violent at a young age, lashing out at anyone who wasn't family. This was much to the amuse to his father.

- The first encounter of his father's true business was when Leonello had just finished his double fencing lessons, the rest of his brothers (Antonio and Salvatore) where off playing. His father brought in the owner of another Vineyard, Leon recognised him from Dinner's his father had planned. But this wasn't for a meal, no. The man was bleeding heavily. Federico spotting that Leon still had his rapier told his son to kill the man. Making him slash the man's neck with his rapier. It was a frightening but eye opening experience.


Leonello was the second youngest out of the three brothers who were sent to sabotage other businesses on their father's orders. Due to his violent past, he was the one to deal with anyone who caught the three when they were either setting things on fire or eliminating the competition.

- It was only when Salvatore took his brother under his wing was when Leonello learnt the full charm and wit of a dei Olzolli. It was during this time Leon learnt more how to control his anger and become more civilised. This didn't last long as the Chrysant War arrived and Leon was eager to sign up.


- After the war, Leon returned home with Salvatore, having enjoyed his stay in the battle. As he was able to let his violent tendencies out in a environment that encouraged it. Much to the amusement of his father and the dismay of his brother, Salvatore.

- Years after the War, Leon was dedicated to help his families business, still working hard at somewhat violent techniques in destroying the opposition. He was also present at his brother's wedding which turned out to be less then successful. But it wasn't long until the War called back for Leonello, with the Ranger Crisis bringing in more Dei Olzolli family.

- Returning from War, Leon had once again returned with pure joy. Having ,once again, relished his time at the battlefield. But Sal was still regretting his time spent in the battle. Deciding to turn to drink and whoring, which Leon found most amusing. Joining his brother in the drink and the women.

- However unluckily for Leon, he had managed to injure himself during his sabotage actions, managing to break his leg. Watching his brother's Salvatore and Alessandro leave to fight the two wars, Leon promised that once he was back to working condition he would make up for it by being the first to sign up in the next war. But when Salvatore and Salvatore alone arrived back home from the second Songaskian War, Leon went silent and lost his love for the war. Staying back home in Montanio until his leg was fully healed.


- Leonello arrived in Regalia to work with his brother in the Wine business, trying to recreate his father's successful business ventures in the city filled with Nobles.
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Hello there, I'm picking this up for staff review! Expect a review shortly.
Hola! Review time!

My Review:

Basic Information

  • Preferred Weapon: Missing this part.
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: You seem to be missing the physical stat equation, please add this.
Personality and Abilities
  • Template: As amazing as this personality section is that you wrote up, an update was implemented not too long ago for the personality section. It is now required that you switch over to the new version for any new applications, you can review these questions here: Character Template.
Other than that, amazing application and very well written! Make these changes and then tag me!
@Simple Enigma
Reminder that you have until 04/15/2019 to complete the updates before the application is rejected. Good luck! @Simple Enigma
This application has been Rejected due to inactivity. You're free to take another swing at it by tagging me and making the edits!

@Simple Enigma